her left eye is unusual

Chapter 127 The Position

Chapter 127 The Position
Wei Yan's expression became serious, if it was because of the case of the feed factory that the matter of the two of them was leaked out.

Then, they probably came for Su Xin's ability.

He also understands now that all Su Xin's information has been triple-A encrypted, and it must be her ability that he has taken a fancy to.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Su Xin took the top spot, but the other party didn't intend to pursue it at all, and they deliberately flattered her, probably because they wanted to win over Su Xin.

come to...

Su Xin saw that Wei Yan was only looking out of the car window, smoking one puff after another, and couldn't tell what the other party was thinking.No matter what you think, you must not have enough trust in yourself, so you said: "The other party used the little ghost to investigate, and the background is not small. If we don't check it out once this time, neither the boss nor I will feel at ease."

Wei Yan's voice became calmer: "Why didn't you just ask to understand?"

Su Xin paused, and Shi Feng took the words: "Under such circumstances, do you think the other party will tell the truth? Will you be honest?"

Wei Yan lowered his head and took a deep breath, exhaled a smoke ring, and responded unhurriedly: "Then, I will go with you tomorrow."

Su Xin: "Thank you for your kindness. It's just that our identities are different. Now nothing has surfaced. Even if you get there, you have no position. Besides, things are not easy for you in the bureau now. Don't worry about the guards. We know how to advance and retreat, just to check why the other party is targeting us so much, and we will never take the initiative to provoke the slightest."

Su Xin and Shi Feng talked to each other, and finally let Wei Yan let go.

"Then..." Wei Yan held the cigarette between his index finger and middle finger, and rested his thumb on the center of his eyebrows, frowning and thinking for a long time.

"Then why do you have to go again tomorrow?"

Su Xin understands that if she doesn't speak clearly, it will not only leave a small shadow on the cooperation between the two parties, but also disappoint the other party's concern.

So he said: "To be honest, I had a secret fight with that person before, and found that the influence was stronger at night and weaker during the day. From the tone of the other party just now, it can be judged that they did not intend to fight us. , so as long as we go and deal with it properly, there should be no danger to our lives. We just don’t want to be too passive and controlled by others, but choose to exit first and enter at the right time.”

I've already talked about this point, if I continue to be coy, it will be a bit too much.

There was silence in the carriage, and Shi Feng suddenly added: "There's me, too. I'm well-versed in dealing with mysterious matters, but I can handle a few of them if I really use a knife or a gun."

That's it for the matter.

When Wei Yan's car stopped, Mo Li's car also stopped behind.

About two hours later, he saw Shi Feng and Su Xin get out of the car, and then directly got into his car.

Wang Yang was very quiet along the way, because he really didn't have the place to intervene on such an occasion.

He drove the car for a certain distance, saw from the rearview mirror that the boss's brows were still furrowed, and couldn't help asking: "Boss, are you...are you afraid that Su Xin will..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Yan asked sharply like an electric shock: "What do you want to say?"

Wang Yang paused, "I heard what you said just now, I, I don't think Su Xin will do something that is easy to betray."

Wei Yan didn't answer, he was wondering whether he should ask his superiors about this matter.

In the end, he still dialed the phone number of Duan Bureau, "Okay, I understand."

After Wei Yan hung up the phone, Wang Yang asked, "What should we do now?"

"go back."

"What about Suxin—"

"Do your part!"

... After Han He went back, he realized that Su Xin and Shi Feng were definitely not good "talkers".

The most depressing thing is that they are still related to the police, so they can't use force, they can only ask politely.

But the next day, before he could take the initiative to visit, Su Xin and Shi Feng Moli unexpectedly came to the door automatically, and the timing was calculated just right.

Hanhe had to reassess the strength of several people.

Su Xin and the others no longer saw the two reporters on the way into the villa.

She never expected that Shi Feng, who was so cold to the core, would be cruel to a weak woman.Completely overturned his impression of a gentleman in her mind.

In fact, Su Xin also understands that in that situation, facing such a person, there seems to be no more effective way to shut up the other party except for this direct violent solution.

As soon as Su Xin and the others arrived at the gazebo below the villa, Han He warmly greeted them with a group of people.

It's as if everything that happened last night was just a hallucination.

Han He intentionally wanted to walk beside Su Xin, but was blocked by Shi Feng indiscriminately.

Han He smiled and said: "What happened yesterday was all a misunderstanding. I'm really sorry. If there is any offense, please invite a few Haihans. I have dealt with all those people. By the way, this Su Xin girl... It seems that I haven't heard that there is such a capable person as you in S City, I don't know the teacher..."

Su Xin cut to the chase: "Mr. Han, everyone is a sensible person, so there is no need for so many detours. You can just explain it directly. What is the matter with this book that has taken so much trouble to find us?"

Han He smiled dryly to ease the embarrassment, "The eldest sister is really a straightforward person..."

Su Xin said, "Call me Su Xin, just Xiao Su."

"Hehe, the eldest sister is out of touch now, the Taoist sect is a family in the world. I was wrong about what happened yesterday, and here is a formal apology to you."

As Han He said that, he actually stood still, bowed his hands to Su Xin and gave a deep bow.

Su Xin saw the other party bowing to her, and quickly bowed back.

Shi Feng: "If you just want to apologize to us and have nothing else to do, then we will leave."

Shi Feng made a gesture to leave, Su Xin naturally followed closely behind.

Han He saw that Shi Feng was the one who could really speak up here, so he quickly asked people to stop him, "Brother Shi, please stop. To be honest, I do have some things I would like to ask you. In this way, let's sit down in the villa and wait slowly." How about going slow?"

The area and scale of the villa are larger than imagined. Entering it, a sense of coolness rushes to the face, which makes people feel refreshed.

Several people sat down in a courtyard lined with vines, and a waiter in a casual cardigan served tea.

In the transparent glass, several pieces of green leaves undulate, and a wisp of fragrance diffuses along with the dense tea, softening the tense atmosphere.

Han He took out a few photos and pushed them in front of Su Xin, Shi Feng blocked them, glanced at them, and frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

Han He smiled, but looked at Su Xin, as if asking for Su Xin's opinion.

Su Xin didn't know why, so she looked at Shi Feng again, who hesitated and pushed the photo in front of her.

Su Xin took a glance, raised her head to look at Han He calmly, and waited for his next words.

There was absolutely no intention of actively asking questions.

(End of this chapter)

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