Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 606 Murder Script

Chapter 606 Murder Script ([-])
Xu Siqi's home is a rental house.

Like many young people floating in the capital, she rented a small house of less than [-] square meters, but it was cleaned very cleanly, and her things were neatly arranged. Cosmetics, clothes... were all properly summarized. It can be seen that she is a careful person. Hairy girl.

When Xiang Wan and Bai Muchuan arrived, Quan Shaoteng was already waiting there with a search warrant.

Several people gathered to search for clues at Xu Siqi's home.

But after searching for a while, there was no big discovery.

This is the residence of a young girl, and according to the monitoring of the community, she never came back two days before the incident...

"Have you found anything?"

Xiang Wan walked to Bai Muchuan's side and asked him out of habit.

Bai Muchuan shook his head, and suddenly asked, "You girls, if you have something on your mind, how would you express it?"

worry?Xiang Wan frowned, "It varies from person to person. People in the past knew how to keep a diary, but now people... without a diary, they will post on Moments, talk about it, or confide in their girlfriends and relatives. There are also people who will Record it where only you can see it."

Bai Muchuan took a deep look at her, and suddenly asked, "Do you have a place like this?"

Xiang Wan was startled, "Where?"

Bai Muchuan: "Only what you see."

puff!Xiang Wan couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that several people were looking at them, he gave Bai Muchuan an embarrassed look, "Am I such a hypocritical woman?"

Ah!Bai Muchuan smiled and rubbed her head, "No."


At Xu Siqi's house, nothing was found.

Everyone returned disappointed, but Bai Muchuan didn't say anything. He returned to Serious Case No. [-], found Xu Siqi's cell phone from the evidence bag, and went to the intelligence team to hand it to Sailimu, "Crack it."

Sailimu let out a wow and asked excitedly, "Boss, what are you doing?"

This kid makes a fuss about everything.

Bai Muchuan glanced at him, "Do you know the secret of the deceased?"

Oh, Sailimu scratched his head, "Didn't you say that the case has already been solved?"

"It's broken."

But if there is doubt, he is not stable.

At the ten o'clock case analysis meeting, everyone was present.

In the big meeting, there was silence.

When Bai Muchuan finished his opening remarks and everyone spoke independently, as expected, most people tended to think of "single-person committing the crime", thinking that Feng Yingjun murdered because of love and hatred in Xu Siqi's case, which was the truth.As for the knife wound from the back of the ear to the neck, Feng Yingjun said it was accidentally scratched while struggling.

As for the reason for the inconsistency with Cheng Zheng's conclusion——

"Medical appraisal, isn't there a time gap?"

Someone asked Cheng Zheng directly.

This problem can be said to be very acute.

Cheng Zheng was in everyone's eyes, "Yes."

"That's it. Maybe it's just a time error. After all, it's a hot spring pool. The environment where the corpse is hidden will affect the determination of the time of the knife wound, right?"

"Yes." Cheng Zheng did not shy away from others' doubts about his profession, and instructed Mei Xin to briefly introduce the cause of Xu Siqi's death with a slideshow, and then said: "We are on the issue of identifying whether the wound is before death or after death. , there is a very rigorous and cumbersome set of processes and theories. I won’t introduce them in detail here. But what I can say is that there is no problem with our procedures from the beginning of anatomy to the conclusion. As for whether the identification conclusion should be accepted or not , it’s not up to me.”

"Is there a discrepancy or no discrepancy?" Someone was puzzled.

Cheng Zheng looked around at the crowd and said flatly: "There is nothing absolute in this world. Any identification is only a high probability. I can't guarantee that it can be accurate to [-]%."


Everyone was even more confused.

Everyone looked at Bai Muchuan...

If not, the case will be closed.

If accepted, the problem is more complicated.

The conference room was quiet for a while, and Bai Muchuan said slowly, "I believe in Cheng Dui's appraisal result."

Cheng Zheng stared blankly and looked at him.

Bai Muchuan looked away, and called Tang Yuanchu: "Go! See if Sailimu's work is done?"

"I found it, I found it!" The door of the conference room was pushed open.

A round head stuck in, looked at everyone for a moment, then greeted everyone affectionately, and approached Bai Muchuan with a smile.

"Boss, mission completed."

The phone lock has been unlocked.

There was an encrypted cloud disk app by Xu Siqi, which was also unlocked by him.

Bai Muchuan opened it and found a lot of Xu Siqi's personal records inside.

There is a script.

There are working files.

There are also some extremely personal diary complaints——

Sure enough, girls like this way of confession.

Bai Muchuan glanced at Xiang Wan reflexively.

Xiang Wan didn't know why, looked at his gaze, and spread his hands innocently.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me?"

In the conference room, someone laughed softly.

Bai Muchuan didn't answer, looked at the phone, and gave Sailimu a look, "Big screen."

Sailimu stood up excitedly, "Yes!"

Soon, he connected with his mobile phone, and Xu Siqi's personal secrets were displayed on the big screen.

There are a few lines of text in it, which are shocking.

"Someone handed me a notebook, saying that they wanted to package me and let me be the number one heroine. I have heard this kind of words a lot over the years, but I never believed it. When a man says this kind of thing, his brain What I was thinking in was nothing more than how to get me into bed..."

"I was bored flipping through that book, and was terrified... The content of the script is actually very exciting, and I am really the number one heroine in the script. Because in this script, the first person to be killed is I, after my death, became the object of all attention and a hot topic on the Internet. Then, he would kill many, many people... I was horrified, how could there be such a boring person? Using someone else's real name Make a script to scare people?"

"That person came to me and asked me to pass the book to Xie Wanwan...asked her if she was interested in acting...Crazy, almost crazy..."

Just a few short pieces of content, no dates.

It is not known when this happened.

Sailimu rummaged through Xu Siqi's cloud disk, but did not find that weird murder script.

"Boss, it's gone."

Bai Muchuan nodded, and said lightly, "What do you all think?"

The crowd whispered.

Bai Muchuan: "Speak louder, each expresses his own opinion, and says what he has."

"Yes!" Someone stood up, "Boss, I thought this was a simple love murder case, but now I feel that the water in the case is very deep! Maybe Xu Siqi's case is just the tip of the iceberg..."

Quan Shaoteng gave him a thumbs up, "That's really good."

"The right team won the prize."

"It's a problem that everyone can see, and you've hit the nail on the head."


Don't add it, okay?
The speaker curled his lips and sat back resentfully.

Bai Muchuan looked at Quan Shaoteng, "Fifth, tell me your opinion."

Quan Shaoteng rubbed his forehead and let out an er, "Say whatever you want?"

"Just say what you want." Bai Muchuan nodded, "It's a problem that everyone can see, and you can say it."

Quan Shaoteng coughed twice, and said with a serious face, "I think there is something wrong with Zhang Houfa."

"how to say?"

"A handsome man with a simple mind like me doesn't think about too complicated things, he only needs to look at the simple results-in the end, who is packaging Xu Siqi? Isn't it Zhang Houfa?"


 Is it autumn?Why doesn't everyone like to leave a message?

  It's so lonely to write alone!If it weren't for the girls who voted for me every day, and the occasional comments, I would feel like I was playing single player...

  Little fairies, come and bubble up!

  There will be activities in two days, let's get active!Hmm...I feel like I'm a bit inactive too, why?

(End of this chapter)

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