her left eye is unusual

Chapter 135 Family

Chapter 135 Going Home (Undo Rename Elder)
This road is like this, the road is different, and the level they stand in will be different in the future. Perhaps, the master-student relationship between them really can only go so far.

Han He took out three sound-transmitting talismans and said to Zijun, "This is the path you chose, so you can do it yourself. I have taught you how to use these three sound-transmitting talismans."

Although Zijun resented him for bringing her into a horrible life, resenting him for using herself as a tool... But she has gotten used to his protection over the years.

"Master, you are gone, what if I see those things again?"

Han He turned around abruptly, breath lowered: "Do you really not want to see that?"

Zijun was frightened by Master's appearance. The tears were still wet and he began to cry aggrievedly: "Master, what's wrong with you? You never treated me like this before. Since that woman came, you have started to attack me. What did I do wrong?"

Han He took a step closer to her, staring at her closely: "You really don't want to see those things?"

"Master, why don't you act like this, Junjun is so scared..." In fact, on the one hand, Zijun resisted the nausea brought about by those ghosts, on the other hand, he still enjoyed the sense of superiority that is different from ordinary people.

Han He didn't allow her to evade, and asked again: "As long as you say one more thing that you don't want to see those things, I will grant you."

He had never "valued" her feelings before, but this time, let her wish come true.

"Yes, but I..." But before he could say the last words, Zijun felt his body fly backwards and sat on the sofa behind him.

Feeling a cool air entering the Lingtai, she fell into a coma. After waking up, she found that her vision became clear and bright.

A flash of joy flashed in her heart, but when she subconsciously used the power, she found that her body was empty.

She cried out, no, no, this is not what she wanted, no.

Hanhe, I hate you——


During this trip to Qingshui Mountain Villa, Su Xin's strength has greatly increased. She needs some time to consolidate her cultivation, accumulate energy, and practice the control of energy, etc.

There is also the information obtained from Hanhe, which also takes time to digest.

Shi Feng handed over 20 share, [-] bonus and activity fees to her. Thinking that the last order had been postponed for a few days anyway, it would be better to postpone it later, so he gave Su Xin a week off.

Su Xin rested for two days, and both mental and physical strength and mentality were fully restored, so she packed her bags and sent her parents back.

In fact, if Su Xin didn't send them off this time, the two elders would not be able to stay any longer, because the uncle in their hometown called and said that the eldest nephew seemed to be in a more serious situation and they had to go back.

Xin's father and Xin's mother haven't told Su Xin the news, mainly because they don't know what the situation is. Instead of worrying about one more person, it's better to go back and see the situation before talking.

Su Xin originally wanted to take a taxi back, but it was too biased, and no driver was willing to take the risk.In the end, I could only take a long-distance bus.

For some reason, Su Xin always pays attention to the car's winks and license plate number subconsciously, and finally gets on the car after missing a few trips.

Seeing Su Xin like this, Xin's father and mother couldn't help but feel a little bit upset.

Although her body is recovering, that incident had a great impact on her, so she still casts a shadow in her heart.

They didn't show this kind of emotion, it's just that Su Xin said what she said, and she was already on the way anyway, so if there was a delay, just wait a little longer.

After getting in the car, Xin's mother tentatively said to Su Xin: "Daughter, that... I heard that there are many psychiatrists in the city, and I heard that as long as you tell them what's in your heart, you will..."

As soon as Xin's mother spoke, Su Xin understood what the other party meant, and she also felt that she was a bit shadowed about taking a long-distance bus now, but it hadn't reached the level of being sick.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, she did care a little bit, but there was always a knot in her heart, which was the red card that appeared several times in nightmares.

But since then, she has never seen her again. She once asked her parents whether they saw anything else on her body, intentionally or unintentionally, and even checked the situation of the car accident when she had a certain authority.

As long as it's not a fire, even if it's a landslide and mudslide, the things in the car should be there.

But she just didn't see the card.So much so that she now habitually checks to see if there is anything on the seat when she is in the car.

The car drove to the place where the accident happened again, and it has been refurbished.Not only widened the road, but also strengthened the nearby mountains.

Autumn has just entered, and the wind blowing from the valley has a hint of coolness.

When the three of them arrived in the village, they saw Uncle Su Dashan waiting for a long time to pick them up.

Thinking about it, my parents and my uncle talked on the phone before.

I haven't seen him for a few years. Su Xin saw that his uncle was more gray-haired, and his body was thin and stooped, like a 70-year-old man.

Thinking of my parents working hard because of their own affairs, and aging by ten years in a year or two, I feel sore in my heart.

When the uncle saw Su Xin, his eyes were full of concern, and he looked up and down, "It's good that the little girl is well, it's good..." As he spoke, he came over to help Su Xin carry the package.

The road to the mountains is still a bit far away, and the uphill and downhill are uneven. Neither tricycles nor bicycles are easy to pass, so you can only rely on two legs.

Suxin handed the lightest bag containing some clothes to the uncle.

The joy of reunion temporarily covered people's physical and mental exhaustion and pain, and they chatted and said goodbye along the way.

Su Xin listened quietly by the side, knowing that her hometown has not been very peaceful in recent years.

From their chatting, I vaguely got a message that it seemed that everything started because Brother Donghai came back.

In Su Xin's impression, Brother Donghai is a very healthy person, and his personality is righteous and open-minded, with a hint of simplicity and simplicity in the countryside.After an inexplicable prison disaster, people suddenly become stupid.

Although this is a big blow to the uncle's family, as long as they are still there, no matter what happens to their son, they can support him.

Because Min Ru is infatuated with Dong Hai and has no regrets, the uncle has no choice but to follow them and plan to organize a wedding for them.

Although the family conditions are very average, but such a loving and righteous girl must not be treated badly, so during this period of time, I almost exhausted all my strength to prepare a better wedding for them.

Repair a new house, make new furniture, add soft goods, buy jewelry for Min Ru and so on.

But a month ago, Dong Hai, who had always been foolish all this time, suddenly went berserk, committed self-mutilation, and even picked up a kitchen knife to chop anyone he saw.

Only when he faced Min Ru did he regain his sobriety, and then he slashed himself with a knife, drank pesticide, and jumped off a cliff...

Now they can only tie him up and gag him to prevent him from doing stupid things.

 Thank you for canceling the renaming, I should have thanked you yesterday, because I was too busy with some things and didn't save the manuscript. I closed two chapters in one go today and sent them together. There is another chapter tonight~
  Thanks to Fox Wuniang, Minbao 17, book friends 170402011500230 for their support, and thanks to all the friends who voted, I wish you all peace and health, everything goes smoothly, love you! !
(End of this chapter)

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