Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 518 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea

Ten minutes later, Song Zhi and Qin Yu lifted the coffin boards, and the heavy boards fell to the ground, stirring up a lot of dust.

When the dust dispersed, Yu Shu walked over to see that Miao Xiaoling, who was lying in the coffin, had been replaced by a new set of brightly colored dresses and gold hairpins. Picked it off too, and now pinned in her hair is the wooden hairpin that Yu Shu saw in the bride's boudoir.

Even the things that were placed beside Miao Xiaoling and buried with her were things like a broken comb. The only thing worth a little money was the new clothes that Miao Xiaoling was wearing.

Yu Shu's eyes froze.

Even if this village has other funeral customs, isn't this too crude?Miao Xiaoling's biological mother let these things be buried with her daughter?

Song Zhi didn't show any strange expression.

"At the Miao family, the funeral master in the village said that Miao Xiaoling was murdered on such a happy day as her marriage, and there was a great injustice."

"If this kind of ghost from a newly married woman is buried in a wedding dress, she will be full of resentment. If she doesn't change the wedding dress and hold the simplest funeral, Miao Xiaoling will turn into a ghost in the future, and I'm afraid it will harm everyone in the village. , Even Mother Miao will not let it go."

Qin Yu clicked his tongue when he heard this, "So just because outsiders don't know if it's nonsense, I just put on a new set of clothes for my daughter, took off all the valuable things on her body, and sent her to a simple burial like this? Miao Xiao Is Ling still her own daughter?"

Although this reason sounds reasonable, at most it is that Mother Miao is a partial believer in metaphysics, and after Miao Xiaoling's death, Mother Miao really cried very sadly, and even passed out from crying.

It is difficult for such a mother to doubt her grief at the death of her daughter.

But even so, for some reason, Yu Shu still felt a strange sense of dissonance.

She looked at Miao Xiaoling who was quietly lying in the coffin without a single scar on her body, as if she was simply sleeping in it, experiencing the funeral process, her eyes moved, and finally found something wrong.

"Miao Xiaoling didn't have any wounds on her body, and there was no evidence in her boudoir that anyone else was there before she died. Why does everyone think that Miao Xiaoling was killed by someone else?"

After Song Zhi listened, he carefully looked at several places that would cause death, and found that there were no wounds or traces of skin being bruised.

From the game backpack, he took out a prop that looked like a thermometer in the ancient human era, opened Miao Xiaoling's mouth, and put the tip of the prop on her tongue.

The tongue was a natural color and there was nothing wrong with it.

But at this time, the props made a beeping sound. Song Zhi put the props back into his backpack, stood up and said to Yu Shu and Qin Yu.

"Miao Xiaoling was planted with a kind of snake venom and died, and there were traces of shredded meat in the gaps between her teeth. Miao Xiaoling must have eaten a poisonous snake with poisonous internal organs a few hours ago."

Qin Yu was confused again when he heard this, "Could it be that Miao Xiaoling accidentally ate a poisonous snake and killed herself?"

"No, there are dried mushrooms, snake skin and snake gall in the Miao family's kitchen, as well as a lot of wild vegetables and wild eggs, which proves that Miao Xiaoling often goes to the mountains and knows that snakes are poisonous. Poisonous snake meat." Song Zhi said with determination on his face.

Qin Yu said oh, with a look of being educated.

Song Zhi looked at Yan Yushu inexplicably at this time, "Do you have anything to say?"

It was only through Yu Shu that she found out about Miao Xiaoling's strange Song Zhi. Even though she had the idea of ​​changing to a male game partner, she had to admit that girls were more delicate and could discover some subtle information.

If Yu Shu didn't have the coquettish, sloppy nature of always needing someone to take care of her, she would even forget to check the task panel immediately after entering the dungeon, she would be a very suitable teammate.

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