Chapter 126
Han He was startled just now, for fear that these two reporters would mess things up, and was about to make a trick, but he didn't expect these people's behavior to be so fierce, and just a few words made this The two dog skin plasters are gone.

However, it was Wei Yan and Wei Yan who surprised Hanhe the most. Although they did not appear to be partial to anyone, in fact they were "peacemakers" who stepped forward after seeing the two reporters were put on the back burner.

He speculated that the other party probably had the same purpose as his own, for those two people, or that woman!

I saw Wei Yan waved his hand and said: All relevant people should be brought back to the police station for investigation.

Han He knew that it was impossible to get these people into the villa now.

But it was impossible to go to the police station anyway, at least not for him.

Without it, there are two centers with completely opposite luck. Once he goes there, his own luck will be suppressed. I'm afraid that instead of helping his employer get things done, he will get himself into it.

So he couldn't go to the police station anyway, so he helped Huang Mao into the car directly, and said that it was indeed a misunderstanding before.

No matter how innocent Su Xin said, but now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the one lying on the ground is Huang Mao, but she is intact, so everyone is even with each other, and they live in peace.

As for the rest... more on that later.

A group of people went back the same way, chattering.

A storm disappeared without a trace.

As for Qiao Yue and Li Yufei, who were lying on the ground crying, apart from the pain all over their bodies, there was a broken video camera beside them. No matter whether they swear or swear, or say they want to call the police and make the whole thing public... no one care.

Qiao Yue blamed Li Yufei very much, this is not helping her, it is simply killing people.

Although they have various "privileges" as reporters, they dare not act too much in front of certain people, just like this time, they kicked the iron plate.

But Li Yufei also seemed very innocent. He clearly knew about the "big news" from Yi Xiaorou, and even heard the other party's tone more mysterious and explosive than the last feed factory raw material leakage case. It must be a big and big case after all. , that's why I told Qiao Yue specifically.

For this reason, he also excused Yi Xiaorou's request with the excuse that he had something to do, in order to help Qiao Yue get this "exclusive" big news, so that she could become a big reporter in the news circle of S City in one fell swoop.

If the news wins this time, then he can logically become her assistant, and the betrayal and feelings towards Yi Xiaorou are insignificant.

It's just that they never expected that the two of them would be put together by that woman.

I thought that the relationship between the two of them was very deep and hidden, and others didn't know about it. Unexpectedly, in fact, people have already begun to doubt themselves.

This woman is too insidious!
Shi Feng had a good grasp of the strength, but it looked very violent. In fact, Qiao Yue and Li Yufei didn't suffer much injuries.

After a group of people ignored them and left, they got up by themselves as if they had a short rest, and drove away in a hurry.

They had suffered such a big dumb loss, so of course they couldn't stop there.

They didn't even dare to think about Wei Yan and Han He, but they thought they could make a fuss about Su Xin.

As for Yi Xiaorou's side, they finally realized that they were being played like a monkey by the other party when they secretly went to Chen Cang without telling the other party.

This is called the dumb eating coptis, so he hates it secretly, but he can't show it on the surface.

Even when they went back this time, they never mentioned the matter of going out on missions without permission.


Su Xin and Shi Feng got into Wei Yan's car, and when they got out of the cement road, Su Xin stopped the car.

Wei Yan said firmly: "No, no matter whose case you have accepted this time, Qingshui Villa cannot be moved."

Shi Feng responded: "What if they want to touch us?"

Wei Yan paused, "It's impossible..." When he said the last two words, the final sound was drawn out, and it was obvious that he also had some doubts.

Su Xin said: "I'm really sorry about today's incident. We didn't think carefully beforehand and brought you into it."

Wei Yan: "What's going on?"

"The cause of the incident is this. A man broke into our detective agency suddenly this morning, and left after looking around. I saw that his description was a bit weird, and he had an unusual kid on him, so I planned to follow him out to have a look. I heard him call to inform people that he seemed to be dealing with our detective agency. So I immediately called the boss."

Shi Feng went on to say: "Not long after Susu hung up the phone, several people came to the door. I didn't know the intention of the other party, so I went to the opposite decoration room to avoid it for a long time."

Su Xin: "I have been following the man with the little ghost to this concrete road, and found that it is getting more and more remote, and more and more wrong, so I stopped the taxi and called the boss again."

Shi Feng: "I sent you a text message after I received Susu's call, and I wanted to ask you to see whose license plate it is, and then I came here by myself, just in time to meet Mr. Mo, his car must be fast some."

Su Xin: "I got off the taxi and waited at the same place. I planned to call you to see if there was really the disappearance that the taxi driver mentioned half a year ago, but I found that the mobile phone suddenly lost its signal, and an inexplicable white light rose on the ground. Fog. After I came out of the white fog, the mobile phone signal was restored. I called you immediately. At that time, I really just wanted to know more about the situation of Qingshui Villa, and I didn’t want to do anything to the villa. Then a car came In the van, there is a person who got off, it was the person who went to our detective agency earlier with a kid on his body, he wanted me to get in his car, I was completely instinctive in self-defense, I never thought of hurting him..."

Even at this time, Su Xin insisted that she was self-defense.

"After a while, another person came, oh, he called himself Han He, and he wanted me to go with him. I didn't know him, so of course I had to run away, and then the boss came, then the reporter, and then You're here too. That's the whole thing."

Su Xin told the ins and outs of the whole thing like peas in a bamboo tube. Wei Yan and Wang Yang felt enlightened after hearing it, but they couldn't grasp the key point when they thought about it carefully.

Wei Yan: "Then why are you going to Qingshui Villa now? Since you are going, why didn't you go directly just now? If we think about it, they wouldn't dare to play tricks with you."

Yeah, that's the point of everything.

After listening to the other party's words, Su Xin raised the corners of her mouth subconsciously, and immediately suppressed the smile.

Shi Feng interface: "I suspect that their actions this time are related to what happened last time."

"Last time? You mean the feed factory? But we have deleted everything related to you, and..." Wei Yan said, but at the end even he himself was a little uncertain.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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