her left eye is unusual

Chapter 114 Come and go

Chapter 114 Returning and leaving again

After listening to Xiao Tao's words, Su Xin had an indescribable feeling.

It's as if a certain cognition that suddenly penetrated into the bone marrow was suddenly overturned.

When she wanted to continue asking, Xiao Tao had already avoided the topic.

Because with her current strength, the more she knows, the more she knows, not only will it not help, but it will become a knot and obstacle on her path of cultivation.

Xiao Tao said: "The soul you were looking for has already left."

Su Xin responded.

It was as if she was just passing by here unintentionally, and then inadvertently glanced inside through the crack of the door, then turned and left without any emotion or abnormality.

Xiao Tao said that the soul should go in the direction of the demolition where they first went.

Su Xin understood that He Yunyun was going to get rid of her last obsession.

After leaving the hospital, she called Shi Feng and said that she was taking a step ahead.

Then I took a taxi and went straight to Liuli Street.

He Yunyun is indeed going to fulfill his last obsession this time.

She once told her mother that she would go home soon, so no matter how long she stayed in that space, she never forgot that there were still parents waiting for her at home.

I think my mother must have been waiting for a long time, she must be very worried.

He Yunyun followed the route in his memory to the alleyway, and was blocked by a mountain of garbage, but she is a ghost now, so these can't stop her.

Passing through the garbage mountain, there are no familiar streets, no familiar old neighbors, following the memory to return to the place where I used to be home, and everything has become ruins...

She wandered on the ruins, sobbing, sad and desolate.

The houses here have been completely demolished, and there are ruins and ridges everywhere, with knots of broken logs poking out obliquely from the ground.

It has only been a little over a week, and it has already been covered with a layer of all kinds of garbage.

Looks like people have turned this place into a dump.

I thought of those people who were so eager to drive people away, saying that the demolition must be completed within XX time, otherwise the project would not be completed.

At this time, after all the houses were knocked down, the construction was delayed for so long, which is also depressing.

Su Xin thought, if the construction period is calculated properly, the demolition will be delayed two weeks, and the two old people will be allowed to stay here for another two weeks, maybe at this time, their long-term knots will be resolved.

Seeing that there was no one around, Su Xin walked up to He Yunyun and said, "Your parents have been waiting for you here for seven years, and they have never given up looking for you for a day. But this place has been demolished, and they should move to your elder brother's house now." My sister-in-law lives there. If you want, I can take you there for me."

A gleam of joy flashed through He Yunyun's hesitation, "You can see me?"

Su Xin nodded.

"Then... aren't you afraid of me? I am a ghost now..."

Su Xin shook her head, "Ghosts are like people, there are differences between good and bad, and whether they are worth helping. But whether they are evil ghosts or not, I am not afraid of them."

Then he said: "The last and only obsession in my heart is to go home... This is the home of my whole life and memories. Also, I'm afraid it's not good for me to go to my elder brother and sister-in-law's house now. How old is my little nephew? After all Humans and ghosts have different paths, I am afraid it will not affect him well."

Su Xin was a little choked up, and calmed down. No wonder the two old people waited persistently for seven years. No wonder the whole family was full of expectations and misses for her.It is really embarrassing for a person who is so considerate of his family even if he turned into a ghost, but ended up with such a result in the end.

Su Xin wanted to say how old her nephew was seven years ago, and now he is in junior high school.After thinking for a while, he turned around and said, "If you insist on staying here, I'll bring your parents over at night."

He Yunyun nodded, "Thank you."

Just now Su Xin planned to come alone, mainly because she was afraid that the female ghost had just used such terrible means to retaliate. If she turned into a ghost, it would be easier for her to deal with it alone.

Now it seems that I am worrying too much.

After discussing it here, they called Shi Feng and briefly explained the situation. In the evening, the two went to He Yunyun's elder brother He Xudong's home together.

When He Xudong and his wife heard Suxin say that they would bring the two old people back to the ruins at night, they of course objected, because these days, even if the old people moved to their house, they would have to stay there for a long time during the day.

It has been used as a garbage dump by the nearby residents. The environment is too bad, what should I do if I accidentally fall down.

But when the two old people heard that they could see their daughter, they insisted on going, so the couple decided to accompany them.

The moonlight was hazy, and as soon as he reached the entrance of the alley, Su Xin felt a fog forming in front of his eyes.

The surrounding houses and streets gradually changed, gradually returning to their appearance seven years ago.

A few people walked in from the alleyway, the familiar courtyard, and saw a light shining in front of the courtyard gate from a distance.

The members of the He family have completely entered the scene of life seven years ago, and walked in along the alley without hesitation.

Shi Feng looked at Su Xin, as if asking for advice.

Because he understands that this place has become a ruin, and everything in front of him is an illusion.It would be bad if you stepped on those broken wood and iron hooks that poked out.

He couldn't see through the illusion himself, so he wanted to see what Su Xin meant.

Su Xin understood his thoughts and shook her head slightly.

In Su Xin's vision, where is this an ordinary alleyway?It's a broad road paved by He Yunyun with his ghost power!
Every step the He family took was guided by He Yunyun's ghost power, so they would never fall or get hurt.

The family came to the door and pushed open the wooden door. A delicate woman in an apron quickly put the food on the table and said, "Parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, you are back. Brother, there is still food in the kitchen." There is a pot of soup, go and bring it."

He Yunyun still looked like a green girl seven years ago. She wiped her hands on her apron and came up to her, helping the two old people to sit on the stool. Seeing that I haven't come back to look for me for a long time. It's my fault, I promised to come back soon, but the road was delayed for a while... You haven't eaten yet, so I cooked and waited for you. "

Before they knew it, a few people felt that they were back to that night again. They didn't receive Yunyun, and they couldn't get through on the phone, so they looked around...

Unexpectedly, when they returned home with anxious and worried hearts and exhausted bodies, they found that their beloved daughter and lovely sister had already returned home.

A steaming meal was prepared and waiting for them to come back.

The whole family sat around the table. In the hot air, the white hair on the heads of the two old people was gradually turning black, and the vertical and horizontal wrinkles on their faces gradually faded.

...The next day, the He family slept until the sun was up. They found that they had the same dream, Yun Yun came back, and then... went away again.

Inexplicably, tears wet the pillow towel.

(End of this chapter)

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