Chapter 121
Sure enough, the interfering sound that was fully effective at the level of spiritual consciousness immediately became much smaller.

But instead, the energy in the body is dissipating rapidly.

Su Xin has already understood that the fog in front of him is not real, but some kind of energy wave that can interfere with people's spiritual consciousness.

And after he propped up the energy shield, he offset part of the interference.

However, in comparison, his own strength is still weak, so this negative effect cannot be completely offset.

Taking this opportunity, Su Xin quickly walked towards the way she came.

"Susu, where are you going?"

"Ninny, come back quickly, your father broke his foot just to earn your medical expenses, how can you be so cruel, you rebellious and unfilial thing..."

The fog could no longer affect Su Xin's judgment, so countless "familiar" voices began to come from behind, stimulating her nerves.

This trick is useless to Su Xin. True love and protection are not to keep her in a prison, but to respect and fulfill her.

And more importantly, she has nothing to lose.

Those fogs are fake, so these voices must be fake too.

Therefore, Su Xin did not pause at all, whether it was in action or in psychology.

To hell with the voices trying to stop her in this way.

Going forward, going forward, all the noise and interference disappeared in an instant.

Su Xin opened his eyes and saw a bright light.

The sky is full of brilliant light, and the red sun is slowly sinking into the forest of tall buildings on the horizon.

Su Xin walked a certain distance before stopping. It was too dangerous just now.

Looking back, a white cement line bypasses the foot of the mountain and leads to the depths of the forest along a curved stream.

Su Xin found that the arrow she had placed with chocolate candy was more than ten meters away in front of her, but she had walked for about half an hour just now with such a small distance.

Su Xin thought about the mist rising from the flat ground, which not only cut off all her perception of the outside world, but also interfered with various sounds.

If there is a slight error, maybe I don't know where I wandered.

She had lingering fears, but it didn't make her lose her temper.

She stood there observing for a long time, but she didn't find anything unusual in front of her.

It seems that it's not because I touched something, but because I entered that range, and that range is someone else's territory.

It's the area of ​​some kind of energy radiation, which can interfere with people's senses, and even subconsciously stimulate the things they care about the most.At the same time, this is also a controllable energy radiation.

Presumably that little ghost wanted to stop and lead him over, but he didn't move for a long time, so he used this trick of fog to make him lose his direction before leading him over.

Xiao Tao's weak voice came: "I really scared the baby to death just now, that kid is so insidious, he was almost discovered."

Xiao Tao was not at all surprised that Su Xin stepped out of the range like this, but explained: "It seems that the people inside are not young, and they actually use the Hunyuan Pearl as the center of formation."

Xiao Tao's explanation is consistent with Su Xin's conjecture just now, but what is this Hunyuan Pearl?

Xiao Tao: "The Hunyuan Pearl is a kind of spiritual pearl that gathers several kinds of energy. It is formed when the chaos of heaven and earth first opened. People nowadays usually use it to make formations, but in fact its real use is It is to assist cultivation and expand spiritual veins."

Auxiliary training?

Su Xin couldn't help but feel anxious.

She just feels that her current strength is too weak, except that she can see some ordinary ghosts in her left eye, and the energy in her body has been slightly advanced except for the last time, and now it has stagnated again.

She finally realized what Xiao Tao said before, that even if some people have opened their yin and yang eyes, they will spend their whole life like this.

If I can't advance in cultivation, then I'm afraid this life will only be a little more than what ordinary people see.

She feels that the world should be broader than she imagined, and how much she knows about the world lies in the "vision" and height she uses to look at it.

So she doesn't want to stop here, so if there is something that can assist her cultivation, she must go for it!

Xiao Tao said: "That person hasn't completely controlled the Hunyuan Pearl yet, he should be practicing the yin attribute technique, so he can only activate the yin attribute energy in the Hunyuan Pearl, which can only be displayed after Youshi and before Chenshi. It works. And its scope is very limited."

Su Xin understood, and her hanging heart finally fell.

As long as there are weaknesses.

So now is the time when the Hunyuan Pearl's ability is the strongest, and it cannot enter that range no matter what.

After thinking for a while, Su Xin walked a certain distance in the direction of the way she came, before sitting down to take a rest.

Taking out her mobile phone, the signal has been restored, so she called Wei Yan. She was still thinking about the disappearance of several college graduates half a year ago.It would be great if we could get some information about Qingshui Villa from that case.

Although Wei Yan was so busy these two days that he was about to fly, he felt that he had endless energy all over his body.

Because he finally met a boss who is really upright and daring, and he can finally show his ambitions!
Yi Xiaorou did him a big favor last time, and he asked him out a few times, but he refused because of work.

In fact, he really didn't push it off on purpose, but he was really busy with things these days.

But a big man always rejects a woman who helps him like this, either because he is irresponsible or perfunctory.

If it is said that Yi Xiaorou was indeed a bit pampered in Wei Yan's eyes before, or that she was hypocritical of "finding the truth" like other reporters, then after this contact, he felt that she was still a person who knew the general situation, so he You must not be the kind of "reckless" and "perfunctory" person, but he should take the initiative to ask her out.

Today, I finally collected the materials and submitted them to the procuratorate, and the rest is for the court to decide.

When I have some free time, I take the initiative to ask Yi Xiaorou to meet at a cafe.

The two had just sat down and hadn't spoken a few words when Shi Feng's text message arrived, asking him to check the license plate number.

Wei Yan thought to himself that he hadn't heard of any cases that Zero Zero Detective Agency was working on during this period of time. Besides, if there was something urgent, he would call directly.I plan to go back and check later.

Yi Xiaorou's slightly curly big waves hang softly and brightly on one side, and the flushed sunset outside the window sprinkles on her side cheeks, looking shrewd and capable with a gentle atmosphere.

Wei Yan quickly looked away, and Yi Xiaorou said: "I heard that this time the city bureau has been completely replaced, and the action is very big. Not only the middle and upper-level people have been changed, but also many grass-roots people have been cleaned up. The work is not going well these days. ..."

Wei Yan smiled and said: "Oh, you are quite well-informed. But on the contrary, the work is going smoothly now. In the past, many people in the bureau were stuffed in with relatives and brought in to eat and wait to die. They were inefficient, passionate, and Not to mention the motivation, it is always a relative of someone, or has something to do with someone, so there is no way to find out."

(End of this chapter)

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