her left eye is unusual

Chapter 118 Tracking Is Technical Hard Work

Chapter 118 Tracking Is Technical Hard Work

After following for a long time, Su Xin discovered that the other party had been going around in circles in the city!

This made Su Xin very depressed, and thought, did the other party find out that she was playing tricks on her?
It stands to reason that the distance I follow along the way is not too close, because there is a little Tao to guide the direction, so I keep at least three or four hundred meters away, and she changes taxis every once in a while...

It would be a strange thing if they could be found and tracked in this way.

She asked Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao's little radish head was shaking unsteadily, "...well, it should be, it won't be... right."

"My seal is very strong, it cannot be discovered by just a little devil."

"When I was in the office just now, that kid seemed to confirm something on you and Shi Feng, and then started to imprint. When it was your turn, I blocked it easily, so you didn't Without the imprint of that little devil, it will never know that we are following it!"

"Well, that's it!"

The more Xiao Tao spoke, the more confident he became, and the two small leaves shook accordingly.

Xiao Tao's words did not relieve Su Xin's worries.

These days seem to be calm, but she always feels that something is wrong.

The matter of the Dongxing Feed Factory has been investigated by high-level officials, and all disappearance cases that can be confirmed to be closed are also being processed. As for the relevant people involved, etc.

For those missing victims, the government has intervened, arranging psychologists to provide psychological counseling, calling family members, and even paying for sending them back, and helping them find a suitable job, etc.

And the personnel involved in the entire system inside the feed factory, including the big boss, are slowly sorting out... Skynet is full of details.

...What is wrong with it?

Su Xin went through all her thoughts again, and suddenly, she thought that the guards had said something—Zhu Hong was not on the blood donation list.

Later, Su Xin deliberately asked Wei Yan, did the missing persons who were rescued all donate blood in the same place?Wei Yan replied, yes.

Su Xin felt that she was about to grab something...but no matter how she thought about it, it seemed that there was still a layer of fog between herself and the truth.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he heard Xiaotao's voice: "The little devil has stopped, turn right 200 meters ahead."

The taxi turned in and found that there was a restaurant.It turned out to be eating here.

Su Xin let the car drive a few hundred meters away before stopping at another street intersection.

A few bottles of mineral water and some bread were added to the side. About half an hour later, the "little ghost" started to move, and Su Xin called the car again.

The driver kept asking where to go, but Su Xin only said to go forward, or turn left and right...

The driver was very depressed, but the customer is God, that's all, you can drive wherever you want, anyway, the money is calculated according to the mileage.

Unsurprisingly, this time the "little devil" took her around the city center again.

Su Xin was so depressed that she remembered that she used to watch gangster movies, and in order to track down a suspect, she followed him all day long.I thought it was exaggerated at the time, but now that I have experienced it myself, I know the difficulty.Moreover, in comparison, I still have the "Gold Finger" Xiaotao to help me confirm the direction, so it doesn't matter if I am far away...

Seeing that the other party was about to start circling again, Su Xin was already hesitant. Just as she was hesitating whether to continue following, she heard Xiao Tao's voice: "He has gone to the south, and it is nearly five years away from us. Kilometers away..."

That is to say, it will soon exceed Xiao Tao's sensing range, completely lose this clue, and even never know what the person with the little ghost came to their studio to leave marks on, and everything will be passive in the future. state.

This is still an urban area, at least you need to know the general direction of the other party.

Besides, even if she was tricked, so what, what she lost was only this day and a few hundred dollars. If she didn't even have this bit of tenacity and courage, she would be a detective trainee in vain.

Thinking of this, Su Xin decided to take another look at the distance, so he hired a taxi again.

This time, the other party was no longer driving slowly, but extremely fast.

Go out of the city, get off the expressway, and go up a country road.

Looking at the opponent's momentum, the opponent has been circling around the city just now to confuse the public, and the direction he is going now should be the direction where the opponent's real lair is?

I don't know if it's Su Xin's illusion, but I always feel that the more I enter this rural cement road, the darker the sky seems to be.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, before he knew it, he had already been played with by the other party for a long time.

When the driver saw the other party, he just pointed in that direction and didn't say the destination.

Now that we have driven tens of miles away from the urban area, and the road ahead is getting more and more sideways, I couldn't help but ask: "Big sister, where are you going to get off? I remember a buddy once said that Guests go, I heard that it seems to be a resort mountain villa, a boss specially repaired it for vacation..."

Su Xin responded with an oh.

The driver thought that the other party didn't understand what he said, and added: "It seems that five college students went on a graduation trip half a year ago, but only one came back. She was also insane. She was sent to a mental hospital and died within two months. Yes. The police didn’t find out why, and this case has been pending..."

Su Xin let out another oh, a little shocked in her heart, such a big event, but it seems that it has never appeared in the news reports.

I wanted to ask a few more questions. On the one hand, I was not sure of the authenticity of what the other party said. On the other hand, the other party was not the person involved. The rumors were bound to be speculative and inaccurate. I planned to ask the guards later.

Seeing Su Xin's appearance, the driver was a little anxious, and thought to himself why this kid was so reticent, he had already made it very clear that it was not safe for a girl to come to such a remote place.

"Big girl, it's not that I didn't drive you in, it's that this place is really too far away. If you don't say your destination or someone comes to pick you up, I'll take you back to the place where you got in the car..."

Su Xin raised her head from the map and quickly responded, "Then, I'll get off here."


The driver was a slightly overweight middle-aged man. He looked at Su Xin as if he saw his daughter who had just graduated from college and was struggling to find a job, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.Seeing that Su Xin still looked ignorant, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Su Xin smiled slightly and said, "Thank you master for reminding me, I understand. Here, this is the fare, just stop here."

Su Xin was locating the mobile phone and identifying it on the map just now, and Xiao Tao in the sea of ​​knowledge kept reporting the little ghost's movements to her.

(End of this chapter)

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