Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 543 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea

In the few days before the First Academy, Yu Shu didn't go online to play games, and was fully prepared for the First Academy's test.

After a few days of cramming and passing the written test set up by the school in the holographic examination room, she was relieved and uploaded the mental strength test report to the school's website. As expected, she received a call from the school within a few minutes, welcoming her to enroll. And he even enthusiastically wanted to pick her up.

Yu Shu looked at the message from Huo Hanzhou on the optical brain that wanted to send her to school, and politely rejected the teacher's enthusiastic proposal.

On the day when the freshmen of the First Academy entered, the atmosphere in the school was very different. Even the principal who didn't show up came, discussing with other teachers excitedly what new students to welcome.

After Yuanhua returned to school after treating a mentally violent person, she heard Xiao Xingjue say that a rare 3S spiritual guide was going to enroll today, and the principal was alerted to come to the school.

Since enrolling in school, Yuanhua, who has enjoyed various invisible benefits from the school and the empire because of her S-level spiritual power, heard that a new student with 3S spiritual power and who was also a guide with her would come to the First Academy. The smile gradually became stiff.

Yuan Hua, who was born poor, is used to planning for the future. She understands how much impact such a person will have on her.

The closest thing is the treatment in the school, and the adoration of the students, and the farthest is her status in the empire, and her status in the royal family may drop a lot.

In particular, Yuanhua glanced at Xiao Xingjue, who was really happy to have a 3S-level guide, and pursed her lips.

Xiao Xingjue never thought about how much of a threat to her would the arrival of such a person with mental strength two levels higher than hers have?
Seeing the disappointment on Yuan Hua's face, Mu Xi patted Xiao Xingjue's shoulder and said.

"That freshman doesn't know what kind of person he is. In case he is a guy who is arrogant and arrogant because of his mental power level, this 3S level ability will not heal us in the spiritual domain. It's better for Yuan Hua, our spiritual power When Yu Yi feels unwell, she is more anxious to get treatment than anyone else."

As a prodigal son in love, Muxi couldn't understand Yuan Hua's different feelings for Xiao Xingjue.

However, Yuan Hua is an S-level guide who can bring great benefits to Xiao Xingjue. With her, Xiao Xingjue's spiritual domain will be stable, and it will also bring many benefits to the empire. Why does Muxi want to stop this relationship?

After Muxi's words fell, Yuan Hua's complexion improved a lot. She looked at Xiao Xingjue with a girl's shyness in her eyes. Anyone could see her feelings for Xiao Xingjue.

But Xiao Xingjue turned away from Shang Yuanhua's eyes uncomfortably for some reason, and said while Yuanhua's lonely expression slowly rose.

"Both Yuanhua and the new student are excellent guides who make the empire proud. Comparing them is disrespectful to them."

Mu Xi spread his hands, "Okay, His Royal Highness, I admit my mistake."

After this little episode, when Yuan Hua's mood began to ease, she looked at Xiao Xingjue and thought of another gain she had brought from going out this time.

"I finished treating that sentry this time, and went to see a friend. He was cheated of a lot of star coins by a netizen. He was disappointed with the other party's true colors, and worried whether he should sue him in the interstellar court."

What Yuan Hua said seemed to have nothing to do with Xiao Xingjue, but she looked at Xiao Xingjue's hesitating expression, obviously related to Xiao Xingjue, which made people raise their eyebrows.

"What do you want to say?"

Thinking of how many times Yuanhua had said Mingyue Taojiao was a liar not long ago, Xiao Xingjue's expression became more solemn.

Sure enough, under Yuan Hua's worried eyes, she uttered an ID that Xiao Xingjue was familiar with.

"The liar who cheated my friend a lot of star coins is Mingyue Taojiao."

In fact, Song Zhi did not explain that Yue Taojiao was a liar. In his words, it was Yu Shu's difficult time that made him help her.

Yuan Hua found out that this screen name was the one that made her irritated for a few days. It was also Mingyue Taojiao who was going to study in the First Academy. Yuanhua helped him take care of people.

Recalling that Song Zhi was worried about the other party and had to ask for leave to come to the First Academy, and was finally persuaded by her, Yuan Hua became [-]% vigilant about this Mingyue Taojiao.

To make Xiao Xingjue speak for her, and to make Song Zhi so interested in her, this is no ordinary liar.

"You think too much, it's not Taojiao cheating money, I was willing to transfer it to her to get through the difficult time, she also wanted to return the star coin to me, but I didn't accept it."

In Xiao Xingjue's case, those star coins can be used to deduct the cost of playing with him, which is no different from returning the star coins to him. He is completely honest when he says this.

Seeing that Xiao Xingjue was still obsessed with not believing that Mingyue Taojiao was a liar, Yuan Hua said again with her fingers curled up.

"But she's snaring His Highness the Crown Prince and my friend at the same time to provide her with star coins. Doesn't His Highness mind that?"

This time Yuan Hua's tone became sharper, her eyes fixed on Xiao Xingjue, waiting for his answer.

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