Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 578: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Chapter 578: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature (12)

The system 199, which is also very unpleasant to look at, is very exciting.

【Let me try. 】

This is the first time System 199 has swallowed the system. Even though I am [-]% sure, I am still a little humble.

Yu Shu drank tea and did not disturb the System 199 operation. When she saw Xiubi coming back, she said to Ruan Tao.

"Miss Ruan Er is going to live in the Hou Mansion for a while. You can go back and pack some luggage and bring it over."

Her soft voice fell on Ruan Tao's ears. She touched her ears, and she always felt her heartbeat speeding up, and she felt a little bit jealous.

"Ahem, I'll go back and clean up right now."

Ruan Tao stood up and was about to walk out when she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her head, but the stinging pain disappeared quickly. Ruan Tao looked confused and suspected that it was caused by the strategy system, so she saluted Yu Shu and walked out. My heart calls out for the strategy system.

[Why did my head hurt just now?Did you do it? 】

For a high-tech product in the most fragile part of the human body, even though Ruan Tao wanted to go home, she gradually regretted binding the strategy system.

She was just an ordinary person. Even if the strategy system had promised her that it would send her back to her own world after completing the strategy for the Second Prince, but by then the strategy system would breach the contract and not send her back, so there was nothing she could do.

Thinking of this, Ruan Tao's face darkened a bit, and her trust in the strategy system was rapidly declining.

The strategy system, which barely saved Tong's life, sensed Ruan Tao's thoughts and quickly comforted Ruan Tao regardless of his incomplete Tong's body. [Host, don’t worry, I am a promised system. As long as you complete the Second Prince Strategy, I will definitely send you back. 】

This time Ruan Tao was not tempted by these words and asked calmly.

[Why do I have to conquer the second prince? Can’t I just use another person to conquer him?I think Princess Danyang is very good, she has an initial crush on me, and since we are both women, it is much easier to get close to her than the second prince. 】

He wished he could replace Ying Wuqi, a weird guy. The strategy system beside Yu Shu heard that Ruan Tao wanted to change the strategy target to Yu Shu, and the electronic sound was filled with anger.

[A person like Princess Danyang is surrounded by countless men and women who are vying to please her and make her smile. Do you think it is easy to defeat her?Don't think that just because Princess Danyang takes pity on you, you really feel that you are very close to me. You are indeed a person from a lower plane, but you are extremely stupid! 】

The strategy system did not hide the sarcasm in its words. No matter what, Ruan Tao was bound to it and could not get rid of it, so why did it coax her so nicely?It is better to squeeze Ruan Tao to the end.

Being so stabbed by the strategy system, Ruan Tao's face turned pale for a moment. After hearing the weakness in its words, Ruan Tao couldn't help but stop thinking. Then she surrendered as if she knew she couldn't untie the strategy system.

[I said something wrong, but you have to tell me clearly why you want to capture the second prince. Otherwise, I always have something hidden in my heart, and I will be distracted when I capture the second prince. If it ruins your business, then Not good. 】

The strategy system was attacked by the Baituanzi system from which I don’t know where it came from, and half of his life was lost. If it hadn’t been too deeply bound to Ruan Tao and swallowed it, Ruan Tao would have become stupid. This is a quick time travel. Things that are forbidden by the bureau numbering system have probably been swallowed up by that hateful, silly-looking white dumpling.

Now that his body was damaged and in urgent need of energy repair, after thinking about it, Ruan Tao couldn't make any trouble, so he told people.

[It’s not like I spent too much energy sending you to this world. If you can’t conquer the second prince, we will be trapped in this world forever, and your dream of returning home will be gone. So you’d better conquer the second prince. Prince, otherwise you may lose your life at any time in this feudal world with your status. 】

(End of this chapter)

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