Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 605 Strong Uneasiness

Chapter 605 Strong Anxiety ([-])
Proving this is not an easy task.

Moreover, from the case itself, if the second murderer is pulled out, it will become more complicated.That night, Bai Muchuan didn't say anything about it. He took Xiang Wan home and rested as usual. The next day, after breakfast, he sent a group message asking the serious case members to prepare for a case analysis meeting at ten o'clock.

He was busy, Xiang Wan was sitting in the living room, chatting with Xie Wanwan and Fang Yuanyuan.

The content of the chat was Xu Siqi's case.

After all, it was the death of someone close to me, so talking about it, I can't help but sigh.

Xiang Wan asked emphatically about the last chat between Xie Wanwan and Xu Siqi.

This time, there was more time, and Xie Wanwan repeated what they had talked about.

The result was disappointing. Apart from expressing her gratitude to her, Xu Siqi also hoped that Xie Wanwan herself could attend the party at night. To put it bluntly, it was an extra important figure on the platform to support her face.

Xie Wanwan refused.

Not because of her, but because of Zhang Houfa.

Her original sentence is: "I hope you will fly higher and higher in the future, but I will not come. Because looking at such an old man, I will feel sick and feel sick, and I can't eat."

Xiang Wan thought for a moment, "Then Xu Siqi is in a bad mood because you said that?"

Xie Wanwan thought for a while, then shook her head, "No, she was a little emotional when she called me. However, I didn't think too much about it at the time..."

Xiang Wan: "Why?"

Xie Wanwan looked at her, was startled, and suddenly laughed, "Xiang Wan, the way you speak now is becoming more and more like a policeman, asking the bottom line."

Xiang Wan was stunned, and then laughed, "Probably because he is close to Zhu Zhechi. Is that possible, please answer?"

Xie Wanwan was silent for a while, "I can feel that she is unhappy, but I think if I have to accompany an old man like Zhang Houfa, I wouldn't be happy with any girl, right? It's understandable." 
Extenuating circumstances indeed.

Xiang Wan couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Xu Siqi has been with Zhang Houfa these two days, is he staying at his house?"

"This..." Xie Wanwan shook her head and smiled awkwardly, "I don't know. I haven't asked her this kind of more personal question. But the police can investigate."

Xiang Wan smiled, "Thank you!"

Xie Wanwan: "No, if there's anything you need from me, just ask."

Xiang Wan smiled slightly, "I'm afraid the paparazzi will keep staring at you these two days, if you can't go out, don't go out."

Feeling her concern, Xie Wanwan held her lips, "I will. I'm actually used to the paparazzi. Why did I move here? What really worries me is not the paparazzi... but a faint anxiety." 
"Huh? Uneasy?"

With a hum, Xie Wanwan nodded: "This feeling became stronger after Xu Siqi's death."

Her eyes were cold, and the transmitted light fell into Xiang Wan's eyes, and her heart twitched inexplicably.

"Could it be that someone wanted to harm you, because they couldn't find a way to attack you, and turned to Xu Siqi?"

Xie Wanwan was startled.

For a moment, she laughed.

"No wonder he wrote the book, the imagination is really rich."

Having said that, she became serious again, stroked her hair and said, "However, after hearing what you said... I really feel this way." Looking at Wan Wan again, Xie Wanwan's voice was even deeper, as if she was Tell me a horror story, "To tell you the truth, I didn't sleep all night last night, and I seemed to see Siqi standing in front of my bed with blood on her face, and told me over and over again that she died so badly, so good. Unjust..."

"Oh my god!" Xiang Wan didn't speak, but Fang Yuanyuan was so frightened that she almost jumped up from the sofa, "My big star, don't you know that you are good at acting? It was so early in the morning, it almost scared me to death! "

Xie Wanwan: "..."

Xiang Wan looked at Xie Wanwan's face.

Pale and pale, with a look of fear.

After a long while, she nodded in agreement, "I think if you act in a horror movie, maybe it's a good way out, maybe you can turn things around..."

A turnaround made Xie Wanwan's complexion even worse.

Xiang Wan was startled, and realized that this sentence was not quite right, which seemed to pierce his heart.

She lowered her voice and changed the subject, "Is it true that the "Grey List" rumors are circulating on the Internet?"

Xie Wanwan moistened her lips and smiled wryly, "It's true. Originally, "Grey List" was a crime drama. This drama is the type that is subject to the most supervision, and the procedures for approval are relatively complicated. ,At once……"

She didn't finish, but Xiang Wan had already seen the unsatisfactory results on her face.

Sighing, she was a little sad, "I am a fan of the original "Grey List", I am very sorry. I hope there will be a turnaround."

"Yeah." Xie Wanwan pursed her lips lightly, "So, I have to run out these few days."

run what?
Run relationships, run contacts chant.

"The dust has not yet settled, so I have to work hard." She said quietly: "After all, a "Grey List" has carried too many people's expectations."

When she said "too many people", Xiang Wan couldn't help but think of Meng Chi.

For a long time, she didn't think about the man, almost erasing him from her memory.

But she believed that Xie Wanwan would remember him deeply.

Xiang Wan pondered for a moment, "When will the trial of your brother's case be confirmed?"

Xie Wanwan still shook her head, "Wait for the court notice."

"Oh." Xiang Wan couldn't find anything to say.

Topic cannot continue.

A few people sat on the sofa, a little awkward.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei Hei jumped down at the right time and lay down next to Xiang Wan's lap, meowing, waiting for her to smooth her fur.

Xiang Wan smiled and picked up Xiao Hei Hei, smoothing his hair, and then smoothing his hair.

Women love cats, and soon there is a new topic.

"Xiang Wan, let's go."

Bai Muchuan walked to the living room, carrying a briefcase with a serious expression on his face.

Xiang Wan uttered an ooh and stood up, "Shall we go to the team?"

Bai Muchuan lowered his eyes: "Go to Xu Siqi's house."

(End of this chapter)

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