her left eye is unusual

Chapter 117 Compassionate and Compassionate

Chapter 117 Compassionate and Compassionate
When he was in the hospital last time, the other party wanted to put his psychiatrist's brand under the name of his detective agency as soon as he opened his mouth.

On the one hand, Shi Feng didn't want more people to know about Su Xin's ability.

On the other hand, relying on the intuition of men to men, I always feel that this man looks at Su Xin in a strange way.So it was rejected on the spot.

I thought back then that I was desperately trying to save money to buy the house, but I didn't expect that the house would change hands in less than a day. It can be seen that the other party not only has a strong ability to act, but also has extraordinary courage.

Since I can know from Wang Yang that the other party is a psychiatrist with a lot of means and reputation, I think the other party will definitely be able to find out my details.

And in that situation just now, the other party was willing to help him cover up the past without any trace... Maybe he could really become a good neighbor.

And Shi Feng didn't expect that those people's actions were so fast and very meticulous.

Su Xin just called, and within two minutes, the other party rushed upstairs. According to this calculation, they must have been within a range of 2 meters in advance.

If Suxin hadn't found the kid on that person at that time, if she hadn't followed him out immediately... I'm afraid both of them would be trapped in the detective agency. Completely lost the opportunity and was led by the other party.

Moreover, in this room, he originally thought he was just hiding in, and he could just ask Mo Li to help him make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect the other party to be so difficult. It can also be found outside under balconies.

Thinking about it, thinking about it carefully.

Shi Feng did not continue to entangle with the issue of "landlord" and "neighbor". If what the other party said has become a fact, further arguing will not help the current situation except appearing artificial and ignorant.

Shi Feng paused for a moment, then asked: "Well... I want to ask, how did you know they would come back?"

It's also good to infer what the other party has.

In his impression, it seems that ordinary punks do not have such advanced consciousness, or even if they do, they may not be able to grasp such a timing well.

Mo Li said: "You're right. Ordinary gangsters can't do this, but there is one person who is a little different. So I just need to stop that person, and other people will never find you. "

Shi Feng frowned slightly, "You...can you know what other people think?"

The smile on the corner of Mo Li's mouth gradually widened: "For ordinary people who can detect a thing or two without defense, if they are on guard, or deliberately disguise their words and deeds, it will be difficult to guess."

He paused and added, "Just like you are now."

Shi Feng asked: "So, can you tell me the real reason why you have to move here to work?" He bit the word "true" very hard.

Mo Li made a slightly voiced nasal cavity, "Actually, you already have the answer in your heart, why don't you ask?"

"Why? Or do you know something?" Shi Feng became alert.

Mo Li's expression was still relaxed, he put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked to the window, gazed into the distance, his eyes were deep and bewildered, and his voice was also faint: "To be honest, I have had a special ability to perceive other people's thoughts since I was a child, but this It is definitely not a good thing for a child who is not familiar with the world. Because he is young and does not understand the world, so sometimes he will say it without any scruples when he sees other people's inconsistencies."

"Although the people I speak of know that what I say is right, but those are the truth and even the ugly that they want to cover up, how can they admit it? Instead, they will say that I lied, that I am a 'monster', Some people even said that I was fascinated by ghosts. For this reason, my parents were also labeled as otherworldly, rejected, and even personally attacked..."

"Suddenly one day, a distant relative brought an old woman to the house, saying that she was a witch who could communicate with yin and yang. She said that my soul was occupied by yin objects, and I would not live long... So my parents begged her to cast spells. Since then After that, I really couldn’t sense other people’s true thoughts.”

"Not long after that, my parents inexplicably became weaker and weaker, and passed away within half a year, and I was adopted by that relative... As I grew older, I learned more and more, and only then did I realize what I had lost , I regretted it more and more. But I found that when I was particularly concentrated, I seemed to be able to sense something from the emotional expression of the other party. So I specialized in psychology and became a psychiatrist, hoping to regain The ability of the past."

"It's a pity that no matter how hard I try, I feel like a thick layer of fog is covered in front of me, and I can't get rid of it. I can't find the feeling I had when I was a child."

Shi Feng: "You don't mean to tell me that Su Xin is the opportunity for you to unlock the seal?"

Mo Li didn't answer Shi Feng's question, and said directly: "In my induction, everyone's thoughts are like the slender tentacles on a jellyfish, emitting a dense light in a cloud. Some lights are stronger. Some are weaker."

"If it is a person with strong mental strength and vigilance, the fog will look thicker, completely hiding all the tentacles of thoughts. But the Su Xin you mentioned, her thoughts are completely different, I can't see it at all..."

With a few words, Mo Li pulled out his old self, completely crushing Shi Feng's vigilance and the defense line in his heart.

In fact, for Mo Li, the two of them are not on the same level, even if he completely cut himself apart and put him here, the other party can't do anything to him.

Moreover, Mo Li knew very well that Shi Feng was a very straightforward and courageous person by nature. If he broke the deadlock first, his impression points in the other party's heart would be greatly improved.

That being the case, why not be a little frank.

Sure enough, after listening to the other party's introduction, Shi Feng was completely relieved.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, "Well, I'm really sorry about what happened that day."

Mo Li smiled and said: "Everyone has never known each other, this is a kind of fate. If anyone wants to consult or something in the future, remember to recommend it to me. Of course, if there is anything that needs my help, feel free to Speak."


Tracking is a very skillful and tiring thing. If it is too far away, it is easy to lose, and if it is too close, it will be found. Moreover, you don't know the destination of the other party at all, so you need to keep tense all the time.

And after following for a certain distance, you have to change cars, otherwise, if you follow the same license plate for too long, even a fool will become suspicious...

 I am grateful for the generous gift of Mr. Momo, how can He Dehe... what an honor, thanks to the attention, Chili will definitely work harder to update the code! !Single chapter tribute!Thanks to Huachuan Tingyumian Q, Yanshuining, hellcn for their support, and thanks to all the friends who voted, I wish you all safe and healthy, happy every day, love you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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