her left eye is unusual

Chapter 119 Borrowing You For Free

Chapter 119 Borrowing You For Free
Ahead, a white concrete road meanders towards the depths of the trees. It was the evening when the sky was full of sunshine a minute ago, but now there is a feeling of dusk.

A bad premonition came to Su Xin's mind, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Although Su Xin decided that the front was probably the opponent's lair, she was not familiar with this place at all, so she could only suppress her strong curiosity before she could not ensure that she had enough self-protection power.

She decided to stop for a while and not follow up.

But still let the little Taoist in the sea of ​​consciousness pay attention to the little ghost's movements.

Su Xin asked the driver to pull over to the side of the road.

For the fare of more than 100, I directly took [-] out, and said sincerely: "This place is indeed relatively remote, and it will not be easy to attract customers when you go back, so you don't need to look for the rest."

Fortunately, she still has something in her sleeves. In addition to Lingyan and Lingmoshi, Suxin puts her bank card, ID card and a little money left in it.

She spent so long in the city center before, changed several cars, and spent the hundreds of cash in her bag.At this time, the money in the space just comes in handy.

The driver collected the money and was about to start the car to leave. After looking at the weather and the surrounding situation, he said to Su Xin with some worry: "I said big sister, there are very few taxis here, or I'll take you back to the outskirts of the city." Engagement, there is a hotel."

Su Xin felt that the driver was quite nice, and replied with a smile: "Thank you, master driver, I am really waiting for someone here, and I should be here in a while. I am afraid I will miss it if I leave now."

The driver gave another order, and even gave Su Xin his phone number, saying that if no one answered later, he would call him later.

Su Xin thanked him repeatedly, and immediately called Shi Feng after the driver left.

I came out in a hurry today, I only heard a few words from Huang Mao and reported to him, and I don't know what's going on with him.

As soon as the first beep sounded on the phone, the call was connected.

Su Xin said: "...I am now on a road leading to the countryside. It looks relatively remote. I don't plan to follow up. What do you think?"

Su Xin quickly and briefly talked about her experience of the day and the situation in front of her, but whether to continue to follow up, or wait in place, or go back to the city, or ask Shi Feng, who is more experienced, to decide.

Based on the series of weird events that happened today, Shi Feng felt that the situation might be more serious than expected.

Therefore, in any case, Su Xin can no longer go forward alone.

As for going back to the city, she still wants to go with her later, and it is easy to miss if she is going back and forth and running on the road, so it is better to wait where she is.

Shi Feng briefly talked about what happened on his side, and finally said: "...you just wait there, we will be there soon."

Su Xin responded immediately: "Okay, I will wait for you here, and I will send you the license plate number and location later."

Shi Feng replied: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Su Xin immediately sent the location.

A thought suddenly flashed in her mind... Hey, what he seemed to say just now was "We'll be there soon...", us?Which "we"?
It's good to have one more person, one more helper, and one more helper, or the boss is thoughtful.

So, shouldn't we give Wei Yan a voice?
But now everything is their analysis, and it would be a bit inappropriate to stir others into it without any substantive things. It's better to wait for Shi Feng to come over before making the next step, and it's not too late to notify at that time.

Besides, since Shi Feng was forced by those gangsters to hide outside the balcony for about ten minutes in the morning, he has been waiting for most of the day. He wanted to call Su Xin, but he was afraid that a rash call would interfere with the other party's ongoing things going on.

Moreover, he felt that Su Xin's behavior style in the past, if there was a real situation, he would definitely call him.

And here, although he escaped those people, Mo Li said that those people's backgrounds are not simple, and there must be someone who is behind them.It's best not to expose yourself before finding out the other party's intentions, at least...don't be caught by the other party.

He can't leave without authorization, because the other party will probably send someone to watch downstairs, and once he goes out, he will be followed.

Of course Shi Feng understood this truth, so he waited from morning to afternoon.

At this time, just as Shi Feng hung up the phone, Su Xin's text message came.

Shi Feng told Wei Yan the license plate number and asked him to check it.And he changed into a decorator's clothes according to Mo Li's instructions, and went downstairs with everyone.

He found that there were indeed people watching in the dark, but when he saw so many people and they were all leaving in different directions, he was immediately dumbfounded and couldn't follow at all.

Shi Feng successfully avoided the surveillance and went to the underground garage to pick up the car, but was stopped by Mo Li who suddenly jumped out from the side.

Shi Feng was taken aback, but also surprised, "Why are you here?"

Mo Li smiled and said, "Obviously, I'm waiting for you here."

Shi Feng was a little depressed. Although the first impression of the two of them in the morning was good, Ke Ke... "What are you waiting for me, I" is very anxious now.

Mo Li interrupted him and said, "You seem to be in a hurry. Your car is only a few dozen yards at the fastest. If you go to a place far away and the road conditions are unknown, I'm afraid... Well, here are some ready-made ones. Let me borrow them." you."

When Shi Feng saw it, he secretly greeted the other party in his heart.

It's really annoying to compare people to people. It turned out to be a certain series of off-road vehicles with super power. It seems that the starting price is more than 200 million...

No wonder the other party was able to buy the entire floor casually.

Shi Feng got into the car after a moment of hesitation, and found that it was similar to the military configuration. When he was in the training camp, his driving skills were top-notch. After a few years, he thought he would never have the chance to touch it again. Unexpectedly...

In addition to the trust established between the two of them before, and because of Wang Yang's relationship, Shi Feng knew Wang Yang's uprightness in his bones, so the people he approved of must not be far behind.

What's more, the matter is urgent now, Su Xin is out alone, and the distance of one to two hundred kilometers will take at least two or three hours to drive his own van.The so-called late makes changes.

The moment the car started, a thought popped into Shi Feng's mind, "It seems that very few people in the city would drive this kind of mountain off-road that consumes fuel and takes up space. The other party seems to know what's going to happen... "

"By the way, that... Su Xin is going to follow the lair of those people who came to you earlier?" Mo Li suddenly jumped into the car at some point, sat in the passenger seat, and asked while fastening his seat belt.

Shi Feng responded subconsciously, "Yes." The strange thought that just came to mind was also fleeting.

After recovering, he yelled at Mo Li, "Oh, what did you sit on?"

(End of this chapter)

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