Chapter 115

As soon as she got to work the next day, Su Xin saw decorators coming in and out of the opposite building.

Seeing that Shi Feng didn't seem to care about it, Su Xin didn't bother to ask.

I haven't been back to the detective agency for more than a week. Except for the small group of Shi Feng's chair and the small area in front of the desk, which is clean, the rest of the place is covered with a layer of dust. Pizza boxes, plastic bags, paper towels, etc. were randomly scattered on the ground.

Su Xin put down her bag and started tidying up, quickly picking up the rubbish, cleaning, and tending flowers and plants.

The flowers and plants on the balcony have not been taken care of for more than a week, some are still growing, and some have withered.

Only this pot of magnolia was still very fresh and tender, as if it was the first time she saw it a few months ago, which made the strange feeling in Su Xin's heart even stronger.

Shi Feng lay down in the chair, with his feet resting on the desk and the tablet on his lap, propped up with his left hand, and swiping his right hand from time to time, looking at some information with a solemn expression.

Seeing that Su Xin finished all this, he raised his eyes from the tablet to look at Su Xin, and said, "By the way, there was a case yesterday, and there was something strange. I asked them to come back today. The time should be almost up."

Su Xin let out an "oh", and began to search the Internet for information on how to learn lip language.

The last time I was monitoring Sicheng in the hotel, seeing that Shi Feng could tell what others said through lip language, Su Xin had the idea of ​​learning.

The scab on her arm is basically gone, leaving behind a hideous scar like a red earthworm.In addition to the numb feeling, there is still a slight pain when touched, which shows that it has not completely healed, at least not too intense exercise yet.

So let's start with learning lip language and codes.

At this moment, the half-hidden door was suddenly pushed open, and a head poked out.

Seeing someone inside, he quickly shrank back.

Shi Feng shouted: "Who?"

A yellow-haired boy in his early twenties came in, with a thin figure and a slightly hunched back. His eyes rolled around and he glanced around the room. He and Su Xin scanned their bodies back and forth, and said hehe twice, "Oh, oh, I went to the wrong door."

After finishing speaking, we will leave.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Shi Feng's mouth, "Walk in the wrong door? This is the top floor, and I'm the only detective agency. It's hard to go wrong. Tell me, what's the purpose?"

A fierce light flashed in Huang Mao's eyes, and he said with a vicious smile, "Brother, don't speak so harshly. There is a saying that misfortune comes from your mouth. Since you are a long-term business person here, you should understand this truth. Let's go." Wrong door is wrong door."

Su Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, her words were full of threats from Chi Guoguo.She hates people who threaten her the most.Shi Feng naturally disdains other people's threats.

Shi Feng had already stood up, pointing at the yellow hair was about to explode, but saw the printer suddenly started to work, the inkjet needle sliding back and forth, continuously spit out paper.

Su Xin stood up and walked to Shi Feng's desk, pretending to take documents from the printer, and separated their eyes.

When Su Xin took the two documents and returned to her seat by the window, Huang Mao had already left.

Shi Feng said: "Just now you did it on purpose."

Su Xin smiled lightly, "Hehe, it can be considered..."

Shi Feng paused, with a serious expression on his face, and asked, "Could it be, what did you see just now?"

Su Xin admired secretly, the boss's vigilance is so high.He couldn't see anything, but he was able to calm down the restlessness in such a short period of time, and he could still think of this level, which was truly remarkable.

When the yellow hair poked its head out from the crack of the door just now, she raised her eyes and saw a ghost baby with a pale face but red eyes overlapping the other's face.

At the same time, Xiao Tao's voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "It turned out to be a little ghost, Su Su, you seem to be in trouble."

At this moment, Shi Feng's gaze seemed to be looking at the yellow-haired man, but actually met the kid's gaze.

The little ghost's red eyes became brighter and brighter, and the red light seemed to have substance. A cloud of red mist centered on the yellow hair rushed toward Shi Feng.

In desperation, in order not to make her actions look particularly abrupt, and not wanting to startle the enemy at this moment, Su Xin pretended to be printing out materials and separated their eyes.

Shi Feng was not bewitched by the red light, and quickly regained his senses. He was startled to realize how impulsive he was just now, which was completely opposite to his usual calm and calm style. That's why he asked Su Xin just now.

As for that brat, although Su Xin couldn't see the origin of the other party.But what is certain is that this yellow hair is definitely not as simple as "going to the wrong door".

Su Xin only paused for a moment before expressing his conjecture just now: "I think there is something wrong with this yellow-haired man. He has a kid on him... and the way he looked at us just now was a bit strange, so I plan to follow him to have a look. ..."

Shi Feng snorted, frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, let's go."

Su Xin: "There is a little ghost on the other party. Just now you met its eyes and recorded your breath. So if he is really targeting us, it may be easier to scare the snake if you go. I will go alone, don't worry, I know the measure."

Of course, Shi Feng knows that Su Xin can handle it well.

I just feel that as a big man and the boss of the other party, I just shrink back when encountering such a thing.

At this time, Su Xin had already put on her backpack and walked to the door, gestured to Shi Feng to make a call and went out.

Su Xin has no experience in following people, but fortunately, there is a little Tao who secretly guides him, and roughly confirms the direction where Huang Mao is.

Huang Mao went straight down the floor, then turned into the laneway and went down to the underground parking lot.

Turning the corner, Su Xin saw Huang Mao standing on the phone in the corner, and heard the word "Ling Ling" in a daze...He felt a little bit in his heart, and he really came for them.

Thinking of this, Su Xin quickly took out her mobile phone to call Shi Feng while watching Huang Mao's movements.

The phone was connected before the first ringtone, Su Xin only said: "Huang Mao is coming for us, it seems that he has notified his companions just now, you'd better avoid it now, hurry up."

After Su Xin said this, she cut off the phone, because she saw Huang Mao got into a van, wrote down the license plate, then quickly turned around and ran towards the exit of the underground parking lot, and stopped a taxi on the street.

In addition, after Su Xin left, Shi Feng felt very uneasy, holding his mobile phone, when he was about to call Su Xin, he suddenly saw the other party calling, so he connected without hesitation.

Hearing Su Xin's words, without any hesitation, he quickly turned off all electrical appliances, took his bag and left.

But as soon as he walked outside the door, he heard eager and noisy footsteps coming from the stairs below...

Shi Feng's heart skipped a beat, so fast?
If you go down now, don't you just block the other party?
With an idea, he saw that the opposite door was ajar and was being renovated, so he sneaked in.

(End of this chapter)

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