Chapter 113 (The Quiet Chicken Hall Master)

Su Xin gently put down Zhu Hong, and took her to the door.

Wang Yang looked at Mo Li and asked, "How is it?"

Mo Li didn't answer, and pointed his chin in the direction of Su Xin, "Who is she? She is not a relative of the patient or your policeman. Why is she here?"

Wang Yang snorted and was about to answer when Shi Feng took the words: "She is an employee of my studio." After speaking, he said to Wang Yang, "Since the matter here has been resolved, we will leave first."

Before Wang Yang responded, Mo Li snatched the words: "Oh, that's right. Let me guess, could it be a private detective? Coincidentally, I'm planning to join a studio right now..."

"Sorry, we don't have any plans to recruit yet."

After Su Xin came out of the ward, she stood aside and began to receive the messages from Xiao Tao.

"Susu, I sense the soul of that girl..."

"Which one?"

"It's the one you were looking for when you went to the demolition area last time."

Su Xin was stunned. Seeing all the troubles during this period, she almost forgot the cause of the whole incident.

She quickly asked, "Where is her soul? Take me to see it."

So when these people were inexplicably arguing, Su Xin left alone.

When I came to a ward, through the crack of the door, I really saw a ghostly aura.

Looking inside through the crack of the door, I saw a woman covered in blood and horrific wounds tied to the hospital bed, her body writhing wildly, with a cotton towel stuffed in her mouth, whimpering like a wild animal from her throat Growl.The expression on his face was terrified and painful.

Left-eye world: I saw dozens of black shadows pounced on the woman, pulling out the internal organs from her body bit by bit, and tossing them in her hands, some of them even pinched her eyes, pinching the eyeballs like balls Exploding, he stretched his ghostly hand into her head, and grabbed balls of white brains.

Su Xin's memory is getting better and better now, and she can vaguely discern that this woman is somewhat similar to the photos she saw in the file earlier.

After a while, I figured out the ins and outs, and suddenly realized that this is the woman who tricked He Yunyun and several other victims into the "black car", Sicheng.I didn't expect that this day would happen to her. I really deserve the sentence of retribution.

Previously, Xiao Tao hadn't sensed the souls of those missing persons, presumably they were trapped somewhere.

After the incident in the basement was exposed, those people pretended to be clever to destroy the evidence, and at the same time destroyed the formation that trapped those innocent souls, so the ghosts trapped inside were released.

They will follow all the people who have hurt them, take revenge one by one, and then gradually eliminate the resentment in their hearts.

In fact, that formation is not the real purpose of trapping the souls of the dead. The real purpose is to use the power of these souls to make a fortune formation.

Although the woman on the bed looked very painful, miserable and pitiful at this time, Su Xin didn't have the slightest intention of breaking out of the siege, but felt a trace of indescribable joy deep in her heart.

However, although these ghosts were very resentful, their soul power was very weak. Apart from making the woman feel pain and fear, what they did did not actually hurt the woman.It's not like a little glutton, who can really gnaw off the vitality of the other party with one bite.

And when it was noon, they would be forced to retreat by the extremely strong yang energy, and every day that passed, their soul power would gradually fade away.I'm afraid that in two or three days, they will be completely consumed by this world!

One of the female ghosts found out that there were people peeping and could still see them, so she became very vicious, trying to scare Su Xin away.

Xiao Tao suddenly protruded two leaves from Su Xin's shoulder, and shouted: "Dare to be fierce to my Su Su, believe it or not, I will eat you in minutes!"

Su Xin's mental power has become stronger now, and he can sense the information transmitted by special energy between ghosts and things.

Hearing Xiao Tao's words, he couldn't help but look down at the little carrot head on his shoulder.

Because there is more trust between the two, now Lingyan is just Xiao Tao's lodging place, and he can come in and out at will without being controlled by Su Xin.

Although Xiao Taokou said "My family Susu" sounds weird, but from another aspect it shows that it has regarded itself as an existence equivalent to a partner and family member at this time.

The ghosts sensed the extremely terrifying aura, and immediately became obedient.

Su Xin subconsciously patted Xiao Tao's radish head.

Xiao Tao said: "It's really stupid. With your current state, at most she can only make her feel a little pain when you are tossing, and you will recover as soon as you leave. I am afraid that you will not be able to take revenge until your soul power dissipates."

All the ghosts whined, and a gust of wind rose out of nowhere in the ward.

Su Xin saw that the woman on the hospital bed had many wounds on her body, and there was even a hideous gash in her stomach... I guess it was because these ghosts possessed the woman and dominated her body before.

So he said: "A ghost's soul power is limited, but it is more than enough to control some of its limbs together..."

All the ghosts suddenly realized, yes, they only know how to possess and control the other party's body to self-mutilate, but now the other party's hands and feet are bound, even if they are possessed, they can't break free from the bondage with their soul power, they can't hurt her at all, instead they are wasting themselves There is only a little soul power left.

Since you can't control the whole body, you can control one of the arms with all the ghosts together.

Then I saw these ghosts turning into black shadows, whizzing, and getting into the woman's arms one after another.The blue veins on the arm were bulging, and he broke free from the binding forcefully, then directly reached out and dug his hand into the wound on his stomach, forcefully pulled out the intestines inside, pulled them down on the hospital bed, and then fell to the ground, with one end still connected to the abdominal cavity.

The other hand and both feet were bound, and she was struggling frantically, with a desperate and painful wail in her throat, but she couldn't stop her own right hand from doing anything.

Until all the viscera in the cavity were taken out, the woman was left with painful spasms. The index finger and middle finger of her right hand were like hooks, and they stabbed hard into her eyes. Thanks to her long nails, she forcibly pulled out the two eyeballs out.

The struggle gradually subsided, and the ugly life finally came to an end.

She probably would never have thought that she once asked "what is retribution" ignorantly, but now, reality gave her the most perfect answer-this is retribution!

And those ghosts attached to her right arm floated out one by one, and the souls gradually faded, faded, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

Xiao Tao said: "They have already taken revenge, so the last obsession left in this world has disappeared, and the cohesion of the soul without obsession has also dissipated."

Su Xin's heart moved: "Didn't you enter the cycle of hell?"

Xiao Tao scoffed: "Hell? Reincarnation? The difference between the souls of all living beings is spiritual intelligence and memory consciousness. Putting these aside, the soul is a group of special energy that returns to heaven and earth. Those who so-called enter the hell reincarnation are just A formation comparable to good fortune."

 Thanks to Mr. Jingjing for your huge gift, I pay special tribute to a single chapter! ! !Thanks to hellcn, I hope I have great wisdom, I got stuck, how about 666, please give a reward and support, thank you readers who voted and left messages to support and encourage!

  I wish you all peace and health, love you! !
(End of this chapter)

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