her left eye is unusual

Chapter 104 New hatred and old hatred

Chapter 104 New hatred and old hatred
All expressions on Wang Yang's face suddenly disappeared, looked at Tang Jun, and said in a cold voice, "I've been watching it all the time. Six years ago, Hyatt Hotel..."

Six years ago, Hyatt Hotel?

It took Tang Jun a while to recover, and he looked at Wang Yang in disbelief, "You, who are you?"

At that time, he had already made some famous tricks in the Tao.There are two or three "brothers" around at any time.

What is the most important thing about being the boss?In addition to being ruthless, we must also talk about "loyalty".

Therefore, if the brother around him had something to do, he, the boss, had to step up.

The Excelle Hotel is the property he manages. He took his brothers there to play that day, and met a waiter. One of the brothers seemed to be doing well, so he went to strike up a conversation, and wiped a couple of them by the way.

Unexpectedly, that woman didn't know good from bad, poured wine on that brother, and cursed like a chaste and martyr.

So the brother pressed the woman on the ground and "educated" her, but the woman was not "reasonable" and said that she would sue them.

They just laughed, so the other brothers also went to give her a "life" lesson.

Afterwards, he threw her a wad of money, but she scolded him that he would suffer retribution, and then jumped directly from the fifteenth floor of the hotel.

Afterwards, her poor relatives cried and wanted to sue them...

It was that time that he met Mr. Zhuang.Originally, I thought of pitying them and giving them some money, but I didn't expect to be ungrateful at all.

In the end, Mr. Zhuang found a gold medal lawyer for them. Because the woman had no evidence at all, no contacts, and even no money to appeal, she won the lawsuit without any suspense.

This incident is simply too insignificant for his Fengyun life.

And from his point of view, if it wasn't for the woman's persevering at that time, they didn't have the idea of ​​killing her at all. It was her, and she couldn't think about it at all.And he also gave her money afterwards, but she didn't want it herself, and she wanted to threaten them by jumping off a building, so who could she blame? !
However, even though he told himself over and over again in his heart, it was that woman who couldn't think about it.And her death was so insignificant, not much different from the death of an ant,

But all these years, after he experienced a more turbulent life, the image of her clutching the torn ragged clothes and pointing at him in despair and cursing "retribution" still lingers in her mind.

Tang Jun looked at Wang Yang and narrowed his eyes slightly. He really couldn't remember the relationship between the person in front of him and the woman who jumped off the building.

Wang Yang said: "Thanks to you, I applied for the police academy because of my sister's incident. I swear, I will bring you to justice. But these years have really made it easy for me to find... But I didn't expect to meet here, it seems that God is really kind to me."

When Tang Jun heard this, a hint of sternness flashed in his eyes, "Six years ago, you had nothing to do with me, and it's the same now. This time, I want you, your whole family, to be buried with your bitch sister."


Before Tang Jun finished speaking, he was hit hard in the abdomen.

Wang Yang was a top student in the police academy, otherwise he would not have been assigned to the criminal investigation department.At this time, the killing intent was surging in his heart, so naturally there was no room for attack.

"I, I want to sue you for unauthorized use of lynching, I... oh..."

Wang Yang beat him hard, and didn't stop until Tang Jun curled up on the ground like a shrimp and howled.

He straightened up and looked at several team members.

A few people immediately turned to the side, and looked around in a pretentious manner, as if they didn't understand the situation just now.

Wang Yang spread his hands: "Oh, sue me, sue me. Who here saw me using lynching? Ah, who saw it?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, and even deliberately asked: "Hey, Captain Wang, did something happen here?"

Tang Jun was so angry that he was going to die, but wait for the boss to come, call the boss above them, and then he will be dismissed, and then have fun and kill him!
Wang Yang vented, and finally felt a little better.

Let people drive all these people into the nearest factory building, close the door, and let a police officer watch.

Just after finishing these, Wei Yan finally arrived.

He was accompanied by several ambulances.

At this moment, Wei Yan suddenly received a call from Shangfeng.

It was a reprimand at the beginning.

Why act without any approval?

Why didn't you talk to him beforehand?

Do you still take him seriously?
Do you know that it is the leading environmental protection enterprise in our city?
Do you know how bad it is when you do this?

"...I order you, immediately, immediately, let your people withdraw. Write me a review and hand it to my desk, otherwise..."

Before He Ju finished speaking, there was a noisy voice from the receiver, and Wei Yan shouted loudly: "Hey, hello, I can't hear what you said..."

Then I hung up the phone, and it became a busy tone after another.

He Ju was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. At this moment, the phone rang again, and it was Mr. Zhuang's call.

He quickly picked it up, and as soon as he connected it, there was a reprimand.

He promised again and again, saying that he would go to the scene "in person" and "immediately" to control the situation.

Wei Yan forcefully cut off the phone call of the boss, without thinking, he knew what was waiting for him next, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I suddenly remembered that some friends who worked in the industrial and commercial brigade received complaints from the masses that there were some ulterior transactions in a certain entertainment city, and they immediately clicked to check, and there was not even a bird.

At this time, he didn't care about his appearance, and directly followed the news Shi Feng sent him, led a team of medical staff, found the basement, and rescued all the people inside.

Counting, including the mother and daughter, there were nine people!
Except for the three registered missing persons, the others were taken directly from outside, or they were migrant workers who came to S City from other places, or they had no relatives or friends...

All the people present were shocked, and they all felt blood surge in their bodies.

Wei Yan took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers...

The phone was connected as soon as it rang, and there was a sweet female voice, and a strong ambiguous atmosphere rushed over the phone.

"Why did Captain Wei suddenly think of me today? At this point in time, do you want to treat me to supper or...want...to make an appointment..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Wei Yan said seriously: "Didn't you always want to get big news? Now you immediately take a few reporter friends to Dongxing Feed Factory in Chengnan Industrial Park. The raw materials leaked..."

The woman heard the seriousness in the other party's words, and immediately restrained the teasing just now, became more serious, and was about to promise, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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