her left eye is unusual

Chapter 106 Purge

Chapter 106 Purge
The heads of several other acquaintances of the departments all smiled heartily when they saw the surprised expression on Wei Yan's face. I think everyone's mood and expression were similar when they saw this new bureau.

Since it was a routine meeting, it was going through the motions in a stylized manner, so it seemed that everyone looked very relaxed and sat very lazily.

But when the heads of the various functional departments gave a brief introduction to the work of the department, this old man Duan who had always been kind-hearted in their eyes... oh, it was Duan Ju, who actually took out a stack of red-headed documents.

Without beating around the bush, he said: "After investigation, some functional departments have caused extremely bad influence among the people due to their dereliction of duty and inaction, causing the people to lose confidence in us, and gradually making us lose credibility in the hearts of the people. In order to strictly enforce the discipline , Suspend and investigate the following comrades."

There was a buzzing sound in the meeting room, tsk tsk, is it going to be serious right now?

Isn't this old head abnormal? He didn't have a firm foothold here, so he got into a fight with the head of the department.You must know that most of the people in the department have a certain friendship with the head of the department. In this way, will others cooperate with his work?

"Wu Bo from the anti-drug brigade, Qian Fanren from the anti-pornography brigade, and Wang Zhenli from Chaco..."

There was an uproar below, and before the announcement of the section was over, there was already a commotion below.

Among the people he thought of, which one is not a man of the day in the Bureau?There are a few people who seem to be at the top and have something to do with it, and they even wait for the next Lu Bureau to be promoted and they will take over the position of the Bureau.

Now Bureau Lu is not only not on board, but also dismissed and investigated. My dream of being the director is gone, and suddenly an old gatekeeper is parachuted in, and he will be dismissed and investigated as soon as he arrives?
Who will tell them that this is not a routine meeting, but a joke meeting.

Wu Bo had a big belly, slapped the table with his fat hand, and pointed at Duan Ju, "Duan, why did you dismiss us as soon as you came here? You said we were dereliction of duty, show us evidence? Show your Take out the employment documents and take a look..."

Someone took the lead, and the crowd followed suit.

Old man Duan read the rest of the list without any disturbance as if he didn't hear the noise below.

"The above personnel, after the organization's research and decision, will be dismissed and investigated, and will take effect immediately..."

Wei Yan felt his head was a little dazed, and his throat was a little dry. He found that, except for the heads of the administrative departments, who were not mentioned, almost everyone in the bureau had been stroked.

Who will tell him that this is not a child's farce.

The chaos in front of him was expected by everyone, but for some reason, there was a trace of uncontrollable restlessness and excitement in his heart.

In the past, the rate of solving cases was low. In addition to the complicated relationship among them, it was also because of the overlapping responsibilities of these functional departments and mutual evasion, which required various procedures from top to bottom.For a very simple on-the-spot investigation, evidence inspection would take a week or two at the fastest, so it would be really strange if the murderer could be caught in this way.

The protests of Wu Bo and others were directly ignored, which made them feel that their authority had been greatly disdained and insulted, shouting things like "Old man Duan wait and see" and "I want you to look good".

Duan Ju suddenly yelled out the door: "Come here, carry out the No. [-] Thunder cleaning operation immediately!"

At this moment, the door of the conference room was slammed open, and dozens of anti-riot special police officers with shields and batons in their hands broke in, rushed in in two columns, and surrounded the entire conference room from the door in turn.

Among them, a dozen or so special police officers rushed directly to the few people who were threatening the section bureau, and in groups of two, they pressed these people to the ground with a big square shield, and beat them hard with their batons, and they didn't stop until they were completely honest. .

I thought it would cause a lot of turmoil, but it turned out that the scene was completely controlled in less than 5 minutes.

The special police pulled out the black cloth bags they had prepared earlier from their waist pockets, put them on their heads, handcuffed them, took out all the communications and metal objects on their bodies, and took them away directly.

The special police escorted those people away for a while, and the entire meeting room was still in a vacuum.

It wasn't until Duan Ju said "Continue the meeting" that everyone came back to their senses, and then timidly rearranged the messed-up tables, chairs and benches, and sat down upright.

Wei Yan felt that his legs were soft.

The rest is the division of responsibilities of functional departments, no cross-functional functions, and all assigned tasks must be completed within a certain period of time, and included in personal files and performance appraisal...

Wei Yan waited until the end of the meeting with mixed emotions. Although he was very shocked, it didn't seem to have a big impact on his small department.

He desperately wanted to go back and interrogate Tang Jun and others to get more clues.

We must find out who is behind it!
He stood up and was about to leave, but Director Duan Suo suddenly stopped him.

The people around him all looked at him, looking at him with probing and meaningful eyes, making him very uncomfortable.

As soon as he came, he was left to talk alone by the new bureau, either focusing on training or "care", but it seemed that it should be the former.

Director Duan said with a smile: "You are the guard who solved several unsolved cases one after another. That's right, you can go ahead and do it."

Wei Yan thought that the other party had some "special" instructions, for example, with regard to this case, some places should not be too fussy, some people should not be "hands-on", and so on.

But the other party just said this and there was no more to say. He paused, and left after agreeing to his promise.

Just as Wei Yan walked to the door, a calm and energetic voice came from behind him: "By the way, I heard that your department has two named agents..."

When Wei Yan heard it, his heart couldn't help but raise, but the other party didn't say anything.

I couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Yes, do you have any instructions from Duan Ju?"

"You have to make good use of it. I have asked my superiors to completely seal their files."

Wei Yan was startled, what, Su Xin and Shi Feng had already alarmed the superiors?

He subconsciously let out a oh.

After a pause, I wanted to ask something, but found that the other party just put away the file and left through another door.

Wei Yan returned to the special case investigation department, thinking about what happened during this time.

He couldn't even remember when the gatekeeper of the police station came?
I don't know where the specialness of Su Xin and Shi Feng will attract the attention of the people above?

Even use the system to seal their files?
I thought about it to no avail.

The only certainty is that this bureau is different from the previous Bureau Lu, oh wrong, it should be different from all the previous bureau chiefs...

How could a person who could lurk and be a doorman with peace of mind not have great perseverance and great faith, be able to attack like a thunderbolt now? !It's Thunder Sweeping Operation.

It can be seen that the other party supports his work, and also recognizes the abilities of Su Xin and Shi Feng.

In this way, it is enough.

Thinking of this, Wei Yan felt his whole body relax.

(End of this chapter)

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