Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 517 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea

Chapter 517 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea (8)

Hearing this, Yu Shu basically guessed that this is a detective dungeon to investigate the murderer who killed the bride. She clicked on the mission of the dungeon, and it really was this mission.

Song Zhi, who was very close to Yu Shu, frowned slightly when he saw that she was only looking at the task now, and the idea of ​​changing a game partner became stronger and stronger.

After the players finished speaking, Song Zhi tapped the stone table twice and said.

"Now Yu Ruiguang is one of the suspects who killed the bride. The first thing to do is to find him."

Song Zhi found out that the groom Yu Ruiguang, one of the parties involved in the marriage, was nowhere to be seen, so he searched around the village, paying attention to Yu Ruiguang, a suspect who disappeared voluntarily or passively.

"If Mingyue Taojiao is right, Yu Ruiguang will come and steal the mirror. As long as you pay more attention to the situation of Miao's family and stare at the mirror, Yu Ruiguang will always appear."

After he finished speaking, he asked several players to divide into two groups, one group went to the place where the bride was buried, and the other group went to Miao's house to keep an eye on, to see if anyone came to steal the golden mirror.

Qin Yu, who drooped his head, heard that they were going to be divided into groups, and immediately raised his hands, his dog eyes sparkling.

"I want to team up with Mingyue Taojiao."

Song Zhi glanced at him, asked the other two players to go to Miao's house together, and then took Yu Shu and Qin Yu to the place where the bride was buried.

I don't know if it's because of the different funeral customs in this village or the game's special settings. Miao Xiaoling was buried on the day of her death. No one thought it was strange. After the paper money, the coffin was buried. After the paper money was burned out and some funeral items were left, he helped the woman and walked back.

"Why does it feel like you are in a rush to be buried?" Qin Yu said with a pair of clear eyes.

Song Zhi paused, his eyes fell on the pile of newly covered soil, and he spoke.

"See if there are props such as shovels and hoes in your game backpack."

Talking about a shovel in front of a grave, Qin Yu's expression was indescribable, but when Song Zhi looked over, he immediately straightened his back and took out a shovel from his backpack.

"It happened that there was a task of digging potatoes before, and a shovel was refreshed."

Yu Shu also nodded when she met Song Zhi's gaze, raised her finger and tapped twice on the game panel, and a shovel was in her hand.

After having the props, the two of them, who fully understood Song Zhi's meaning, thought to themselves that this was a game, and began to poke their graves.

Yu Shu shoveled a few shovels of soil and felt a burning pain in her palm. She let go of the shovel and looked down at her hand. Sure enough, the palm had been rubbed badly red by the rough handle.

She was surprised for a moment, Yu Shu really didn't expect this holographic game to be so restored, it was like recreating her real self into the game one by one.

Song Zhi, who was about to take out the props, saw Yu Shu's red palm, and saw that the palm was about to be worn out, and was secretly surprised that this hand seemed to be stronger than the goddess npc modeled in the game. Much more delicate.

After all, no matter how delicate those npc settings are, they will not move the shovel a few times, and their palms will be worn out.

Song Zhi sighed inwardly, thinking it would be better for him to find a man to play with next time.

He doesn't have so much time to protect such a girl who is weaker than an npc and will get hurt if she is not careful in the game.

"Give me the shovel." Song Zhi walked up to Yu Shu and held out his hand.

Yu Shu supported the shovel in doubt, "Don't you have one?"

This seemed to say that he was grabbing the shovel, which made Song Zhi silent for a second, and then he grabbed Yu Shu's shovel before Qin Yu enthusiastically handed it over.


As soon as the words came out, Yu Shu, who didn't want to torment her body, immediately gave up the shovel.

(End of this chapter)

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