her left eye is unusual

Chapter 109 Need a Psychiatrist

Chapter 109 Need a Psychiatrist

Two days ago, after Zhu Hong quarreled with her family, she took her daughter and her luggage and ran away in anger. Originally, she wanted to go back to her mother's house before making plans, but she didn't expect to get into a black car just after leaving the community.

When the mother-in-law saw that she had really left with the child and her bag, she hurriedly chased her out.

The doorman said he got in a taxi and called Zhu Hong, but there was the sound of the phone shutting down.

I thought of the news I often read recently that there are black cars that take people to remote places to kill people and rob money.

So he rushed to call the police.

It takes 48 hours for the case of disappearance to be filed. I have only been away from home for a few hours, and I left because of anger. Maybe I am shutting down somewhere to get angry.

So a few words sent them away.

As soon as they returned to the community, they encountered a tragic car accident. Someone recognized that the taxi's license plate was the one that Zhu Hong was sitting in earlier? !
The old lady fainted on the spot.The family took the old lady to the hospital.

Later, it was said that there were only two male corpses in the car, so I was lucky, maybe Zhu Hong had got off the car somewhere...

Unexpectedly, they received a call from the police early the next morning, asking them to go to the city center hospital, saying that Zhu Hong, mother and daughter, had been found.

The old lady immediately got up from the hospital bed, and she had to go to see her daughter-in-law in person, complaining that she really shouldn't listen to other people's words and doubt her daughter-in-law, so she had to apologize in person.

When they rushed to the hospital, they saw two policemen and nurses guarding the door. In the room, Zhu Hong, with her beautiful hair turned into a bald head, was curled up in a corner with her child in her arms.

The nurse told them that the patient was in this state when he woke up, and he became very frightened when he saw the uniform and white coat, and he couldn't communicate at all.It may be that something happened during the day of her disappearance, which greatly stimulated her spirit.

The little girl is in good health, probably relatively small, and she fainted as soon as she got into the car because she was afraid of making noise, so after waking up, she was not seriously injured except for being a little weak.

Seeing that his wife had suffered such a big trauma this time, Fu Ming blamed himself very much. In fact, he should have seen that his wife was depressed two days ago, so he should have given her more guidance and company...

This time, I took a week off. I plan to accompany my wife to stabilize my emotions first, and then follow the doctor's advice to find a good psychiatrist to take a good look.

The mother-in-law has been taking care of Zhu Hong's diet in the hospital for the past two days, cooking her favorite food in different ways.

When Wei Yan entered the ward, he saw Li Hui hugging his wife tightly, caring for him in a low voice, while playing marbles with his little daughter, while the old lady was helping the child pick up beads or wipe the child's sweat, peel fruit scene.

Wei Yan knocked on the door and explained the purpose of his visit. He mainly wanted to ask her what she saw when she got into the taxi that day. According to eyewitnesses, the driver helped her carry her luggage, so she could remember the other person's appearance, and so on.

Because when the black car had an accident at the end, there were two people on it. Could it be the one who hijacked her?And where have you been?What happened?

Zhu Hong raised his eyes and saw Wei Yan, his expression changed drastically, and he shrank into her husband's arms screaming in horror.No matter how her husband comforted her, her body couldn't help shaking.

There is definitely no way to ask in this way.

The old lady quickly pushed Wei Yan out of the door, "Please do me a favor and stop torturing my Honghong. If you hadn't let those bad guys rob people in broad daylight, how could Honghong have become like this?"

"No, no, I'm just..."

"Go, let me go..."

Wei Yan was pushed out by the old lady, and the door slammed shut with a "bang" in front of him.

Wang Yang spread his hands, they had already bumped into walls several times before.

It seems that Zhu Hong suffered a lot during his disappearance... Wei Yan suddenly thought of Shi Feng and Su Xin.

It was they who sent the message to let them go to Dongxing Feed Factory.And when they arrived, there was a mess there, presumably there must have been a fierce fight.Maybe... what they saw in the basement, although it cannot be used as evidence in court, but it can help how to untie the knots in the hearts of these "missing persons".

Wei Yan asked: "Are the other people fully awake?"

Wang Yang looked solemn, "I have fully woken up, and my consciousness has fully recovered, but they only know that they were taken directly into the van at that time, and then someone covered their mouths and noses, and their heads have been in a daze. Seeing everything was plain white... until they woke up, they didn't know what they had experienced in the days when they were missing."

Wei Yan sighed, glanced at the ward next to him, and said, "It's good that they don't know what happened."

Just like Zhu Hong, if she can't untie her knot, it will become an eternal nightmare in her life.

Wei Yan felt a stone pressing down on his heart, making him unable to breathe.

It's hard to catch a big fish, but the clue is broken here again.It's strange if you don't feel stuffy.

Wei Yan said to Wang Yang: "Do you know a more reliable psychologist? Help Zhu Hong to see."

Wang Yang snorted, "Psychiatrist? I know one, but he has a weird temper and charges a lot. I don't know if he will accept this case? Let me ask first."

Seeing Wang Yang's appearance, Wei Yan always felt that something was different.

In the past, no matter what he said or did, he gave people a feeling of being lazy and coping, even if it was what he ordered, he still looked like a fool.If it wasn't for seeing that he is very clever and has his own principles and bottom line, he would have kicked him out a long time ago.

But this time, he found that Wang Yang had really changed, he became calmer, and he was more active in doing things.

Knowing how to make progress is a good thing.

Wei Yan turned his head and called Su Xin. On the one hand, it was because Su Xin was not a real policeman, and on the other hand, he always felt that something was wrong with Zhu Hong, and wanted Su Xin to "take a look".

At this moment, Wei Yan asked Chen Bin who had been monitoring "Sicheng" to call: "Boss, there seems to be something wrong."

Wei Yan became nervous all of a sudden. It seemed that he had received a lot of goods in the past two days, but in fact it was all in vain to fetch water from the bamboo basket. When he got on the phone, he heard the other party say "something is wrong", and his nerves suddenly tensed up: "Why? What's going on?"

Chen Bin told him the address, and Wei Yan hurried over with Wang Yang.

When Wei Yan saw Chen Bin, the latter immediately sent him some photos and said, "This woman has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. There was a car accident outside the resettlement complex the day before yesterday, and she moved immediately after making a few phone calls. I changed cars a few times on the way, and then stayed in this hotel..."

"Oh" Wei Yan was relieved when he heard that the person was still there.

Chen Bin: "But I haven't seen it once, don't you think it's strange?"

Wei Yan patted him on the shoulder, nodded, and led Wang Yang into the hotel.

Wei Yan took out his ID and shook it at the girl at the front desk, then went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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