Chapter 670
Ever since he overheard the conversation between Bing Ci and Yu La that night, Han Wu had a bitter and bitter face all day long.

And because of the disappearance of persons in the jurisdiction, Bingci had no time to take care of him, and led the members of the organization to dispatch.

"Floating body found in Gulf of California."

"Dark sea fishermen salvaged countless female corpses."

"The dead body was found under the cabin of the dark sea pier."


The signal lights in the base laboratory kept blinking, and Bingci looked at the computer page and fell into deep thought.

"The order continues, and the hall masters in each area step up the counting of the number of people to find out the identity of the victims."

"Notify the ambulance team to accompany them, find out the cause of death of the victim, and carry out quarantine."

"The technical team is on standby at any time and will fight hard tonight."

After Bingci gave the order, he left the base and drove an Augusta motorcycle from the garage, with the upper half of his face covered by a black mask.

On the night of country M, bats circled under retro street lamps, motorcycles sped past, and the sound of brakes frightened bats flying all the way.

Facing the top of the Halloween Clock Tower in the capital, Bing Ci opened his notebook, and soon, a partial map of country M centered on the head of state appeared on the computer.

Bingci's fingers were flying fast, his eyes were fixed on the screen without blinking, and finally successfully locked on a place.

The wind on the top of the building messed with her short white hair, and the golden sea was under her feet. Bing Ci stood on the edge with her arms outstretched, and took advantage of the wind to jump down from the tall building to fly in a wing suit.

The resistance in the air slowed down her descent, Bingci swung her body to control the direction and speed of her flight, and her body quickly passed through high-altitude buildings.

Those who were still working in the building only saw a black shadow passing by, thinking that they had worked too much overtime and had hallucinations.

The wingsuit was flying very fast and was about to reach the destination. Only then did Bing Ci slowly open the parachute and land on the roof of the M country agency building smoothly.

Time was running out, so she hurriedly disassembled the parts on her body to form a computer, and quickly tapped her fingers on the laser projection keyboard.

In less than 5 minutes, all the computers covering the center of the office building were used by her.

There's a different dense stream of code going on everyone's computer that can't be stopped.

Major Internet companies organize technical personnel to check the network, and hackers lurking in the land of M country continue to emerge and attack Bingci.

The largest computer anti-virus company in country M has no choice but to announce that this is an attack from the world's top hackers. This scene is exactly the same as the "global hacker theft" incident that happened six years ago. They have hired world-class hackers to arrest the other party. , and at the same time ask the JOE organization for help.

As soon as this news came out, the whole country was in an uproar. The hacker theft around the world six years ago was repeated six years later, and the country M was the most severely invaded country.

This hacker invaded the military bases of various countries and collected military intelligence wantonly, causing panic in various countries, but finally disappeared.

Behavior is like stealing, which makes him one of the world's top ten thieves in the new century. It is rumored that this hacker not only steals military information, but also steals the hearts of boys and girls, hence his name--Heart Thief.

"Boss, I found it. It's on top of us." Carlo, one of the members of the JOE organization and the leader of the technical project team, reported to the man beside him in disbelief.

"Pass down the order and go all out to hunt down the thief." The man's tone was not too emotional, and he strode away.

On the roof of the office building, Bing Ci looked at the progress bar on the computer screen with a calm expression.Even if the footsteps are approaching.

Just when the people organized by JOE were about to come out of the exit, the progress bar on the computer just finished loading.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Bingci pulled out the USB flash drive, pressed the button on the upper wingsuit of the combat uniform, ran to the edge of the building and jumped down.

The members of the JOE organization who came only captured the ends of her hair.

(End of this chapter)

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