Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 661 Commissioner

Chapter 661 Commissioner ([-])

In the speeding car under the night, Sailimu suddenly jumped up excitedly, his head almost hit the roof of the car.

"Report to the boss! The target position is locked!"

Bai Muchuan opened his eyes coldly, leaned over to check, "Where?"

Sailimu pointed to the red marked place on the screen of the device, and drew a circle with his finger, "It's probably in this area..."

Bai Muchuan looked at him sideways, "Area?"

This area has a radius of about ten miles.

"Can't narrow the target?"

Sailimu shook his head, "The last goal given to us by Team Cheng is here."

Before that, they found Cheng Zheng's abandoned car and searched for several miles around the car, but found nothing.Sailimu has also been tracking Cheng Zheng's real-time location, but—Cheng Zheng also disappeared in this place in the end.

Soldiers are very fast,
Bai Muchuan pondered for a while, then turned on the wireless intercom, "Old Five, Quan Lao Wu! I received the answer."

beep!Quan Shaoteng replied, "Got it! I said, can you give me a more prestigious nickname? It's over!"

Bai Muchuan: "I'll send you the location of the target, lead the team there, and join me. It's over!"


"Keep in touch."


Three in the morning.

There was fog on the road.

The speed of the car was faster than before, but as soon as it drove off the national road, there were a few cars in front of it, with the lights on, and a group of special police with live ammunition, like pickets patrolling in the middle of the night...

Ding Yifan lowered his eyebrows, "White team?"

Bai Muchuan took a look, "Stop the car."

Ding Yifan, "Yes!"

The car pulled over and stopped, and Bai Muchuan got off.

Walking across was a tall uniformed policeman with a cold face in the night.

"White team, delay for a few minutes."

Under the illumination of the car lights, Bai Muchuan met him face to face, "Director Lu, why are you here?"

The other party stared at him deeply, "I was sent by Deputy Cheng to come here to assist the White Team."

Cheng Weiji?
Send someone to help in the middle of the night?
And the person he sent was Lu Jianming, his apprentice brought out by himself.

It seems that Cheng Weiji has already received wind of Cheng Zheng's matter...

Bai Muchuan's face darkened, he straightened his gloves, narrowed his eyes, and shook hands with Lu Jianming, "That's troublesome!"

Lu Jianming waved his hand, "Let's not talk politely now, let's talk about the situation."

"Hmm. This way please—"

Under such circumstances, Bai Muchuan had no way to refuse.

One is that Cheng Weiji is Cheng Zheng's father.

The second is that Cheng Weiji is their leader.

Whether public or private, he couldn't refuse the other party's participation.

The two exchanged opinions, and after 3 minutes, they all got into the car.

"set off!"



Everyone raced against time, and a group of several cars galloped on the road under the night.

Bai Muchuan sat in the rear compartment, looking at the shadows of the trees under the night, without making a sound for a long time.

Ding Yifan sat beside him. After a long time, he asked slowly, "Boss, what does this mean?"

Bai Muchuan raised his eyes, "Concentrate on driving."

Ding Yifan: "I don't quite understand. We are not alone. We have an action team and Red Thorn support. What does it mean to suddenly send us a specialist?"

This was probably Sailimu's idea too. Hearing this, he turned his head to look at Bai Muchuan and nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, it feels strange, and why does this guy named Lu Jianming give me a strange feeling? No Looks like a nice person to get along with?"

Bai Muchuan leaned lazily on the back of his chair, and said slowly, "Obviously."

"Obviously? Where is it obvious?"

"Don't worry about me." The corners of Bai Muchuan's lips twitched, his slightly closed eyes concealed deep emotions, "It's about Cheng Zheng, don't worry about me."


That being said, I probably understand.

Regarding the life and death of his son, Bai Muchuan and Cheng Zheng have a little feud...

Well, of course, it's better to use your own people to rest assured.

This is the understanding of Ding Yifan and Sailimu, and Bai Muchuan will not explain it anymore.

After a while, Sailimu's voice broke the silence.

"Boss, there is news from Team Quan."

He handed over the wireless communicator.

Bai Muchuan frowned, "Hello, I'm Bai Muchuan. Tell me!"

Quan Shaoteng's voice came clearly from the microphone, "I have arrived at the target area, and the preliminary investigation found that...the situation is not very good."

So fast?
"Did you fly over? Tell me, what's the situation?"

Quan Shaoteng's tone was calm, and he didn't joke like usual, "Why fly? This is called a quick march... But I came early, so it seems a little late."

"Too late?" Bai Muchuan frowned even deeper, "Old Five, you haven't announced a happy news to me recently, it's all bad news!"


Quan Shaoteng was very helpless, "This kid is an opponent. I haven't met such a cunning bastard for a long time. If I catch him, I will definitely be skinned alive..."

"Huh?" Bai Muchuan said in a deep voice, "Tell me the details."

Quan Shaoteng hesitated a little, "Xiaobai, I told you, don't worry about getting angry?"

"Say it quickly! Why are you talking so much nonsense, are you possessed by Sailimu?"


Sailimu lay innocently on the gun, rolled his eyelids, and remained silent.

Quan Shaoteng sighed: "I'm still searching along the way, but I saw fresh wheel marks on the road just now, and left in the opposite direction to us... I'm afraid that even if I find a place, it will be empty?"

The night was very foggy, and the target location was a dirt road. If it was slightly wet, it would leave marks on the places where the tires had been pierced. Bai Muchuan believed in Quan Shaoteng's judgment, and also believed that the impeller would not just sit there and wait to die...

"Hey Xiaobai!"


(End of this chapter)

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