Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 665 Confrontation

Chapter 665 Confrontation ([-])


Quan Shaoteng was stunned.

Cheng Zheng also stood up instantly.

Several pairs of eyes stared at the monkey at the same time, and he slowly widened the smile on the corner of his mouth, and smiled complacently: "Did you take impeller as a fool? How could he not save himself a hand? If he is so stupid, how could he?" And today."

Cheng Zheng exclaimed in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Monkey sneered, "Impeller got off the boat just now."

"I mean Xiang Wan." Cheng Zheng said in a cold voice, "Just now... I clearly saw that the person was her."

"Haha!" Monkey raised his brows slightly, "The person talking to you in the car is indeed her. But you must not know it, we have a Xiang Wan in the trunk... You, you are still too stupid Yep. The impeller didn't even think about letting Xiang Wan go. The real Xiang Wan was transferred when you just got on the boat. She was in the car you watched as you left. Now... well, it's almost merged with the impeller."

Cheng Zheng's face turned pale.

"The impeller won't move?"

"If he wants to leave, he won't go with you. Eggs should not be put in one basket. I understand such a simple truth. Don't you understand?"

"..." Cheng Zheng felt depressed in his chest, which couldn't be relieved for a while.

The impeller is too dodgy.

Using a fake Xiang Wan, using the distance and terrain, he cleverly tricked him.

Then sneak off the boat and find another way to leave...

"Playing with the eagle, was the eye pecked by the eagle? Isn't it fun?" The monkey was a little proud, but Quan Shaoteng sneered and interrupted him: "What the hell are you so ridiculous about? You are just an abandoned child The impeller used you to plug the hole of the gun, and you still laughed, I have seen a fool, but I have never seen you so stupid!"

Monkey hehe, "He won't give up on me."

Quan Shaoteng was startled, "Who are you?"

Monkey: "I'm nothing like him. Team Cheng..."

His gun slowly turned and pointed at Cheng Zheng's head, "He is a priceless treasure, how could Ye Lun be willing to give up on him? As long as he needs Cheng Zheng, he won't dare to give up on me..."

"..." Quan Shaoteng smiled, "He's pretty good at making up stories."

Houzi stopped talking to him: "I want to talk to Bai Muchuan."

call!Oh shit!

Quan Shaoteng was very angry, but he couldn't delay matters related to Xiang Wan.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai..." he called into the microphone.

Over there, Bai Muchuan's hoarse voice came, "I heard it all. Give him the microphone."

Quan Shaoteng clenched his teeth, "Yeah. Xiaobai, this is too mysterious, don't listen to this kid talking nonsense!"

"What nonsense? You didn't find the impeller, you didn't find Xiang Wan, is it true?" The monkey was smug when he spoke, but he was very cautious and didn't pick up the microphone. He just raised his voice, "Bai Muchuan, half an hour Well, if the impeller didn't hear from me, he would have killed Xiang Wan..."

Bai Muchuan: "He won't. How could he be willing to kill such a good life-saving talisman?"

Monkey was stunned, and smiled, "Even if he won't kill her, wouldn't he rape her to vent his anger, or do something else you don't want to see... Anyway, Xiang Wan is in his hands, and he wants to do it Wouldn't it be convenient to order something?"

This time, Bai Muchuan didn't answer right away.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "What are you going to do?"



"I'm leaving with Cheng, and then Impeller will return you to Xiangwan."

"Heh! Do you think Impeller is stupid, or am I stupid?" Bai Muchuan was silent for a while, "Now you have only one way in front of you, cooperate with me!"

"Bai team, do you think I will believe what your police say? All right, if you don't want to cooperate, then kill me now, and then pray that your woman will not be raped and killed! Anyway, my life is worthless, It's a big deal to die, and I've lived enough in this life. It's a pity that your woman is young and looks like a flower and a jade..."

"Okay!" Without waiting for Bai Muchuan to reply, Cheng Zheng walked over, "I'll go with you. You should contact Ye Lun immediately."

"Cheng Zheng!" Bai Muchuan yelled over there, "Don't be stupid!"

"I know what I'm doing..." He finished speaking into the microphone, then turned to look at the monkey, "Contact the impeller immediately!"

"No problem!" Monkey whistled casually, gave him a sideways glance, and took out his phone.

However, as soon as the mobile phone was picked up, the impeller turned over.

"Monkey, how's the situation?"

The monkey glanced at the people in the cabin, "Something went wrong..."

After he briefly explained the situation, the impeller smiled, "Sure enough! Okay, this will be even more interesting. You put your phone on speakerphone..."


Turn on the hands-free, and the impeller can talk to Bai Muchuan directly.

The few people present were all sullen and silent.

I only heard impeller say with a half-smile: "Officer Bai, the game is getting better now? But, I like it very's getting more and more interesting!"

Bai Muchuan: "Impeller! I advise you, turn around and be right!"

"Shore? Haha, where do I still have a shore? I've been away from the shore for a long time..." Impeller's laughter remained the same: "Listen up. Xiangwan's life is at stake, and now I'm going to drive the boat towards the high seas... I Waiting for you here! Oh, don't forget, let the monkey take Cheng Zheng with him. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will push Teacher Xiang into the sea and blow the shark!"


"I'll give you an hour."

"not enough time!"

"It's too late, it's a big deal, I don't want Cheng Zheng anymore!"


He hung up.

Everyone exchanged glances.

Quan Shaoteng took a deep breath, "Xiaobai?"

"I'm on board."

After a while, Bai Muchuan bent down and entered the cabin, glanced at the monkey, "I'll go exchange it!"

"No!" Cheng Zheng stopped immediately, "Bai Muchuan, don't be stubborn with me at this time! I'm more useful than you."

Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows, "Can you?"

Cheng Zheng looked deeply into his eyes, "I can."

The two looked at each other for a long time, but Bai Muchuan didn't speak.

After about half a minute, he lowered his face and glanced at the monkey, "Go to the open sea immediately."

"No problem." The monkey was about to go out with a smile, but Bai Muchuan said in a deep voice, "Put down the gun!"

Monkey was taken aback.

Staring at Bai Muchuan, he slowly put the gun on the floor and went out with his hands raised.

"Oh shit!"

Quan Shaoteng cursed.

Today, I managed to be handsome for a while, and led the soldiers to attack Huanglong. Seeing that the enemy was about to be wiped out, I didn't expect that Ye Lun would hide his hand... He was so handsome for only three seconds, I was really angry and hated.

Quan Shaoteng turned his head and glanced at Bai Muchuan, "Is it okay to do this...?"

Bai Muchuan half-closed his eyes, "Yes."


Without saying much, several people followed out of the cabin.

Only then did Cheng Zheng see Quan Shaoteng's action team and a group of special police throw all the people from the impeller on the deck, sitting in a row with their heads in their hands, embarrassed and cowardly.

Quan Shaoteng: "All get off the boat. I'll do it myself!"


A group of people were taken down.

The people who drove the boat were replaced by Quan Shaoteng and the action team members.

The special forces from the red thorns can fly in the sky, swim in the water, and drive the boat.

Start again, this time the speed is faster than before, and soon you can see the signal light from the impeller.

The ship, larger than theirs, lay silently at the limit of the open sea.

Bai Muchuan took a deep breath, and shouted directly: "Listen, impeller, the exchange is fine, we need to see Xiang Wan first!"



 Correct after typo~ Kakaka~
  Little fairies, the double will end on the morning of the 8th, if you have votes, please vote, okay...

(End of this chapter)

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