her left eye is unusual

Chapter 107 The Dao of Heaven is Clear

Chapter 107 The Dao of Heaven is Clear

Wei Yan returned to the department and saw that someone had come to bail Tang Jun and others.

While Wang Yang and the others were negotiating with them, the situation got a little out of control.

Because the matter in the basement of the Dongxing Feed Factory has a unified caliber, the truth cannot be leaked, otherwise it will cause great panic and bad influence on the public.

Therefore, the only crime that fell on Tang Jun and the others was obstructing law enforcement, and there was no substantial evidence, which could be minor or serious.

At this time, someone brought a lawyer to bail, which is just going through some procedures.

Before leaving, Tang Jun pouted provocatively at Wang Yang.

Wang Yang was so angry that he was about to rush forward for a fight, but was stopped by Lao Deng and the others.

This is the police station, and it's under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The other party's lawyer was still present, even if he moved a finger of the other party, he would be described as violent law enforcement by these all-pervasive lawyers.

Tong Qianyun, two assistants and several bodyguards all suffered from a strange disease. Many muscles in his body were necrotic for no reason, and the medicine stone was ineffective.

In less than a day, many serious rots appeared on his body.

The muscles were necrotic in lumps, turning from blue to purple, from purple to black, rotting from the inside out, and began to ooze corpse water, emitting bursts of stench.

In order not to cause more infections, surgery had to be performed to remove all the carrion.

After the carrion was removed, the wounds on the arms and legs revealed large bloody holes, revealing thick white bones.

And the infected area on the stomach burst open due to the rotting flesh, exposing the place and internal organs inside.

The most terrible thing is that they can't cry out in such pain, because muscle necrosis also occurs in their necks.

Not only did she have no vocal cords, but her entire esophagus was necrotic, so she had to hollow out her neck and connect a tube to feed liquid food into it.

Even the pulsating trachea and carotid arteries on both sides can be seen.

For some reason, even if the necrotic part of the infected area is removed, the surrounding muscles don't have the slightest healing ability, instead, they will continue to rot from that place to the surrounding.

It was hot and stuffy in September, and within a day, the new wound began to ooze pus and become infected again.

Seeing everything, I have a heart, tsk tsk, it's really pitiful.

However, the few medical staff who rescued these people from the basement didn't think so.

They have known for a long time that some people in the industry go out of their way to make money and do some unconscionable things, and now this is their retribution!

People are doing it, the sky is watching, and there are gods standing above their heads, which is not fake at all.

Examinations of them with the most advanced instruments have yielded no results.

Fortunately, there was a "raw material leak" as a cover, saying that these people were infected and caused sepsis-like lesions.

As for what raw material?Why does it cause human disease and corruption?These are not the scope that Wei Yan and the others need to consider.

Tong Qianyun's physical condition is slightly better, although there are still a few big holes in his body due to muscle necrosis, but at least he can talk now.

Compared with the others, he has a special status...

The doctor said that the limbs must be amputated, otherwise it may cause bone necrosis, sepsis, and life-threatening.

As for those few people, even their necks are starting to rot, so amputation doesn't make any sense to them, they can only stay there to fend for themselves.

Tong Qianyun himself is a surgical expert and a professor, how could he not know how powerful it is.

But my limbs have muscle necrosis, if I amputate them...

He who used to be so beautiful would never have imagined that one day he would become the man on the operating table, the one who was cut... Listening to the doctors discussing where to cut... Just like the self in the past, one sentence Just a single thought determines everything about that person on the operating table.

At this moment, in addition to the incomparable pain in his body, he also has the sadness, despair, and helplessness in his heart.

His newlywed wife saw him turned into a "human stick", stood far away, covered her mouth and nose, looked disgusted, and left after hearing the doctor's diagnosis.

Soon, the lawyer came and asked him to sign the property division agreement, and he had no room for resistance.

Tong Qianyun finally realized something called retribution.

He can become an internationally renowned heart surgeon at such a young age, so there must be something unique about him.

Because he has an indescribable obsession with the human body, even when he sees a person, he can't help thinking of cutting them open one by one.

In the past, he used the guise of "academic obsession" for his weird thinking, but now it seems that it is only because of his contempt for other people's lives in his bones that he can show such indifference.


So now in Wei Yan's hands, only Professor Tong Qianyun and the rescued "missing persons" are left, and perhaps they can provide some useful information.

So Wei Yan rushed to the special ward of the hospital with Wang Yang and Lao Dengtou.

The doctor blocked the door, saying that the patient's current situation is not optimistic and must be completely isolated to prevent bacterial infection.

Wei Yan pointed at the person inside, "What about him?"

The lawyer held his briefcase and said something to Tong Qianyun, while Tong Qianyun roared angrily and resentfully, and writhed without hands or feet, but looked helpless.

The doctor spread his hands, "There is no way, this is the hospital's regulation, if you force your way in and cause the patient to develop complications and infections, then it is your responsibility."

"Get out of the way." Wang Yang pushed away the doctor who obviously accepted the red envelope from the man inside, and then pushed the door open.

Like Tang Jun, the lawyer said before Wei Yan and the others asked, "Now I am Mr. Tong's carte blanche lawyer, and my client has the right to remain silent. If you insist on extorting a confession against my client's wishes, I have the right to sue you... ..."

Wang Yang yelled at Tong Qianyun: "Do you think they will let you go if you know so many things about them? Don't you have any regrets in your heart for doing so many unconscionable things? In your heart If you have any conscience, tell me all you know..."

Tong Qianyun's throat wriggled up and down, his lips trembled, and his eye sockets became moist all of a sudden.What he experienced in this day has completely knocked him from the peak of his once proud and brilliant life to the bottom, "I, I..."

The lawyer with gold-rimmed glasses quickly interrupted him: "Mr. Tong, you have the right to remain silent. I told the two police officers that the induced confession has no legal basis... If you continue to induce the confession against my client's will If so, I will sue you."

"You..." Angrily, Wang Yang wanted to beat up this little four-eyed boy.

The latter held his neck high, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and looked like "what can you do to me".

Wei Yan stopped Wang Yang, "Forget it, let's go. People are doing it, and the sky is watching!"

As soon as they left, they received a letter from a lawyer stating that Tong Qianyun was released on medical parole.

 Thanks to Mr. Jingjing for the huge gift, it is really too expensive! ! !The single chapter expresses the gratitude in Chili's heart.Seeing the familiar ID again, I feel warm and moved in my heart. Thank you for your support and company. Thanks to you, Chili will definitely work harder to code and update when you still like it!

  Thank you to all the friends who voted and commented to support Chili, I wish everyone safe and healthy, and everything goes well! !

(End of this chapter)

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