Chapter 669

Bingci was silent, maybe she never thought about reuniting with her old friend.

Seeing her like this, Yura also understood, and said with a relieved smile: "If you stay for someone, it's not you. People like you are undefined wind."

After Han Wu and the others settled down, Yu La and Bing Ci had a chance to talk alone.

"What are you going to do, Blood Eater?"

"Disband," Bing Ci said without a trace of emotion.

Yura looked at her side face for a long time unable to regain consciousness.The boy as bright as the moon has grown up and exudes a more dazzling light.

Suddenly her wrists were held by a pair of warm and strong hands, it was Bing Ci, who held her in time to prevent her from being hurt by rose thorns.

After Yura regained consciousness, Bingci also let go of her hand, keeping a certain distance between each other.

"I planted all the roses in this manor with my own hands. Back then, you captured my heart with roses."

"Isn't it terrible to be missed by a sister who is four years older than you?"

"No, I was taken care of by you at that time." Bingci said solemnly

"Puchi, it's obvious that you are taking care of me and protecting me." Yula smiled, and couldn't help but want to see her seriously.

"Do you know what the last thing I want to steal is?" Bingci was not good at words, so Yula was always looking for topics.

"What?" Bingci also looked puzzled.

"Your heart," Yura said, and ran to the front, plucked a rose, and sniffed it on the tip of her nose.

Then he said: "I have always been brooding about our first meeting. For a thief, is it a shame to miss it, and he still looks so embarrassed."

"Let you see my body covered with scars..."

Han Wu who eavesdropped on this had completely lost his patience, and returned to the room with a gloomy face.

Just after he left, the two people in the flower hall looked at each other tacitly, and went straight to the topic.

You La said with a solemn expression: "A large number of missing persons have been found in the territory under our jurisdiction. After investigation, it was found that most of them were women, and the average age was over 30 years old."

"In addition, there are rumors that the customs of country M found a large number of human hair."

"But this matter has been involved by a mysterious force. They stored all the information in an archive that I have never heard of. My technology is limited and I cannot overcome the defense system of the archive."

"It's JOE, the intelligence organization of the International Alliance. This is not something we can interfere with. Our people continue to investigate and search for missing persons. After the matter is over, we will gather everyone and announce the disbandment." Bing Ci is serious and indifferent.

"Iss, I don't want to disband, this is the only thing I can do with you." Yu La looked at Bingci with fiery eyes, and the deep affection in her eyes was unavoidable.

"You said that I should be an undefined wind, so what I want to say is that you should also be an undefined black rose. Your enthusiasm and mystery once left an indelible mark on the hearts of the world." Bingci said word by word.

"In this case, why do you turn a blind eye to me?" Yula looked at Bingci with tears in her eyes.

"You saved me and even looked at my body. Let's build blood food together, play games in the world together, punish evil and promote good together..."

"You see more clearly than anyone else, but you still do what you think is right without hesitation; in order to keep an inviolable heart, even if the price is to pay your own life time and time again."

"You said; 'I have seen too many life and death, so all I did was to fight against the force majeure of the world, and to seek a chance for the world to transition from life to death naturally'."

"I'll never meet someone like you again, and I know you won't stop, so please leave your blood and leave a trace of your memory for the land of country M."

"Not for me, but also for those who have fought with us..."

(End of this chapter)

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