Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 542 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea

After the suspension car stopped, Huo Hanzhou understood that Yu Shu was anxious to know her current level of mental power, and without any polite introduction, she took people directly to the machine for testing mental power.

"Just sit there." Huo Hanzhou pointed to the chair in front of the machine and said.

Yu Shu stood over, and he put something that looked like a helmet on Yu Shu carefully, then turned on the machine for testing.

The moment the machine was running, Yu Shu felt a slight tingling sensation in her head, but the tingling sensation quickly disappeared, and Huo Hanzhou's voice also sounded in her ears.


Huo Hanzhou took off Yu Shu's helmet and led her to look at the data on the machine.

After a large number of internal calculations, the data board stops at a data.

"I have 3S mental strength?" Seeing this string of data, Yu Shu thought that she had read it wrong, and looked at Huo Hanzhou, waiting for him to speak.

"Congratulations, the second SSS-level spiritual power user in the empire." Huo Hanzhou stretched out his bony hand and said congratulatoryly.

Yu Shu shakes hands with the man in a daze, but still doubts that the original owner's E-level spiritual power is an important character setting, and the plot is also driven by this, leading her to go on the road of cheating on the Internet.

So why did this key setting change?
System 199 comforted Yu Shu: [The host doesn't have to worry, the fast travel bureau sent a message. This is because the host has traveled through several worlds, and the spiritual power of the soul has improved, which will not affect the mission. 】

After listening to the system, Yu Shu felt at ease. As long as she didn't delay the task, she certainly hoped that her mental strength would be higher.

"Thank you for bringing me here to test your mental power. When I learn how to use mental power to appease your mental domain, I will treat you for you." Yu Shu promised Huo Hanzhou with her small face raised.

Looking at Yu Shu who was wearing a mask but still couldn't hide the girl's agility, Huo Hanzhou said yes with a smile, and then stretched out his hand again.

"Huo Hanzhou, the commander of the fallen empire."

This is to introduce myself.

Yu Shu also put her hand on the man's dry palm in response to the occasion.

"Yu Shu, the future excellent guide master of the empire?"

Her words made Huo Hanzhou's smile deepen.

"What does Shushu like to eat? I'll ask someone to prepare it."

The man looked at Yu Shu with gentle eyes, his complexion was calm, nothing unusual, but the tips of his ears hidden under his black hair were in contrast, so red that he could almost bleed.

That's what Catnip calls her, and Yu Shu just glanced sideways, without any other emotions, but the housekeeper who came up to meet him saw Huo Hanzhou's strangeness at a glance, and looked at the two of them with kind smiles on his face.

There is a chef in the villa, one of the rare chefs in the empire who has inherited a lot of dishes, but when Yu Shu really eats the dishes, she still tastes different from the modern world.

But being able to eat such food in Interstellar, which lacks gourmet culture, also makes Yu Shu satisfied. After all, although the dishes made by the robot at home are well controlled, they can only cook about ten dishes, so I still add the above. On the basis of buns.

After eating, Yu Shu put on the mask again, and Huo Hanzhou also came down from upstairs just after eating.

Huo Hanzhou seemed to have guessed that she had to cover her face in front of people, so when she was eating, she also took the initiative to say that she had something to discuss with people, and sent the housekeeper and others away. He took the food and went to the study upstairs to wait for Yu Shu Put on the mask again to show up.

"How's the food? Is it to your taste?" Huo Hanzhou poured Yu Shu a glass of water and asked her.

"Yes, it would be better if it was improved."

Yu Shu talked about what kinds of peppers are needed for some dishes, and some more detailed steps such as some tips for removing the smell of food.

She didn't have a talent for cooking, she had a good memory, and she had read some recipes, so it wasn't a problem at all to memorize them.

Huo Hanzhou carefully noted that he didn't ask the chef to come and listen directly. No matter what he thought, it was Yu Shu's first visit to the villa. In the eyes of the housekeeper and others, Yu Shu was the guest.

If the guests make comments on the food, it is inevitable that they will make a few words in their hearts.

Although this is a trivial matter, Huo Hanzhou doesn't want this kind of thing to happen, so it's only appropriate for him, the master, to say these things.

After Yu Shu finished talking about some cooking tips that she remembered, Huo Hanzhou didn't forget what she said that she wanted to learn how to use mental power to heal the spiritual domain, so he looked at Yu Shu and asked.

"Does Shushu want to study in the First Academy?"

The First Academy is the best school for cultivating outstanding soldiers and guides in the interstellar world. If Yu Shu wants to go, with Yu Shu’s 3S level mental power, even without his help, as long as Yu Shu tells her mental power level, the first As soon as she gets into the academy, she will immediately come to her home to invite Yu Shu to attend the school.

"Think about it, I plan to enroll in the First Academy soon." Yu Shu, who wanted to take off the stuffy masks and masks, said with bright eyes.

In Huo Hanzhou's eyes, he thought that Yu Shu was looking forward to studying in the First Academy, and his brows and eyes relaxed following her.

Yu Shu didn't ask him to help, so Huo Hanzhou rested his mind, but when he was about to go back, he personally sent him to the gate of the community.

"Then I'll go in, call me if you want to play a game."

Yu Shu waved to Huo Hanzhou in the hover car, behind him was the setting sun.

She was wearing a cardigan and a skirt that was bare to the feet, with long hair draped over her shoulders, and her eyes above the mask were bent, with a gentle healing aura that made people feel soft when they saw it.

Yu Shu didn't see that the man's eyes were too dark, so she said goodbye to him and went home.

After going to wash up, she put on soft pajamas. Seeing the invitation from Song Zhi, she thought that the live broadcast today was not long enough, so she opened the live broadcast room.

After greeting the water friend, his consciousness was pulled into the holographic game, and Song Zhi chose the dungeon game.

After playing it a few times, Yu Shu also understood that the dungeon game is very similar to the script killing in the modern world, but the form has changed, and the scenes and NPCs are more realistic, making it easier for players to get involved in the game.

Looking at the maid's clothes that were automatically changed, Yu Shu put the tray on the stone table with her hand, touched her face, the airtightness was very good, so good that after staying for a while, the wet mask on her face became stuffy, feeling depressed .

She just took off her mask and put it on again. Her face is going to suffer a lot in this world.

Yu Shu really wanted to take off the mask to breathe while there was no one around, but when she realized that the live broadcast room was still open, she immediately put her hands down, gave up this idea, and went to watch the dungeon introduction on the game panel.

"Tao Jiao." Just after reading the introduction, Song Zhi's voice came from not far away.

Seeing that he was wearing a wedding dress, Yu Shu looked at the two teacups on the tray with the word "Happy" printed on it, not knowing what expression to show at this time.

According to the introduction in the copy, the one who got married today is the "Second Miss" from Wang Yuan's family's house. I don't know if this "Second Miss" is lucky or unlucky. Half a year ago, I went on a trip to the countryside with my brother and started hunting in the mountains. At that time, I happened to meet a few wild boars.

The elder brother of "Second Miss" died under the hooves of wild boars, and "Second Miss" herself fell down a hillside because of escape, and hit her head on a rock, and was rescued by a doctor. Wang Yuanwai's family had not had time to be happy.

It was discovered that the "Second Miss" had a problem with her brain being knocked out by a stone. She even snatched her sister-in-law's rouge and put it on her face, and even stole her sister-in-law's dress to wear. Don't let go, saying that you want to sleep with the other party.

Seeing these strange behaviors, Wang Yuanwai and his wife almost fainted.

One son is gone, and now the other son has become like this ghost, how can Wang Yuanwai and his wife be kept from getting anxious.

That's right, the so-called second lady is a man!
Later, a doctor made a diagnosis, saying that "Second Miss" had broken her brain and had a confused gender perception. She thought that she and her sister-in-law were both women, so they would have strange behaviors such as putting on rouge and wearing dresses. After he slowly woke up.

When the "Second Miss" proposed the idea of ​​getting married, it was only after the doctor's persuasion that she agreed to find a son-in-law for her with difficulty.

And looking at Song Zhi's festive bright red robe, it can be seen that this son-in-law is undoubtedly Song Zhi.

Seeing that Yu Shu's eyes were bent into a beautiful crescent shape, Song Zhi gave up, stroked his sleeves with a wry smile and said.

"Laugh if you want to, don't hold back."

As soon as his words fell, a series of laughter rang in his ears.

Although he was the one laughing, for no reason, the corners of Song Zhi's mouth slightly curved up when he heard the ear-burning laughter.

After the two laughed, Song Zhi and Yu Shu arrived at the hall one after the other when it was about to be the auspicious time for worship.

Song Zhi held back his discomfort and stood next to the "Second Miss", who was dressed in an abstract way, while Yu Shu waited aside with a teacup, waiting for the two of them to offer tea.

However, it was also Song Zhi who calculated the time, and before Song Zhi and the "Second Miss" came to salute, a maid hurriedly ran up, her face full of panic.

"Young Madam, she hanged herself!"

The servant girl's words were like a thunderbolt on the ground, and the heads of the people in the hall were stunned. Wang Yuanwai and his wife even lost their strength and almost knocked off their chairs.

Seeing the disfigured youngest son in front of him still acting like a fool who wants to marry someone, and there is no one else in the family except them, the two of them could only grit their teeth and call for the servant girl to help him stand up, and hurried away Daughter-in-law's yard.

"I'm going too, I'm going too."

The second young master, who was mentally ill, saw his parents running outside. Maybe he thought there was something funny, so he chased after them with a silly smile.

After a while, everyone except them was gone. Yu Shu put the tray on the table and turned to Song Zhi and asked.

"Our task is to find out the reason why the eldest young lady committed suicide, and follow up to see?"

Song Zhi asked Yu Shu to wait, and entered a random room, and when she came out a minute later, the wedding dress was gone, but a blue long gown.

"Don't go to the young lady's courtyard first, go to her dowry maid first." Song Zhi said.

Yu Shu had no objection, the two looked at each other, and walked towards the back door of the palace together.

Just now, the maid who reported that the Young Madam committed suicide is the dowry maid they are looking for.

When she came in, she was not in the right state, as if she was afraid of someone in the hall, her body was shaking, and there was obvious fear in her eyes, but at that time everyone focused on the suicide of the eldest young lady, Didn't notice.

But maybe if you noticed it, you would only think that this servant girl was frightened like that because she saw the eldest young lady committing suicide.

But Yu Shu had seen her character introduction, a woman who wanted to climb onto the master's bed in vain, to be the roommate of the eldest and young master, and to be a sister with the eldest and young wife.

How could such a person be so frightened by the death of the eldest young lady.

This is an ordinary dungeon. On the way to the back door, Yu Shu thought about it combined with the modern script, and went in the direction of dog blood, focusing on the seemingly most harmless people.

When a name flashed across her mind, Yu Shu tentatively entered a name on the game panel.


Seeing these two words, Yu Shu summed up a truth, no matter how far technology has developed, human beings always have a place for dog blood stories.

"The reason why the eldest young lady committed suicide was the second young master who pretended to be crazy and foolish, so do we still have to find that dowry maid?"

The task ended too quickly, and Yu Shu was worried that Song Zhi would feel that he had no sense of experience, so she asked this question.

Song Zhi Moran, who almost paid homage to the second young master, this experience is too satisfying.

But this is Song Zhi's job, no matter how uncomfortable he feels, he still has to go through the entire dungeon to see if there are any bugs.

"Go." Song Zhi spit out two words.

When he walked to the back door, seeing that the maid was indeed carrying a bundle and wanted to run away, Song Zhi grabbed the bundle and pulled her back, and looked at the valuable jewelry and some silver notes in the bundle.

With a face that couldn't be more gentle, holding down the servant girl, she snatched the bundle and threw it towards Yu Shu.

Yu Shu looked at the gold, silver, jade and jade exposed in a corner of the baggage, and then looked at the maid with an ashen face. She thought that even though she packed it up so quickly, there were still valuable things in the baggage, none of which were clothes. It seemed that this maid was in the big house. Before the young lady committed suicide, she had the idea of ​​​​running away.

After Song Zhi questioned the servant girl, it was indeed as Yu Shu thought that the servant girl wanted to leave the Wang family after the young master passed away, and since then she has also started stealing the young lady's jewelry and hiding them.

At that time, the eldest young lady was in the pain of losing her husband, and she was sad and sad. How could she find a few missing pieces among the many jewelry.

Song Zhi then asked the servant girl why she left the Wang family. At first, the servant girl just said that she missed the young master, and she wanted to leave after the young master died.

It wasn't until Song Zhi said the name of the second young master who was pretending to be crazy, and under the pressure of a knife, the maid finally revealed the real reason.

It turns out that the first young lady is a rare beauty here, and the second young master liked her before she married her elder brother. Later, he saw with his own eyes that his elder brother married the woman he loved. after something irreversible.

I simply want to do nothing but lure my brother to the mountains in the countryside and let him have an accident. When the time comes, he won't be able to do whatever he wants without me.

The following things also went as the second young master expected, but he didn't expect that the young lady hated him very much.

In order to realize what he wanted in his heart, the second young master could bear it, and bribed the doctor to say that after his brain was broken, he went to find someone openly by virtue of his brain defect.

In the end, a woman was forced to use a white silk to preserve her reputation.

After hearing this, Song Zhi's face turned black and black, and there was a strong sense of disgust in his eyes.

When Yu Shu saw him, she had read too few bloody stories. If she read more, she would be able to guess the ending of the second half after seeing the beginning of the story.

When Song Zhi got better, the two went to the yard of the first young lady. When they found some things that the second young master deliberately left behind, Yu Shu also felt sick.

The two of them released the dungeon, and Yu Shu discussed with the water friends about the dog blood dungeon for about half an hour. Seeing that the time was almost up, she said goodbye to them.

Yu Shu poured water and drank it. Thinking that she and Song Zhi were not ejected after this mission was completed, and thinking about the fact that Song Zhi was able to help the heroine get her four fish in the plot, she probably guessed Song Zhi's identity .

No wonder the game entered is very single, so it turns out that the person who designed the game is checking for bugs in the game?
Yu Shu thought about it, guessing that Song Zhihui might be so disgusted that he wouldn't go online for several days after this dungeon.

She thought about her plan to enroll in the First Academy, and sent a message to the three fishes except Huo Hanzhou, and Qin Yu, that she might not have time to go online recently, and she will tell them that she can take orders to play with them later.

Song Zhi, who was offline not long ago, was the first to get back the news.

[Are you going to the First Academy to enroll? 】

Song Zhi's words made Yu Shu pause for a moment, and then she was not surprised when she thought that only the first college in the empire had recruited students recently.

Yu Shu returned the message truthfully, and Song Zhi over there quickly sent a message.

[I have a friend who is in the First College. She is also a girl. If you need anything, you can go to her, or can I send you to the First College? 】

Now the hostess is the most suspicious of her, and when she wants to find evidence of her online deception, Yu Shu doesn't want to go to school, and her bad mood is even worse.

【No, someone will take me there. 】

Catnip is so big, how can it be left unused?Even the smell of catnip can make her feel much better. (end of this chapter)

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