Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 577: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Chapter 577: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature (11)

The strategy system looked at Yu Shu, who was sitting there, looking like a beauty in every move and smile, and felt an inexplicable emotion. If it had enough energy, it would invade the minds of the characters in this world and replace Ruan Tao. , I went to get close to Yu Shu, but where did I get Ruan Tao, a guy who was not cute and didn't want to make progress.

It kept thinking, and then looked at Ying Wuqi, who was one step behind Yu Shu and could always pay attention to her needs and respond. The strategy system thought that if it had enough energy, it could invade his brain.

Ying Wuqi is just an inconspicuous NPC in a novel. It is his blessing to have the opportunity for an advanced system to invade his body.

Relying on the strategy system that no one knew existed except Ruan Tao, he looked up at Ying Wuqi with a superior and advanced civilized attitude. The next second, Ying Wuqi was about to step forward and place the peeled walnuts in front of Yu Shu, as if Sensing the prying eyes of the strategy system, he looked sharply at Ruan Tao's head.

His eyes were as cold as ice picks. The strategy system clearly knew that the other party was just an ordinary person and could do nothing about it. However, it was still frightened so much that the program jumped around, as if it was infected with some kind of virus, and the program almost crashed.

When the strategy system was so scared that it shrank and did not dare to speak, Ruan Tao also felt Ying Wuqi's gaze.

Ying Wuqi's black pupils were full of calmness, but his calm eyes revealed a chilling coldness. Ruan Tao only took one look and felt as cold as a drunken ice cave.

Seeing this system of people, Yu Shu was so frightened by Ying Wuqi's eyes that she shrank and raised her eyebrows.

Why do I feel like this strategy system is not very powerful?

System 199 saw that the host was paying attention to other systems, put down the antenna, secretly invaded the strategy system, found out its situation clearly, and then said with a proud tone.

[The host's strategy system is old and weak, and its energy is less than one-tenth of mine. It didn't even know that I invaded it, and it was the one who tricked Ruan Tao into approaching the host. Host, let's stay away from this bad system! 】

Yu Shu's consciousness rubbed against this monopolistic system and said with her heart.

[I have Xiaojiu, so of course I won’t get close to the strategy system, but the strategy system has just been bound to the heroine, so why is there only that little energy left? ] System 199: [The strategy system should be an irregular system for defecting and fast traveling. Without the fast traveling game, it consumes energy much faster than us. In addition, it wastes a lot of energy to bring the heroine to this world. , so there is not much energy left. 】

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Yu Shu's clear eyes, and she spoke 199 to the system while eating walnuts.

[How to deal with this kind of defective system? 】

System 199 didn’t know about this either. He quickly asked System 888 and said, [The Quick Travel Agency doesn’t like the energy of the defecting system. It usually lets the system it encounters swallow it up based on its ability and turn the energy into its own. have. 】

Yu Shu: [Is Xiaojiu confident that he can swallow the strategy system? 】

Yu Shu didn't have a good impression of this system that abducted young girls from the present world and brought them to a strange world, tricked them into doing tasks, saved energy for themselves, and finally didn't know whether they would actually be sent back.

The Quick Travel Bureau also performs tasks, but each host is almost voluntary, or bound to the system after death. After signing a contract with the Quick Travel Bureau, you can earn points by becoming a tasker.

Those points can be exchanged for anything the tasker wants, such as endless money, hundreds of years of life, the luck of winning a lottery ticket, etc. Only the tasker has enough points.

But defecting systems such as the strategy system are different. It is difficult for their energy to sustain themselves through several worlds, and they will not bring any benefits to the host. The only thing they give is a dream of returning home that they don't know whether it will come true.

Just like those women who are trafficked in today's world, the buyer uses pua methods to let people stay at home and have children for them.

Vicious and effective.

(End of this chapter)

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