Chapter 120

Mo Li said: "You don't want to sit here and discuss this issue with me, do you?"

He bit the words "sit here" very hard, as if he knew you were in a hurry so he decided to take you.

Shi Feng said: "Let me tell you, things are a little strange this time, if you get into any trouble, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Okay, I see, I know that you are doing it for my own good."

Mo Li dragged out the ending, and replied lazily.

It was perfunctory, but Shi Feng was helpless.

But the subtext in Mo Li's heart at the moment is "I wish I could provoke something weird and bizarre, maybe I can activate my ability again, let myself reopen a new filter, and I can see through this world full of science and materialism. world of ideology."

Shi Feng originally wanted to inform the guards.If the incident is as bad as he imagined, he must have a helper who can justify his name.

However, when he saw Mo Li getting into the car, he hesitated in his heart, as if everything was their speculation.And the police have to tell the truth.

Shi Feng is very clear about how many people were involved in the Dongxing Feed Factory case last time, up and down, inside and out, and how much follow-up work needs to be sorted out by Wei Yan, Wang Yang and the others, even if they will follow them based on their past friendship, if If something really big happens, they may not be able to press it down, and if nothing happens, they will owe favors in vain.


Huangpizi (ruffian) finally found the person his master wanted through the little ghost. He didn't think that his behavior would make the other party suspect or even follow him.

Take ten thousand steps back, even if the other party is really suspicious, they can get rid of those two people by their means.

Huang Pizi still walked around the city according to his master's instructions, and then rushed back to the villa at the end of Shen Shi to return to his command according to the exact time.

But when she was about to reach the villa, she suddenly received a call from her master, who not only scolded him severely, but also told him to stop immediately.

Said someone had been following him.

Huang Pizi was startled, he thought he had completed this mission well and was waiting to go back to claim credit, but he didn't expect that he would be followed by someone because he was so cautious? !

He immediately expressed his determination to show his loyalty, and patted his chest to promise that he would never lead this trouble to the villa, and at worst, he would go to the city to make a few circles.

He was about to turn around and head towards the city, but he was stopped and asked to wait... until the follower took the bait...

This is the rhythm of letting himself be the bait, and the weasel suddenly felt uncertain.

His name as a weasel is not for nothing, it means that he is very cunning and alert, and it is almost impossible to follow him without being discovered.

People who can follow themselves without a trace think their methods are better than themselves. What if the other party sees through that this is just a scam and doesn't take the bait?Will the master let himself go?He had already heard the other party's anger and murderous intent from the phone just now.

If the other party really took the bait, how would you treat yourself?
But now that the master has spoken, he can only stop where he is.

...Xiao Tao: "Hey, that brat seems to have stopped."

Su Xin snorted, "How far is it?"

"Just ahead, about... three or four kilometers away."


Su Xin frowned slightly... The van was driving so fast just now, it was almost at the limit of the car's performance, but now it stopped suddenly. Could it be that he wanted to lure himself into the bait?
In this way, it seems that I can't move forward rashly.

Su Xin stood still, took out her mobile phone and was about to call Wei Yan to inquire about the disappearance case half a year ago, but saw that the mobile phone had no signal.

She raised her mobile phone to try to see where there was a signal, her gaze swept across the ground, and Su Xin found that at some point, a layer of fog rose from the ground.

Just as she stood there in a daze, the rising mist gathered more and more and thickened, gray and white, indissoluble, filling the entire field of vision.

Su Xin thought something was wrong, quickly put the phone back into her pocket, and contacted Xiao Tao: "Xiao Tao, did you feel anything?"

Her left eye ability is still in its primary state, and she can only see ordinary ghosts, and she can't see through this mysterious formation at all.

Xiao Tao only weakly replied in her sea of ​​consciousness: "...Oh, it's not good, I have encountered a hard problem, and I can't come out now to let the other party notice. Susu, you should be careful..."

After saying this, there was complete silence.


What's happening here?Even Xiao Tao is afraid of this?

Su Xin suddenly remembered that when he was at Dongxing Feed Factory last time, Xiao Tao said that he encountered a layer of enchantment... Could it be that this person arranged it again?
Just a thought, Suxin overturned this assumption.

Su Xin is very aware of her own strength, if the expert behind her just moved a finger, neither she nor Shi Feng can retreat completely.

Besides, with the other party's magical power of being able to transmit sound through the air, there are many opportunities and means to punish oneself, and there is no need to do so at all.

Come to think of it, there must be others.

Su Xin didn't continue to entangle Xiao Tao's affairs, because the thick fog in front of her eyes had completely obscured her vision.Completely lost direction.

This feeling of complete disorientation makes people feel very unreliable, inexplicably irritated and fearful.

Su Xin suppressed the anxiety in her heart and the idea of ​​screaming and groping, forced herself to close her eyes, and then slowly squatted down.

Gradually, the almost suffocating fear became weaker, at least she could think normally.

Fortunately, she just stood on the side of the road as soon as she got off the taxi, without even moving her footsteps.So she should be facing the middle of the road at the moment.

Then the left hand side is the direction she came from, and the right hand side is the direction of the little ghost and the villa...

She groped around on the ground with her hands, but there was nothing that could be used as a marker for her. After thinking about it, didn't she still have chocolate candies in her bag?Shi Feng doesn't like sugar, and during this period of time, she ate enough for every meal, and there were few surveillance tasks in the field, so she didn't need much dry food.There are still some wedding candies that Zhang Ran gave last time, and I put them all in my bag.

With her eyes closed, Su Xin took out a handful of chocolate candies from her bag and placed an arrow symbol.

Then turn sideways and walk to the left step by step.

In my mind, the surroundings became noisy.

It was like being in a busy city, with the hustle and bustle of voices, mixed with the sharp brakes and whistles of cars, disrupting her thinking and will in every possible way.

This is interference at the conscious level, so even plugging your ears won't help.

In order to resist such interference, her mental strength nearly collapsed...

With an idea, since energy can form a defensive shield to resist the attacks of ghosts, can it resist the stimulation of mental power from the outside world?
Thinking of this, Su Xin subconsciously circulated the energy in her body, forming a thin layer of shield on the surface of her body.

(End of this chapter)

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