her left eye is unusual

Chapter 103 Chapter 109

Chapter 103 Chapter [-]
Su Xin never let go of her foot on the gas pedal, and at this moment, when she stepped on it to the bottom, Da Ka rushed over.

Seeing each other, those people were so determined to bump into them to death, they didn't dare to stop for a head-on collision, and rushed to both sides to avoid it.

Shi Feng was short, crawling on the ground, jumped up when the car just passed him, grabbed the iron frame of the truck, jumped into the truck bed.

Daka was like a howling and angry beast, roaring all the way to the gate of Dongxing Feed Factory, and then smashed the iron gate open without hesitation...

Tang Jun wanted to kill someone now.

Because he is the general person in charge of "safety" here, he is usually the one-sided toubob, but if something happens in the factory, he is the first to be "reasoned".

The most terrible thing is that the two people are wearing epidemic prevention clothes, epidemic prevention clothes, which means that something happened in the operating room...

Tang Jun felt bitter. He had just received an order from his superior saying that today's "pickup" was of great significance and that no mistakes were allowed. He even promised that he would be transferred back to his side after this incident...

He patted his chest to promise that there would never be any mistakes.

Unexpectedly, something really happened in less than half an hour, didn't it kill him!
The intercom rang, and it was a report from someone he had sent to investigate in the basement.

Sure enough, the operating room was washed, and Professor Tong and his assistant were lying on the ground... However, the "goods" were still there.

Tang Jun felt his body tremble involuntarily, not only because of this "negligence of duty", but also because he understood the consequences of negligence of duty better than anyone else.

He yelled into the walkie-talkie angrily, and called the security guards together, "Chase, chase those two people back no matter what."

Immediately afterwards, he immediately contacted the boss, saying that the pick-up failed this time and was messed up by someone, and he didn't know where the other party came from...Professor Tong and his assistant couldn't handle it, but the goods were still there...

Originally, it was because the goods were very important this time, so Professor Tong was asked to do it himself.

At this moment, Zhuang Menghao wanted to kill Wei Junshou.

It is said that there has been no accident for so many years, but it happened as soon as he came, so the first thing he thought of was him.

But after thinking about it, now that he is enshrining to him, he has no reason to punish himself.

Anyway, the goods are still there, as long as they are delivered to the plane tonight and delivered to Mr. Cao tomorrow.

So he said to Tang Jun: "Since he is no longer able to do it now, I will immediately find someone to pick up the "goods". Isn't there still a few surgeons who want to go to acupuncture points?..."

As long as that level of relationship is done well, even the big things can be smoothed out!

To be on the safe side, Tang Jun called several surgeons, and they all said that they "have a lot of time" and "will be there soon", and finally felt relieved.

Daka was followed by a large group of security guards, waving electric shock batons in their hands, shouting and cursing.

When Daka rushed out of the gate, Suxin subconsciously slowed down a bit and dropped it.

Too fast for fear that they won't be able to keep up.

Shi Feng noticed that the direction Su Xin was driving was not where they parked, and he understood the other party's intention in an instant.

So he sat on the pile of goods in the car body, and gave the middle fingers to those who came after him, looking awkward.

Su Xin felt that he had run some distance, so he put the gear on again, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car drove away in a swish, and turned around in the industrial park, completely throwing off these people.

Seeing that the security guards had gone out, Tang Jun realized that something was wrong, and quickly called them back.

These are well-trained security guards. After chasing them in the factory area just now, they ran so far when they came out, and they were already exhausted.

Moreover, they were teased and provoked by those two people just now, which is simply a great shame for them who have been "talking about one thing" in the factory.

No matter how unwilling he was, he could only walk back resentfully and slowly after receiving the order from the boss.

After changing their outfits, Su Xin and the two sat back in the car and threw the two sets of anti-epidemic suits into the river next to them... In fact, there is a trash can next to it, mainly because the water can wash away the sweat stains, bloody smell, etc. on them.

Shi Feng raised his binoculars to observe the direction of the factory.

It's a bit uneasy to leave like this.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before two police cars came roaring with sirens.

With a smile on the corner of Shi Feng's mouth, he handed the binoculars to Su Xin and let her have a look, so he felt at ease.

Wang Yang was already full of passion and enthusiasm. When he arrived at the gate of the factory, he drove the police car in, and then ostentatiously greeted a group of people to search everywhere.

Tang Jun is also a ruthless character. He is a veritable toubob in the factory, but Wang Yang doesn't like this at all. Handcuff him.

Seeing that these people's goals were very clear, Tang Jun felt very anxious. Seeing that the security guards finally came back, he didn't bother to complain about why these wooden fish heads had been out for so long.

Quickly let them block these people.

Normally, they naturally look down on these soft guys in police uniforms, because they know very well that their upper class is related to the other party's upper class, even if they have that skin, they dare not do anything to them.

But now, as if the other party didn't understand the "meaning" of their words at all, they directly pulled out their guns at them, removed the electric shock batons, mobile phones, walkie-talkies, etc., and handcuffed the security guards one by one.

During the handcuffing, Wang Yang gave Lao Deng a wink, and handcuffed these people's hands behind their backs.

Seeing this, Tang Jun knew that these people were serious.

Because for those who have passed the training, if they simply handcuff their hands, they have no less than ten ways to escape, but if two people are handcuffed together, the chance of escaping is almost zero.

Tang Jun was in a hurry, he planned to call the boss, and that nasty Wang Yang did not hesitate to search out all the communications on him, calling it "evidence".

He said viciously: "Boy, do you know that we can meet each other after leaving a front line in person? Don't be too extreme in life and things, you are committing suicide... If you are sensible, just give me the phone, I will give it to my parents It’s just a report of safety, I won’t tell you if you don’t talk about it, it’s good for everyone..."

Wang Yang just looked at him with a smile on his face, and said, "I can't see that you are still a very filial person. At this time, you would think of your parents who gave birth to you and raised you. Xiao Zhang, bring your phone."

The person called Xiao Zhang was just assigned to their department, and he looked like a creamy boy. He reluctantly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Wang Yang, adjusted his glasses frame, and added weakly: "Captain Wang, this is I just bought it last month..."

Wang Yang grabbed the phone and said to Tang Jun, "Young son, tell me the number."

Tang Jun glared at him with great resentment, "Forget you, wait and see, when the time comes, I will make you kneel and beg me..."

(End of this chapter)

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