Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 48, out of control

Chapter 48, out of control

"Write well, I will definitely make you angry! Big red, big purple, completely release the devil in your heart..."

Inexplicably, a sentence popped into Xiang Wan's mind suddenly.

There was a chill down her spine, and goose bumps popped up all over her body.

A cold sweat, like being drenched from head to toe by icy water on a cold day.

yes!That's the ID!

During the 720 case, the mobile phone ID that left this sentence in her book review area seems to be this.

Later, Bai Muchuan checked what he said?

A mobile phone number without real name registration——

who is it?

Who is it?

Xiang Wan stared at the computer screen.

The nerves were beating wildly, and the heart was twitching strangely. After watching for a long time, the vision was also a little blurred.

On the screen, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at her.

Slowly, a hideous skull-like head poked out, with blood dripping from the eyes, nostrils, ears, and lips.

Scary red, one drop, one drop, fell on the keyboard——

The skull is laughing.With blood dripping from the corner of his lips, he stared at Xiang Wan with a smile on his face!

Xiang Wan let out a low cry and hugged her head.

Her heart almost stopped beating. In broad daylight, the sunlight outside the window was dazzling, but she seemed to have fallen into an ice hole.


The phone is on the computer desk.

Xiang Wan picked it up reflexively, and grasped it——

Soon, she put down her trembling hands again.


That person has nothing to do with her sense of security.

When he was the head of the Criminal Investigation Team of Hongjiang District, Jincheng, he was obliged to take care of her.

Now, he is leaving...


in the living room.

Huang He was tidying up the chopsticks and bowls, and the crisp sound of tableware colliding exuded a human atmosphere.

Fang Yuanyuan smiled and helped wipe the table beside her, like a little daughter-in-law.

The two whispered something, with happy faces on their faces.

Xiang Wan stood at the door of the room with a pale face, like a ghost from another world who suddenly broke into the sweet world.

She hesitated, wondering if she should go over and break their beauty——

"Cousin?" Fang Yuanyuan turned her head suddenly, seeing Xiang Wan who was in a daze, the smile froze on her face for a second, "What's wrong with you?"

She was fine just now, why did she suddenly become a different person?
Fang Yuanyuan was terrified.She threw the rag on the dining table and hurried over to hold Xiang Wan back.

"What's the matter? What happened, sister, don't you scare me?"

The blood in Xiang Wan's veins, which was boiling to the point of burning, gradually cooled down under Fang Yuanyuan's concerned gaze, and returned to its original temperature.

"I...I'm fine." Xiang Wan breathed out, and found that her voice had changed, "Um...Is Officer Huang convenient? I want to talk to him about something."

"Are you all right? Your forehead is covered in cold sweat!" Fang Yuanyuan glared at her, took out a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"Oh." Xiang Wan stroked her hair and wiped her forehead, smiling uncomfortably, "The room is not air-conditioned, so it's a bit stuffy."

Fang Yuanyuan looked at her carefully for two seconds, didn't ask any more questions, and turned to call Huang He who had just entered the kitchen.

"Huanghuang, my cousin is talking to you about something, you can wash it later!"

Yellow?This appellation!

The corner of Xiangwan's mouth twitched, the fear was dispelled——

Jincheng in early August is like a burning furnace.

In the living room of the Bai family, there are piles of luggage, large and small.

The temperature of the air conditioner was turned on very low, and Li's mother was busy packing up her things, preparing to pack up the unused land and put it away.

Tomorrow morning, they will leave Jincheng.

Li Ma's family is in the capital, and her husband and son are looking forward to her going back.

Therefore, she couldn't wait to leave.

However, the atmosphere in the Bai family is not very good, which is not suitable for her to express her happy mood at the moment.

In the past few days, Mr. Xiaobai was handing over work, and he would go home very late every day, with an ugly face.

Jingdu has already called several times to ask about the itinerary. Every time Li's mother answered the phone, she felt a sense of depression.

Mr. Xiaobai has no objection to the arrangement at home.

he was silent,


His silence made the atmosphere even more depressing.

Li Ma didn't dare to show her airs in front of him, and neither did Bailu.

Bai Muchuan came back early today, and all the things that should be arranged in the criminal police team have been arranged, and he just waited to leave Jincheng tomorrow.

Bailu tiptoed to the second floor twice, listened outside the closed door for a while, and then came down again.

His room was very quiet, there was no movement at all.

Just like his attitude towards his family, he doesn't resist and cooperates very much, but it gives people a kind of terrible pressure invisibly.

Sitting on the sofa, Bailu was still uncomfortable even after changing several positions, so she couldn't help pulling her hair in annoyance, "Mama Li!"

Mama Li poked her head out from the utility room, "Hey, Miss, did you call me?"

For several hours, Mama Li has been tidying up, making Bailu feel like a cat has grown in his heart.

"I said, can you rest for a while? Don't you feel tired if you keep doing it all the time?"

Mama Li knew that she had been taken advantage of, but she could only lower her head, "I have to leave tomorrow, if I don't clean up today, it will be too late."

Bai Lu glared at her angrily, and wanted to say something, but couldn't get it out of his mouth, and became even more irritable.

"Forget it, I can't tell you!"

Mama Li: "..."

It doesn't mean that you asked me to come here just to vent your anger?
She pursed her lips and looked at the egret without making a sound.

Bai Lu was annoyed again, "Why are you staring at me blankly? Isn't it too late? Why don't you go soon?"

Mama Li turned her head: "...Oh!"

Bailu yelled at her impatiently, "Can you turn up the temperature of the air conditioner? You work very hot, so you don't think about me? I'm very cold..."

Mama Li: "...Oh."

Egret snorted, "I'm so annoying!"


The air conditioner is on high.

Egret became more irritable in the heat.

She raised her head and looked at the corridor countless times, her young and impulsive nerves could no longer hold back.

Striding upstairs, she unlocked Bai Muchuan's door.

"Uncle, I want to talk to you!"

She was very serious, not like a child, but in the tone of an adult.

Bai Muchuan was lazily sitting on the balcony of his bedroom, wearing casual clothes, holding a lit cigarette between his fingers, and many burnt cigarette butts had grown in the ashtray in front of him.

Hearing the voice of the egret, he narrowed his eyes and turned around casually.

"Did I tell you not to bother me casually?"

"No!" Bai Lu was very aggressive, and strode in. "Little uncle, I really can't stand it anymore. What do you think you are torturing yourself like this? Is an inexplicable woman so attractive to you?"

Bai Muchuan's eyes dimmed.

"Get out. Pack everything that needs to be packed."

"I don't!" Bai Lu looked at him like a wayward child for a moment, then snorted coldly, "I'm really surprised, how far has your relationship with her developed? After just a few days of getting along, Why do you keep thinking about it?"

Bai Muchuan's complexion changed, "Get out!"

Bai Lu raised his chin and walked closer, "Don't deny it! You are just for her—"

Bai Muchuan sneered, did not speak, and just looked at Bailu so coolly.

The eyes are half-closed, covered with a layer of mist, as deep as a cold pool embedded with ice cubes, it is so cold that people's bones are chilled.

Egret's feet softened, and he was suddenly a little scared.

It was the first time she saw Bai Muchuan looking at her like this.

In her impression, although the little uncle was not particularly enthusiastic about her, compared to other people, he was regarded as doting.

Let her do it, let her make trouble, as long as it is not too much, he will only say a few words to her, and he will always forgive her, and he will not take it seriously.

But at this glance, she suddenly believed that he no longer loved her and excluded her from his world.

"Little uncle—" Bailu swallowed reflexively, "I didn't mean that..."

Bai Muchuan didn't move, and there was a cold smile on the corner of his thin lips, "Then what do you mean? Do you think that in this family, even you can interfere with my private affairs at will?"

"NO, I have not."

Egret shook his head violently.

"I didn't interfere with you, little uncle. I just, just wanted to care about you, and I didn't want to see you sad..."

She couldn't say the rest.

After all, at a young age, can you express your inner emotions?

Moreover, Bai Muchuan didn't give her another chance.

He stood up expressionlessly, his tall body exuded an aura of indifference, and in his cool black eyes, there seemed to be a sharp murderous aura like a knife——

"Get out! Don't come into my room without my permission!"

"Little uncle——" Bailu pursed his lips, tears welled up in his eye sockets, his head was throbbed with blood, and he rushed over and hugged his waist with both hands, "Why do you always attack me? Don't be like this, okay? I won't do it again ..."

Bai Muchuan's body froze, and he pushed her away violently.

Under his strong force, Bailu staggered back two steps and hit the coffee table.

"Little uncle—" She looked at Bai Muchuan's handsome and cold face in astonishment, as if she didn't understand why she lost control like that just now.

The blood is cold.

She also recovered.

"I...I just..."

The sharp telephone ringtone rang at this moment.

It interrupted her crying narrative and also broke the stagnant atmosphere in the room.

Bai Muchuan glanced at Bailu, pointed to the door, motioned for her to get out quickly, and then answered the phone.

"Hello, Huang He? What's the matter?"

 Countdown to V.

  today Tomorrow--

  Well, there is only one chapter left before the public enters V.

  Everyone should cherish the days of reading books for free (cover your face), and the day after tomorrow, Er Jin, who is greedy for money and lust, will enter V, whether to eat meat or drink soup depends on everyone——

(End of this chapter)

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