her left eye is unusual

Chapter 108 Who Are Those Two People?

Chapter 108 Who Are Those Two People?
At present, among all the "participants", only Tong Qianyun can speak, and he is also the core character in it, at least he knows a lot more than ordinary little guys.

But some people want him to say it, and some people especially don't want him to say it.

The police want to find a breakthrough from him and find out who is behind it... In fact, there is no need to look for it, everything is already on the surface.

The police now only need solid evidence, and only hard evidence can truly convict the real culprit behind the scenes.Not only did she want Tong Qianyun to speak, but she also wanted him to be a witness!

So of course the people behind the scenes want Tong Qianyun to shut up forever. Now, for them, the master swordsman has no hands and feet, so it is useless.

They also talked to Tong Qianyun's wife, and not long after, Wei Yan received news from the line following Tong Qianyun: Tong Qianyun was in transit, and his wound was infected concurrently. Although he was rescued, he came back. , but his voice is broken.

Wei Yan laughed angrily when he heard the news, why didn't he say that his brain was broken, but all he had was his voice?
So now Tong Qianyun has no limbs, can't write, can't even speak, even if he wants to ask, he can't get any useful information? !


As soon as Tang Jun was released on bail, he was dragged into a black business SUV, drove around the city a few times, and was taken to a hotel box.

Two bodyguard-like men in army green T-shirts with bulging muscles on their arms opened the curtain in front of them, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of them.

"Big brother?"

Tang Jun blurted out, subconsciously about to approach... but was blocked by two bodyguards with a body like a city wall.

Tang Jun thought that he was once one of the most influential figures around the boss, and it was because he trusted him the most that he was allowed to check in the most important place.

He asked displeasedly, "Brother, what does this mean?"

Zhuang Menghao held a big cigar between his fingers, took a long puff and then exhaled a smoke ring, looking very enjoying it, squinting his eyes and looking at Tang Jun through the smoke ring, with a calm expression, he said slowly: "Little Tang, you It’s not a very beautiful thing to do this time, do you have anything to say?”

Tang Jun's heart skipped a beat and he sank to the bottom of the valley. Although he hadn't been by his side these years, he knew Zhuang Menghao very well.

Such a big thing happened here, but the other party asked so calmly, it seems that this time I am...

Tang Jun pretended to be calm and said: "I have dealt with all the people involved, and the scene was completely destroyed. The police couldn't find any evidence."

Zhuang Menghao: "I heard that it was because of two people who suddenly appeared in the factory and messed things up? How did these two people get in? There are more than a dozen of you who can't even stop two of them, and escaped under your nose , It seems that it is really a waste of money."

Tang Jun thought that he was taken away by the police before he had time to check the surveillance again.

At this moment, Zhuang Menghao gave the person next to him a wink, and the latter took out a mobile hard drive and put it on the table, and said, "This is the monitoring screen I asked a friend to copy for me. Take a good look and see if you can remember anything." ?”

There is a data cable on the mobile hard disk, which is directly connected to the TV in the box.

Tang Jun was watching very seriously, recalling what happened yesterday while watching.

Before the incident, the only person who was put into the factory was Professor Tong, but from the later surveillance footage, there was no footage of those two people entering the factory area.

Judging from the escape of the two of them later... Maybe the little man was weaker, but his methods were very ruthless, and he didn't look like a novice.

Zhuang Menghao asked: "Do you know these two people?"

Tang Jun thought, this is the main reason why they brought him here.

I was about to shake my head subconsciously, but suddenly changed my mouth and said: "This tall man's skills look very familiar. I have a few mercenary acquaintances, so maybe I can recognize him."

Zhuang Menghao looked at him with squinted eyes and smiled, "Okay, I'll trust you again, don't lie to me."

When Tang Jun came out of the hotel, he felt like he had been shut out of hell.

He is well aware of Zhuang's tricks, the matter is exposed, and he knows so many secrets about him, he will never let himself be alive.

But the other party let him go because he wanted to know the identities of those two people. It can be seen that the information of those two people is more important to him than killing them.


Tang Jun was also a little strange. Those two people who didn't know when and how to sneak into the factory area gave him the first impression of well-trained veterans who cooperated very tacitly, but they always felt that something was wrong.

Even at this moment, he could only preliminarily judge that the tall man must have traces of field special forces.

But for a short guy, with his slender body, he would definitely look like a woman, but his movements are very sharp, without any "mother" feeling at all.Short cut, sneakers, no ear piercing, no eyebrow drawing, no Koudan, and no smell of powder or perfume... It would be strange if it was a woman.Well, anyway, the women he knows don't do this, at least they have to put on skin cream or something.

If he can't figure it out, don't think about it. The most urgent thing is to run away, but before that, he must settle his parents down.


After finally pulling in the net, I thought I had caught a few big fish, but it slipped away from my hand in minutes.

Wei Yan was so angry.

Angrily smashing the table, the law of tm is simply an umbrella for these people.

These people who were finally caught and found an important breakthrough in the disappearance case were all released in the end on the grounds that there was no "sufficient evidence".

So now there are only a few "missing persons" left, let's see if we can get some useful information from them.

It will take some time for these people to fully recover from the long-term use of nerve-controlling drugs.

In comparison, the pair of mother and daughter who took the medicine for the shortest time recovered the fastest, but now the woman seems to be very unstable.

Wei Yan has had people contact the families of these "missing persons".Most of them came to work from other provinces or remote places, so it will take some time to arrive.

The family members of the mother and daughter rushed over less than two hours after the notice was sent out. Seeing her shaved head huddled in a corner, they rushed towards her nervously.

The woman's name was Zhu Hong, and she finally let go of the child when she saw her husband and mother-in-law coming, and cried bitterly, "I thought I'd never see you again..."

Several people huddled together and cried bitterly. After the emotions calmed down a little, the old lady hugged the little granddaughter. The child yelled "Grandma, hungry" and went straight into her arms. The old lady hurriedly took milk from the bag bread.

Zhu Hong hadn't eaten since she disappeared. She was wary and resistant to everyone in the hospital before, and refused to eat anything, so she hugged her child tightly and huddled in a corner, so the child was also very hungry.

The old lady gave Zhu Hong another portion, and Zhu Hong finally ate something with the company of his family.

(End of this chapter)

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