Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 49, the heart mentioned the throat

Chapter 49, the heart mentioned the throat

While Huang He was standing by the window calling Bai Muchuan, Xiang Wan and Fang Yuanyuan were sitting on the sofa.

She could see Huang He's back, but couldn't hear what he said.

About two or three minutes later, Huang He hung up the phone.

He seemed to sigh, frowned and hesitated while holding the phone, and continued to make a second call.

"Sister, don't be nervous!" Fang Yuanyuan watched all this nervously, and squeezed Xiang Wan's hand.

"Hiss, it hurts." The pain in his fingers made Xiang Wan almost cry out, "Honey, take it easy! I'm not nervous, you are the one who is nervous."

"Uh...then why are you in a daze?"

"I'm thinking, you and Officer Huang... are a good match."


Fang Yuanyuan looked puzzled and looked at her with a question mark face.

"Cough!" Xiang Wan cleared his throat, "Didn't everyone say that the best couples need to complement each other?"

Huang He is tall and thin, standing by the window like a bamboo pole, lining up with Xiang Wan's pink curtains, the style of painting is inexplicably strange.

Just like his shape with Fang Yuanyuan——

As the name suggests, Fang Yuanyuan is a bit overweight. Losing weight is her mantra, but she has never seen any action——

One is thin and the other is fat, they really complement each other quite well.

"And, didn't the book say that the best love is to worship each other, the fat one envies the thin one, the thin one likes the fleshy one, you two can definitely worship each other..."

Xiang Wan's analysis was factual, but he was severely beaten by Fang Yuanyuan.

"Okay, I was worried about you, but you made me fat in your heart? Shit! Xiang Wan, I treat you as my own sister, but you treat me as your cousin?"

"...The lines are so familiar?"

"Hmph! Cut off friendship for an hour."

The two were talking, and Huang He came over.

Xiang Wanying's smiling face slowly turned gray, "Officer Huang, is there any result?"

Huang He was silent for a while, and glanced at Fang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, you go back to your room first."

"Ah!" Fang Yuanyuan pointed to her nose, the boss was upset, "Am I superfluous? Is there something I can't hear?"

Huang He smirked at her apologetically, "The things about these cases are too bloody, not suitable for a simple and kind little girl like you to listen to!"

"Oh, that's fine." Fang Yuanyuan's anger turned into joy, and she secretly laughed.

Under Xiang Wan's dumbfounded gaze, she stroked her hair with a smile, twisted her waist into the room, and closed the door intimately.


my God!

There is a master in the criminal police team!

This Huang He looked honest, coaxing the girls to play tricks.

"Tsk! Forgive my poor eyesight, I don't know experts... Officer Huang, disrespect and disrespect!"

"Come on, don't tease me."

Huang He rubbed his head in embarrassment, sat on the sofa next to Xiang Wan, and quickly changed the subject, "Teacher Xiang, let's get down to business."

As soon as business was mentioned, Xiang Wan's heart rose in his throat.

"Well. Say it!"

Huang He frowned, his eyes were a little complicated.

"The person who knows the 720 case best is Team Bai, but his work has already been handed over, so I just asked him briefly."

"Oh." Xiang Wan wondered, "What did Team Bai say?"

"It's very possible to play tricks. Teacher Xiang knows that there are actually many boring people like this on the Internet..."

This, Xiang Wan understood.

In today's society, there are too many empty, boring and cheap people, and there are all kinds of weird things on the Internet platform.

But that unusual feeling came from her sixth sense——

After a moment of hesitation, she asked, "Is there nothing else?"

"You don't have to be afraid." Huang He thought for a while, "The White Team has asked us to pay attention, and has already asked Tang Yuanchu to contact the Internet police to continue in-depth investigation—"

"Oh, thank you..." Xiang Wan smiled forcedly, "Sure enough, there is a cousin-in-law who is a criminal police officer, so I feel more secure."

Huang He's eyes flashed, he hesitated to speak.

"Actually, Team Bai still has doubts about this case—it's just that he has to leave now, but the sub-bureau believes that the facts of the case are basically clear, and the evidence is solid and sufficient. It can be transferred to the Procuratorate for prosecution... As for the final How it is judged is none of our business."


Xiang Wan responded softly.

Seeing her emotions, Huang He sighed as if he knew clearly, "He actually has a lot of things he has to do."

Xiang Wan raised his head and looked at him, but did not ask any questions.

"He came here from ICPO, and he was originally acting as a temporary substitute. Everyone knows that he won't stay for long. However, we didn't expect it to be so soon."

Following Huang He's deep voice, there was a faint sadness in the air.

"The white team is very good. Before him, I have never been with such a leader. I was not used to it at first, but gradually I found it very fresh. All the young people on the team admired him and liked his work rhythm. But -"

He coughed softly, "Hey, with a family background like Team Bai's, it's impossible to stay at the grassroots level forever."

Xiang Wan smiled casually, "I can't stay here, why don't I come?"

Huang He took a sip of the water on the table, and said casually: "He came to Jincheng, it seems that he was for a case back then—"

Xiang Wan's heart sank, "What case?"

Huang He was startled to slip his words, choked on the water, and waved his hands in embarrassment, "It's nothing, nothing, Team Bai is born with a brain for criminal investigation, and is interested in all unsolved and mysterious cases! It should be the same for those who write suspense novels to the teacher, right?"

Xiang Wan knew that it was impossible for him to say anything more, so she held her lips and joked with him.

"No, actually I'm more interested in Officer Huang's nickname..."

"Eh." Huang He chuckled, feeling embarrassed, "Yuanyuan barks, she's a bit girly."

"No... not girly at all. Very manly!"

Of course she would not tell Huang He that Fang Yuanyuan raised a puppy when she was a child, and it was called Huang Huang——

is public.


The next day.

Before dawn, Xiang Wan woke up from the nightmare.

She checked the time on her phone, then glanced at Fang Yuanyuan who was sleeping soundly with her back turned away, gently lifted the quilt, and tiptoed up to wash up——

Then, go out and buy breakfast like yesterday.

Now that the goal of struggle has been set, changing the routine is the first step——

Well, at least for a few days.

Xiang Wan yawned, stretched his arms and legs, went out, and walked out of the yard.

Today is a cloudy day.

The houses on both sides of the long alley seem to be denser, squeezing the sky into a long and narrow square. In the hazy sky, people who get up early to go to work and go to school are in a hurry, all immersed in their own lives, and have no time to care about it. others--

A car drove to the entrance of the alley without a sound.

When Xiang Wan walked by, the car door suddenly opened, and two tall men jumped out of the car, their sullen faces were reflected coldly into the yearning and terrified pupils——


Her phone slammed to the ground.

It was quickly picked up again.

The car drove away.

At the entrance of the alley, a strange silence returned.

Pedestrians were all shocked, but no one moved, until a primary school student wearing a red scarf screamed childishly.

"Mom! That sister was taken away by the villains, let's call 110—"


ten o'clock in the morning.

Airport, VIP lounge.

Bai Muchuan crossed his long legs and sat lazily. A copy of "White Night Journey" by Keigo Higashino was in his hand, which attracted all the attention. The cold air released by his cold facial features made Bai Lu and Li Ma next to him They didn't dare to say anything.

Their luggage has been hauled, just waiting to board the plane——

The cold atmosphere made Egret wish he could leave immediately.

The city is depressing and doesn't belong to her.

Every second she waits makes her feel uncomfortable.

Staring at the wall clock on the wall, walking so slowly!

so slow!

so slow……

It was as slow as a century before the airport VIP room staff came over with a smile on their face.

"Sir, your flight is about to take off, please follow me!"

Bai Muchuan slowly closed the book, and looked at the gray sky through the glass window.

The plane pierced the sky and roared away.

His gaze is like a cold lake.


(End of this chapter)

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