Chapter 664

The ship in the darkness, only a small light faintly.

The dim lights, reflected in the water, cast a strange color on the water.

Cheng Zheng was sitting by the window, looking at the invisible person on the bank, motionless, his eyes stroking the shadow of nothingness over and over again, sketching her appearance in his mind...

"Reluctance?" Ye Lun raised his trouser legs, sat down beside him, and joked with a half-smile: "You said that if I take someone out of the country for you, it will be yours. From the ends of the earth, Bai Muchuan can still snatch people for you ?"

Cheng Zheng murmured: "What's the use of not being there when you are here?"

"Chi!" Impeller couldn't take it anymore, and smiled coolly, "Heart? What the hell is a heart?"

Cheng Zheng turned his head to look at him, remained silent, and continued to stare at the shore.

Ye Lun snorted coldly, "Woman, it's been a long time, how can I remember Bai Muchuan and Wang Muchuan? You are with her every day, and she is yours...Call you stupid, and you are a high-tech talent, call you smart , What a no-brainer."

When this guy hurts people, his mouth is also poisonous.

Cheng Zheng looked at him coldly: "Bringing her is to control me for your own convenience, right?"

"...Why do you have to say it so harshly, am I not doing it for you to better develop the biological and chemical weapons we need? What's wrong with taking what we need?"

Cheng Zheng didn't seem to hear, and waited for a while without saying a word.

"Is she safe?"

"Safe, don't worry!"

Cheng Zheng remained silent.

Seeing this, Ye Lun took out a night vision binoculars and handed it to him, "If you don't believe me, look! Our people will leave after a while. She stays there until dawn at most. If Bai Muchuan doesn't come, she will be discovered..."

With a hum, Cheng Zheng took the binoculars and looked at the place he came from.

That place was on a higher ground, and when he looked from this position, he could just see half of Xiang Wan's shadow... She was tied up, kneeling on the ground, with her head bowed, her long hair was blown up by the wind and scattered in a mess with.Beside her were two watchmen.

"I'm worried." Cheng Zheng looked at him and frowned, "Get your people to leave her immediately. Then inform Bai Muchuan."

"..." Impeller took a breath, "You think I'm stupid?"

"Or you can dial 110." Cheng Zheng said lightly, "Bai Muchuan won't come so soon. But, you must evacuate your people first, otherwise, how can I guarantee her safety?"

The impeller was very angry with him: "Cheng Zheng, you really know how to settle accounts."

Cheng Zheng asked, "Then do you accept it?"

The impeller gritted his teeth: "Accept."

After that, he turned his head and ordered a boy, "Call them and tell them to evacuate."


The subordinate lowered his head to make a phone call, while Cheng Zheng was listening, a gleam of light appeared in his indifferent eyes...


The sea under the dark night is endless.

Cheng Zheng was holding a binoculars, sitting and looking in Xiang Wan's direction, and saw that they left Xiang Wan there alone, and drove away... She still didn't move, she was still sitting where she was, like a sculpture.Cheng Zheng waited quietly for a while, then slowly put away the binoculars, stared at a light reflected in the water, "Let's go!"

The impeller snorted unhappily, strode out and raised his voice at the same time.

"Monkey, I leave this to you! I'm going out to get some air... I'm so mad!"

A lot of time has been delayed here, and he obviously didn't want to delay any longer, so he went out angrily to make arrangements.The boat was prepared long ago, and within a few minutes of the impeller going out, it began to leave the shore slowly.

There was a layer of ripples on the surface of the water, and the sound of water could be heard, and Cheng Zheng was gripping tightly in his heart, thinking about the time when Bai Muchuan would come.

The impeller didn't come in.

A tall, fleshy man sat at the door of the cabin with a black face, holding a dick in his hand, and looked at him motionlessly.

The ship was getting farther and farther away, the land was gradually swallowed by the sea, and Cheng Zheng couldn't see anything anymore.

He put down the binoculars slowly, glanced at the man named "Monkey", and closed his eyes silently.

At this time, the hull of the ship shook suddenly, and someone outside screamed softly.


Just a sigh, gone.

Monkey was slightly startled, "Who?"

No one answered, and the surrounding area was eerily quiet.

He took a deep look at Cheng Zheng, held up his gun and was about to open the door to see what happened, when the door was kicked open.

"Don't move!"

The voice of the visitor was low, with a murderous look.

The monkey backed away slowly, pointed his gun at the person coming, his chest was tight, "Who are you... When did you get on the boat?"

"Hehe, do you care about your grandfather?" Quan Shaoteng kept dripping water on the floor, and every step he took was a wet footprint.He looked at the monkey without blinking. After a moment, he tilted his head, "Be honest, if it falls into my hands, you won't be able to play tricks."

The monkey didn't answer, the hand holding the gun was very steady and didn't move.

Quan Shaoteng narrowed his eyes and called out in a deep voice, "Second son, go up and shoot him down."

Quan Shaoteng brought a total of several action members. Like him, they were fully armed, but they were drenched. It was obvious that they had just emerged from the sea, and they had been lurking under this ship. Fortunately, they had been holding back for so long. ...

"Where are they?" Monkey asked cautiously, pointing his gun at Quan Shaoteng.

"Oh. Dead." Quan Shaoteng replied lightly.

Monkey's eyes widened, and he gripped the gun tightly, "Impossible."

Quan Shaoteng smiled sinisterly, "If you don't obediently put down the gun, you will have to go to the Palace of the Underworld to join them later."

The monkey didn't believe it at all, raised his gun, and kept backing away.

Not only did he not believe it, Cheng Zheng didn't even dare to believe it.

When he boarded the boat, he paid special attention to the fact that there were a total of nearly twenty horse boys on this boat.

They are not deaf or blind, they are all armed violent elements hired by the impeller at a high price.

How did Quan Shaoteng touch them so quietly and kill them all?

Cheng Zheng stared at the situation motionlessly, but Hou Zi couldn't hold back, "I don't believe you have this ability..."

"Just wait and see if you don't believe me." Quan Shaoteng snorted coldly, and looked into the cabin again, suddenly a little strange, "Where's the impeller?"

He looked at Cheng Zheng.

Cheng Zheng was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Is he not outside?"

"Not here!" Quan Shaoteng thought brokenly, pointing the gun at the monkey, "Where did the impeller go?"

Houzi sneered, and took another step back, "I don't know. I want to see Bai Muchuan."

"Ha!" Quan Shaoteng smiled, his eyes were more evil than impellers, "What the hell are you thinking? Your young master has not passed this level, and you want to see our boss? Do you think Bai Muchuan is the one you want to see? I can see it, what is it? Second son, what are you doing in a daze, go up! Shoot him!"

" dare you!"

"Why don't I dare? Do you think I'm afraid of you with a broken gun in your hand?" Quan Shaoteng curled his lips and smiled disdainfully. The bullet is fast, but my bullet will have eyes!"


Monkey thought of his ability to get on the boat just now, so of course he didn't dare to bet...

He squeezed the gun tightly in his hand, and suddenly smiled, his expression was as wretched as a poisonous snake about to bite, "If you don't want Xiang Wan's life, then try to use a gun..."


Quan Shaoteng was stunned for a moment, then the wireless communicator made a sound.

"Old five, old five! Please answer if you receive it."

It's Bai Muchuan.

Quan Shaoteng glanced at the monkey, "Got it, got it! Please tell me!"

Bai Muchuan: "Xiang Wan on the shore is a fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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