Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 609: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Neither Yu Shu nor Ying Wuqi had any intention of causing any trouble. Without waiting for the people from the Hou Mansion to arrive, they sent a message to Na and met in the county seat.

After packing her baggage, Yu Shu looked at the finely crafted bowls that Ying Wuqi had prepared on the second day she came here, as well as the jade clothes of the same style as the Marquis Mansion, and the Shu embroidery quilt that was very soft and comfortable to sleep on. Can't bear to leave.

When Ying Wuqi saw the reluctance in her eyes, his heart softened.

These are all things that his lady used. How could he leave them here? Naturally, he had to take them all away and keep them safely.

After sorting out the things they wanted to take away and handing the keys to Aunt Zhang, Yu Shu and Ying Wuqi got on the carriage and headed for the county town.

Zhang Erlang stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the direction of the carriage, unable to hide the loneliness on his face.

Aunt Zhang, who was standing next to him, saw his expression in her eyes, sighed, patted his shoulder and said.

"If someone like Miss Yu, who looks like a fairy concubine, hadn't come here by accident, we would never have seen her."

"Erlang, we are just ordinary people. Don't mess with people who can't reach us no matter how hard we try."

After saying that, Aunt Zhang went to pick vegetables with her basket, leaving Zhang Erlang standing there with a confused look on his face.

Zhang Erlang knew that his mother was right, he shouldn't think about Yu Shu looking at extraordinary people, but he still couldn't help but think about whether he was just a little person now that he wasn't enough. Tong Sheng, if he can pass the Jinshi examination, or go further and become a courtier of the emperor, will he have a chance to reach people?

After returning to the capital, System 199 almost couldn't wait to find Ruan Tao, swallowed up the strategy system that could only maintain basic operation, and then returned to the system space very proudly, talking to his family. The beautiful host shows off.

System 199: [Host, do you think my power has become stronger? 】

Although the energy of the strategy system has almost been exhausted, the energy of the system itself is still there. After swallowing it, you can also obtain this energy.

Yu Shu nodded firmly, "It's much more powerful, and the running speed has become much faster. Xiaojiu is really powerful." 】

System 199 was even more happy to spin in circles in the air after being praised by Yu Shu.

After solving the strategy system, Yu Shu went to a restaurant for dinner and met Ruan Tao.

Knowing that Ruan Tao was developing her food business during this period, she directly put the words of the strategy system in one ear and out the other. She only listened but did not act. She began to test the bottom line of the system again and again. She was so angry that the strategy system threatened her with electric shocks several times. .

But Ruan Tao survived these times, and she also discovered what the strategy system was doing to her after a few electric shocks, and she let herself go completely.

She didn't care at all that the strategy system was yelling in her head all day long to save the second prince, run away with him, and then help the second prince recruit troops, sit on the throne, and move people to the point where the strategy was completed.

Yu Shu and Ruan Tao were eating hot pot in a private room. Ruan Tao glanced at Ying Wuki and Xiubi in the room and said.

"Can I have a few words with the princess alone?"

Many princes and nobles come to eat in this restaurant, so the private rooms are set up to be extremely private, and the sound insulation effect is also very good. You don't have to worry about being overheard by outsiders when you talk inside.

Yu Shu knew what Ruan Tao was going to say, so she nodded slightly and let Ying Wuqi and Xiubi go out first.

The two of them didn't know what Ruan Tao was going to say, but they waited outside the door and went in as soon as possible. They rubbed their bodies and went out and closed the door.

After making sure that no one could hear their conversation, Ruan Tao looked at Yu Shu, who was everywhere beautiful and exquisite, and said with a complicated expression.

"The princess also has a system."

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