hunter world

Chapter 414

Chapter 414
Chapter 12 Light Wind Considerations
Ye Ci's speed is very fast, but that person's speed is not slow, just when Ye Ci's dagger is pressing towards his roar, that person seems to be inadvertently but easily dodged past, such The way of dodging seems ordinary, but it actually contains great skills.Ye Ci was also slightly stunned because of this dodge. Just this moment, her movements froze, and she was caught by the opponent all of a sudden, her arms twisted behind her back, and her whole body also bent down.

The man then bent down and pressed against her back.He lowered his head and pressed his lips against her ear and sighed softly: "Young master, you are so absent-minded, but you will hang up."

Ye Ci gritted her teeth, she knew it was this guy, she struggled hard, but she didn't expect that Fleeting Year would tie her tightly, and she didn't move at all.She took a deep breath, unexpectedly raised her leg backwards suddenly, hit Liunian hard with her heel, and heard Liunian's muffled snort smoothly, and then he let go of his arm.

Ye Ci then straightened up, turned around and smiled at Liu Nian who was covering his wound with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Little Liu Nian, you are so careless, but you will die."

Like Ye Ci, Liu Nian is also wearing a cloak of secrecy. At this moment, his whole body is wrapped in the cloak so that his face cannot be seen, but the wry smile in his voice can be heard clearly: "I said, you Are you planning to become a widow before you get through the door by being so ruthless?"

These words are too naked, even a cheeky person like Ye Ci felt a little uncomfortable hearing it, she paused slightly, and snorted softly: "Why didn't you say that you came to the door..." But After I said it, I felt that something was even more wrong. Why did I suddenly talk about marriage?What is wrong with this?She didn't have time to think too much, and immediately changed the subject: "Why are you here?"

"Oh, let's join in the fun." Fleeting Nian was not at all unhappy about Ye Ci's sudden change of subject. Anyway, he had already heard the sentence he wanted to hear the most. Although Ye Ci said it unconsciously, but this trip With this sentence, it is equivalent to not coming in vain.

Fleeting Year's answer really left Ye Ci speechless, and she twitched the corners of her mouth a few times: "You came from the Western Continent just to join in the excitement of our fight with Shengshi?" No matter how it sounds, it feels unrealistic.

"By the way, check to see if the elite team lent to you is doing serious work." Liu Nian bent down and whispered in Ye Ci's ear, "Or, the answer you want to hear is that I came to see you of?"

The corners of Ye Ci's mouth trembled even more. Although this person is indeed his boyfriend in terms of identity, why does Ye Ci feel that this person is always so worthy of beating?She raised one hand, pushed Fleeting Nian away from her side, and after exhaling a long breath, said: "Do you think it's appropriate for us to chat in the prosperous world now? I came here to sneak attack .”

"Oh oh oh. That's it." Liu Nian nodded, but his voice was extremely relaxed, but such ease made Ye Ci knock him unconscious with a fist.The next moment, Liu Nian stretched out his hand, grabbed Ye Ci's wrist, and rushed towards the dense crowd.While running, he asked, "How many priests of the prosperous age have you killed?"

Ye Ci looked at his name, which was still so red that it was black, and replied calmly: "Who knows, there are quite a few anyway."

"Not a lot, I think."

"Huh?" Ye Ci raised his eyebrows, and gave Fleeting Year a strange look.

Fleeting Nian seemed to feel the strangeness of Ye Ci, so he said: "On the way here, I saw a lot of wandering thieves checking the perimeter of the priest group's defense one by one. Judging from that number, Qingfeng should not stop until he kills you. of."

Ye Ci didn't care about it, she laughed a few times: "Why don't you sound like you're not worried at all, after all, I'm your girlfriend too."

"I want to worry, but you never gave me this chance." Liu Nian said, but there was a bit of a sigh in his voice.But he quickly changed the subject, and said to Ye Ci: "Let's play a game and see who can kill the most priests in 10 minutes?"

"No problem." Ye Ci nodded, and then the two quickly separated, rushing towards two completely different directions.

While killing the priests of Shengshi non-stop, Ye Ci suddenly thought that the way they get along is a bit strange.Maybe they are a couple, but how come the way they get along is different from the way couples in movies on TV get along?Together they seem to be always a competition, always a competition, and no one will obey the other.Sometimes Ye Ci couldn't help thinking, can she and Liu Nian get along like ordinary couples?Like going to see a scenery, like doing something... well, well, she couldn't imagine what else she and Fleeting Nian could do besides fighting.However, this seems to be fine.

If it is said that a leaf word has already caused Qingfeng to be devastated.Then the addition of a fleeting year really made Qingfeng extremely angry.Of course he knows that another person has joined, and this person must be a fleeting time, but what's the use of knowing?He couldn't catch these two people, and if he couldn't catch them, it would be nothing.

After hearing the pastor's damage report again, Qingfeng slammed his fist on the chariot in front of him, and took a deep breath.Sure enough, the difference between advanced players and top players is not 01:30 points.He should have imagined that these two people would be able to retreat from a dozen assassination groups alone, and they would be even more comfortable in this kind of melee.

Although very unwilling, Qingfeng had to admit that with the current strength of their prosperous players, no one could surpass Gongzi You or Fleeting Years.Although Tiantian's scale is not worth mentioning compared to Shengshilai, it is not easy to deal with this kind of guild with top players.Qingfeng sighed, and began to think about whether his current strategy was right?

As if unconsciously, he walked into a dead end.

All because of that mithril vein.Although the advantage of Mithril is only reflected in magic defense now, according to Qingfeng's strategic point of view, this Mithril is definitely not just as simple as a Mithril shirt. The higher the requirements for magic defense, the more demand for Mithril.So, what if mithril could be used to craft weapons?What kind of effect would that be?Qingfeng felt that he could no longer imagine.

Therefore, if Prosperous Age wants to dominate the destiny, not only the number of people must increase, but the economy must increase, and more importantly, there must be resources to suppress the lifeline of the entire game.Before there are no more important resources, the Mithril vein is obviously the most important lifeline resource for Destiny in the future.Shengshi has sent a large number of scouts to inquire about the mithril veins on the Majia continent, but so far, apart from the four known mithril veins, no other mithril veins have been found.

To be honest, Shengshi didn't want to make life difficult for Tiantian. Let's not say that this guild has such a difficult bone as Young Master You. The equipment of this guild is considered the best among all the guilds in the Eastern Continent. After all, they push dungeons too fast. Soon, it seems like a god's help.This is even more powerful than other large guilds. Their strategies for overthrowing dungeons are almost hard to find in the Eastern Continent. With such a strong dungeon implementation speed, the equipment of their entire guild has always been in the top state of the Eastern Continent. If it weren't for them The number of people is still relatively small, and it will be a headache.

However, Prosperity is bound to win the mithril veins, but at this stage only four mithril veins have been discovered. Except for the one on the southern continent which is locked by the mission lock, the other three are occupied by guilds.According to the strength of the guild, although Tiantianxiang has various advantages, compared with Genesis and Xingchen, they are still the weakest guild. There is Young Master You, these three guilds all have a top player, since all of them are tough, as long as they are people, they will choose the one that is relatively less tough, that is, Tiantian Upward.

Therefore, Shengshi's repeated attacks on Tiantianshang did not mean that this guild can't get along with it, but, in the face of interests, a lot of hatred has arisen for no reason.

However, at this moment, Qingfeng suddenly felt that he had chosen the wrong direction. He had suffered a few times from Tiantianxiang. Did he despise this medium-sized guild too much?Perhaps a different target would be better?

However, no matter what Qingfeng thinks now, this battle must be finished.He raised his head and looked at the players who were fighting together in the distance, and sighed. If he continued to fight like this, Tian Tian Shang would not be able to hold on sooner or later. After all, they were too disadvantaged in terms of numbers.However, even if it lasted until that moment, how many priests in the guild would die?How many levels does it take to drop one level at a time?If the level of the priest is too low, especially if the main priest of each team is too low, it will definitely be more difficult to enter the dungeon. Once the difficulty of the dungeon increases, it will make their lagging progress lag behind even more. Isn't this the same as Has the distance between the big guilds in front widened?
After thinking about it, Qingfeng feels that if the fight continues like this, even if his side wins in the end, in terms of long-term interests, he will still be the one that suffers.And Qingfeng was the one who was the least willing to suffer, so he took a deep breath: "Send the order and retreat completely."

Lu Weidang was a little surprised. Although there were a lot of casualties among the priests of the guild, overall, the victory of the prosperous age was in sight. Wouldn't it be too bad to retreat at this time? "President, retreat now! Isn't this giving them victory?"

Qingfeng glanced at Lu Weidang, turned and left, his cloak was blown by the wind, and his calm voice came from the wind: "The win or loss in front of me is just a small profit, what I want is the final victory."

(End of this chapter)

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