Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 608: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Ying Wuqi prepared the mushrooms and pheasants and put them on the stove to stew. Then he went to the river to catch fish and brought them back and put them in the pot with tofu.

When the sky darkened, chicken stewed with mushrooms and fish grilled with tofu were served. The mushrooms were freshly picked, and they were wild mountain mushrooms. They had a fragrance that made people want to swallow them, and the taste was natural.

The dish of Braised Fish with Tofu is braised. The fish and tofu are fried and then grilled. It tastes spicy and salty, and is very delicious.

As Yu Shu ate her meal, she lamented that the cooking skills of catnip essence seem to be getting better in every world, and now they are getting better and better.

She ate a piece of tender fish and thought that when she returned to the Fast Travel Bureau, she would find a way to find the other party. Losing the catnip essence would be equivalent to losing a tube for her to eat and suck. It would be twice as painful. Where could she go? I'm willing to give it up.

After a delicious dinner, Ying Wuqi brought a wooden basin to Yu Shu's room. There were herbs he dug from the mountain in the wooden basin, which he used to soak Yu Shu's feet to warm her meridians and relieve pain. Dampness dissipates cold, and hands and feet no longer feel cold.

After drinking ginseng stew and eating mutton several times these days, Yu Shu felt that her cold hands and feet at night had been relieved a lot, and there was no need to use herbal foot soaks.

But seeing Ying Wuqi put the wooden basin at her feet, his eyes falling on her embroidered shoes, as if she was not moving, and he was willing to take off her shoes and socks for her to soak her feet, Yu Shu still chose Do it yourself.

Her feet are very white, and almost everyone in this world wears embroidered shoes. I don't think there are other styles of shoes in the modern plane. Without sunlight for a long time, her feet are almost transparent white. Put some herbs ground into powder. It looks a little dark in the water, like snow in sewage, which makes people frown.

After soaking for a while, Yu Shu felt that the water had become much colder, so she raised her head to look at Ying Wuqi.

"All right."

Ying Wuqi nodded, took the water out and poured it out, and then brought a basin of water with just the right temperature. There were no herbal fragments left on the pair of beautiful jade-like feet. Ying Wuqi carefully held the jade feet in his hands. On the palm of your hand, carefully wipe off the water stains on it.

The fragrance on the skin combined with the aroma of herbs penetrated into the nose, causing Ying Wuqi's body to heat up, and the palms of his hands to heat up. Yu Shu couldn't help but move her feet, silently urging people.

When Ying Wuqi saw it, he suppressed the heat in his heart, wiped away all the water stains quickly, poured the water and came back and said.

"I asked the doctor that soaking the feet and massaging them would be more effective."

Yu Shu thought, she had already soaked in herbal water. It seemed like it would be a waste if she did not complete this procedure, she said.

"Will you press it?"

"Yes." Ying Wuqi said. Seeing that Yu Shu agreed, he moved the chair closer and let Yu Shu lie on the bed. He brushed his hands and carefully pressed the feet.

Ying Wuqi had indeed learned the essence of pressing the feet. As he pressed with some rough hands, Yu Shu also felt that her body was getting hot, and the exposed skin was covered with a beautiful pink color.

When she finished pressing the massage, Yu Shu was already a little drowsy. Her extremely white face was pressed against the pillow, leaving a shallow red mark. Her skin was already thin and white, and this mark was there. It looked obvious on Zhang Yu's face.

As if she felt Ying Wuqi's gaze, Yu Shu moved and pursed her bright red lips gently. The round and lovely lips were pitifully squeezed between the two lips. It seemed that with some force, the lips would Squeeze out the sweet juice.

Ying Wuqi stood by the bed for a long time. When the candle was about to burn out, he pulled the quilt aside, gently covered Yu Shu, and tucked the corners of the quilt before leaving.

After a few days of being stuck under Ying Wuqi's influence, a message came from the Hou Mansion that the chaos in the capital had been resolved, and someone would be sent to take them back immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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