her left eye is unusual

Chapter 102 Chapter 108

Chapter 102 Chapter [-]
The driver frowned slightly, and replied in an unhurried voice: "Are you asking me to rush into the fireball to save people like this?"

The cold and playful sarcasm calmed down Wei Yan's excited mood a little.

Looking up at the other party, I realized that the eyes behind the black-rimmed eyes were terrifyingly calm.

how could be?No matter who is facing this sudden disaster and life-threatening situation, it is impossible to be so calm...even call it indifference.

But... at this moment, Wei Yan had no reason to refute.

The two cars in front of them were completely engulfed in the fireball. Could it be that he should rush into the fireball to save people?
Just like in those TV dramas, for the sake of sensationalism, to prove how much I value the people in it, how kind I am... In short, things like that.

Obviously seeing the fuel tank of the car explode, a sea of ​​flames, but also rushing into the flames to save people.

Being stopped by the people next to him desperately, he resented why the other party didn't save others, why he was so cold-blooded, as if everyone except himself was heartless and ungrateful.

"You, you..." As soon as Wei Yan opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was hoarse.

The other party seemed to understand what he was thinking at the moment, and his voice was still low and calm: "I have already called the police,... Well, with the speed of dispatching the police here, they will arrive in about 10 minutes."

Two 10 minutes?At that time, the car had been burnt to nothing...

Wei Yan was a man of clank, at this moment, I don't know whether it was tears or sweat mixed together, dripping all over his face.

The driver handed something in front of him: "Perhaps, you should check your phone first."

Wei Yan followed the sound and saw that it was his mobile phone. With a move in his heart, he took it subconsciously.

It shows a newly received text message, the sender is "Shi".

A move in my heart...

He struggled to stand up from the ground, blood, sweat and dust made him look very embarrassed.

There was dizziness in his head, and he staggered and almost fell down again.

But the man in front of him kept his hands in his trouser pockets except for handing him the phone, and he didn't even have the intention to step forward to help him.

Through blurred vision, Wei Yan saw a stern and resolute face, eye-catching black-rimmed eyes, and a tall and straight body, even half a head taller than himself, about 180 centimeters.

A decent long-sleeved white shirt, trousers, and leather shoes.On this scorching hot day, even the cuffs were buttoned neatly, and even the undershirt of the same color could be vaguely seen through the shirt.

No wonder he always felt that there was something wrong along the way. Such a person is not an ordinary person at first sight...

"You, who are you?"

The man kept a decent smile all the time, and replied calmly: "I am the one who was forcibly confiscated by you, Mr. Police, and became the driver. I don't know if I can leave now?"

"No, no—"

Almost subconsciously, Wei Yan blurted out.

As soon as the words came out, he realized how out of control he was just now, and his Adam's apple wriggled up and down.

However, no matter what, the image and demeanor shown by this man is by no means an ordinary person.

He quickly added: "You are an eyewitness to this traffic case..."

The corner of the man's mouth was lightly raised, without arguing, he just stood there quietly.

Wei Yan paused, and found that there was nothing to say.

Turning around, picked up the phone and clicked on the message...

At this time, his body, which was already a little weak, trembled instinctively, and he quickly dialed Wang Yang's phone number.

"Quick, immediately, go to Dongxing Feed Factory immediately... Let them gather immediately after get off work, you and Lao Deng will drive to pick them up, and immediately take people there..."

Wei Yan hung up the phone and reached out to the man: "The key—"

The man barely paused, took his hand out of his trouser pocket, and casually threw the key to the other party, saying: "I am a good citizen, and it is every citizen's duty to cooperate with the police in investigating cases."

Wei Yan held on, trying to make his tone sound serious: "You are waiting here to cooperate with the police investigation."


Su Xin approached the warehouse majesticly, and said in a loud voice: "Stop everyone, something happened in the factory, everyone gathered outside, waiting for inspection..."

Several workers looked at the white coats that appeared suddenly, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

I don't understand how such a person appeared here. When I came back to my senses, I was about to question, but the foreman said loudly: "Okay, okay, work is over today, everyone go out and gather first."

The foreman knows some of the secrets of the factory. He heard from the security guards that you can fight against the workshop director, but you can’t offend those people in white coats. It’s best to do whatever they ask you to do.

So at this time, I pretended to be smart and didn't say it, and very obediently asked everyone to go out and gather.

Su Xin didn't expect that he could really scare these people, and it was also thanks to the "prestige" that this body had built up in these people's minds.

The first thing to do is to get the car keys.

As a veteran truck driver, it is the most basic professional habit not to leave the key.

She noticed that the driver was at the end, and the key was in his hand. He should be just an ordinary truck driver, and he didn't see the way at all.

He asked very depressed: "Hey, what should I do with my goods? There are a few points during the day when large trucks are not allowed to pass, and they can only pass through at night. I can't wait here for you all the time..."

Su Xin walked past him, unexpectedly knocked him down with an electric shock device, took the key, and climbed into the truck.

She used to drive small cars, but thinking about it, all the cars are the same. Knowing the principle, she can draw inferences. They all have the ignition, clutch and gear, so there is no problem in starting.

Su Xin moved too fast, and the people outside saw that the situation was not good, so they reacted and rushed over in unison.

Rotting in front of the car, he wanted to use his own flesh and blood to block the iron-clad behemoth.

Su Xin didn't hesitate at all, instead of stepping on the brakes, she even hit the accelerator.

Everyone was shocked, and while yelling and cursing, they rushed to both sides.

Damn, I really don't dare to use their flesh and blood to meet such a cruel person.

Su Xin drove the truck towards the back of the factory to meet Shi Feng.

At the beginning, I was not familiar with the condition of the car, and I didn't grasp the turning distance well, so I directly crushed the green belt next to me.

Seeing a large number of people swarming in front and around, Su Xin honked the horn vigorously, but the speed did not slow down at all.

I usually hear that harsh sound on the road, and feel that the whole world is blank. Now I finally have the opportunity to make such a noise by myself.

At this time, Shi Feng, who was about to be captured, saw a large truck rushing towards him, roaring all the way, and the people around were a little distracted when they saw such a tyrannical person.

Shi Feng took this opportunity to break free from the restraint, throw the two away, and regain freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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