her left eye is unusual

Chapter 116 New Neighbors

Chapter 116 New Neighbors

"It's you?

"You are here."

Their eyes met, and the two spoke at the same time.

Shi Feng felt the noise around him suddenly quiet down, and the air became blank.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind, why is he here?What is he doing here?Are you really staring at her...

Shi Feng looked very surprised, and his tone was unbelievable, but before the word "you" could be said, it was covered by the other party's words.

On the other hand, Mo Li had a warm face, as if he had expected it to be the other party.

Shi Feng came to his senses suddenly, replied with a "hmm", and quickly closed the door behind him.

"That, I..."

Mo Li saw Shi Feng's subtle movements in his eyes, and said unintentionally: "Yesterday you said you wanted to watch me decorate, so I'll show you around my new studio."

With that said, Mo Li handed over the construction drawings in his hand to the foreman next to him, and softly ordered: "Just do as I said just now, huh?" "Good Mr. Mo"

Mo Li led Shi Feng into the inner room without any trace...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door from the opposite side.

Shi Feng's body jerked suddenly, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that he was in danger just now.

He looked at Mo Li with some embarrassment, "That...I..." I want to hide here.

Mo Li still had such a gentle smile, pointed his chin towards the outside of the window sill, and said lightly, "Maybe it's more suitable there."

Shi Feng can hang on to the balcony with one hand for about ten minutes, but the building here is seven stories high. If he puts himself in this situation, doesn't it mean that he will hand everything over to the other party? Are you on?

Although he got news from Wang Yang about this man, but... the establishment of trust also needs a process.

Up to now, in Shi Feng's view, it is enough to hide the gangsters and play a sloppy eye, and there is no need to do so.

The knock on the door became more and more urgent and louder, as if hitting Shi Feng's heart.

"Is anyone here?"

Forget it, the balcony is the balcony. Shi Feng seems to have made a big decision and walked to the balcony.

Mo Li bent down, picked up an iron hook from the ground and handed it to him.Not even your fingers can show the balcony.

Shi Feng paused, took it, jumped onto the balcony lightly, put the iron hook on the edge of the balcony, grabbed the long handle of the iron hook with both hands and hung it out.

"Oops, no one is here"

"Not here?"

"Impossible. We have been within 500 meters of the weasel. We rushed here as soon as we received the call. Even if he showed his feet, it is impossible for the two of them to leave so quickly."

"Brother Luo, what should we do now?"

The man named Luo Ge looked at the other: "Xiaojun, didn't you say that you know the people from the Zero Detective Agency? Did you see it on the way here just now?"

"I know you, a man and a woman, they often come out of the parking lot together. We have encountered it a few times when we were driving here. Going down from here is the pedestrian street. If I really go down, I can't recognize it."

There was an unconcealable fear in the anxious expressions of the few people, "Brother Luo, do you think weasels deceived us..."

"Brother Luo, what should we do now? If people get lost in our section, then..."

"Maybe they ran away from the other side, let's go after them..."

The man said eagerly that he was about to go down the stairs, but Brother Luo grabbed his shoulders.

The latter stopped immediately, and turned to look at Brother Luo with a bitter expression on his face, "Brother Luo, that person gave us a death order, if we can't complete the task, then..."

Luo Ge stared at him suddenly, "Huh?"

The man flinched and swallowed the words behind him forcefully.

Luo Ge is about forty years old, with a thin figure, wearing a short-sleeved plaid shirt, with a dark complexion and small triangular eyes revealing nothing.

The sound of the whining tile cutter came from the opposite house. Seeing Luo Ge's gaze on the opposite door, several people looked at each other and were about to press it together.

Luo Ge said "slow", so several people stopped to read his instructions.

Luo Ge gave one of them a wink, and the latter quickly stepped forward and tapped a few times without haste.

A voice came from inside, "Who is it?" Following the voice, the door was pulled open.

A decoration worker covered in white ash and dirt appeared in front of them, holding a shovel for shoveling mud, looked them up and down, and asked in a low voice, "Who... are you looking for?"


"We came to see your renovation. We will take a closer look and plan to have another reference." Brother Luo stepped forward, smoked a cigarette and handed it to the decorator, took out a lighter and lit it, and said with a smile.

The decorator bit his cigarette with his teeth, and said vaguely: "Oh, just look at it..."

"By the way, the two who came just now are still there..."

"What two people?"

"Oh hehe, my friend is also going to decorate, I thought I came here first."

The decorator continued the work at hand while responding, "...that's my boss, what can I ask him?"

As soon as they entered the house, they began to look around, looking at every room, even the balcony windows.

There is only one last room left.

Mo Li was giving instructions to a decorator who was laying tiles on how to do this, and what kind of effect was needed there, when he looked up and saw a few people, he frowned and asked, "You... what's the matter?"

Luo Ge replied with a smile: "Oh, you are the owner of this house, right? Haha, I just came to see the decoration, and I have many references..." He took out a cigarette and handed it over, with a seemingly simple and honest expression The cunning did not escape Mo Li's insight.

From the looks of their clothes, the two are not the same kind of people. It would be abnormal if they took each other's cigarettes at this time.

Mo Li still frowned, and said, "I don't smoke, so just watch it casually."

While Luo Ge was talking to Mo Li, several other people entered the room to check.

In fact, the inside is so clear that even a mosquito can't hide.Going to the window sill to look around, he turned his head and shook his head in the direction of Brother Luo.

Several people said "sorry" and "excuse me" and left.

Hearing the footsteps of several people leaving the room, a head popped out of the window sill, Mo Li glanced at it, and shook his head slightly.

Shi Feng quickly sank again.

A few minutes later, a voice came from outside, "Hehe, look at my memory, I seem to have left something here just now..."

With the sound of talking, several people have rushed into the room quickly, and looked at several rooms again.

... Shi Feng stood up from the window sill, and threw an iron hook on the ground. Just now, he used the iron hook to hang on the edge of the window sill, hanging all his wealth on it.

"Just now, thank you!"

Mo Li smiled gently and said, "Hehe, now I am not only your boss, but we will soon become neighbors. So I don't want to lose a tenant just after I was promoted to boss. It is right to help each other."

There was shock and disbelief in Shi Feng's eyes.

Could it be that he has already bought all the top floor he rented and this side?Is he going to open his own studio here?
(End of this chapter)

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