Chapter 136
In the words of my hometown, this kind of situation is "bumping evil".

So Uncle and the others also invited a lot of witches and Taoists to their homes to exorcise evil spirits, but every time after exorcising evil spirits, the situation in Donghai would be aggravated.

They really had no choice but to call Su Xin's parents, thinking of more people and more ideas.

Su Xin can basically conclude from the information obtained that Brother Donghai should have been occupied by other ghosts.

If it was because she didn't have the ability to see ghosts, maybe she could only be anxious in the face of these things, and could only watch helplessly like everyone else, but now that she has this ability, naturally she won't stand by and watch.

When I had an accident, my uncle's family supported me without saying a word. In the past, Brother Donghai also took care of the younger brothers and sisters in the hospital like a real brother...

I was very anxious in my heart, and my feet were walking faster and faster.

After turning over a mountain depression, I looked up and saw a bamboo forest deep in the valley.

Vaguely still the way he remembered, Su Xin almost ran back.

Min Ru brought chicken soup and rice to Dong Hai, exhausted and haggard all over her body, but she still smiled when facing Dong Hai, and tore off the cotton towel from Dong Hai's mouth, "Brother Hai, come and eat something."

Dong Hai's turbid eyes recovered a little bit of clarity in this gentle call, and his slack eyes became focused, falling on Min Ru's pretty face, tears immediately filled his eyes, and the teardrops rolled down his cheeks.

Min Ru quickly wiped the other party with a towel.

Dong Hai said eagerly: "Aru, you go, go, I can't control them now, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you go..."

Because his tongue was bitten by himself many times, his speech was slurred.

Before Su Donghai could finish his words, his expression began to change, he was ferocious for a while, and smiled sinisterly for a while, and a strange cry came out of his throat.

Min Ru was in a hurry, holding Dong Hai's face in both hands, and called out "Brother Hai, Brother Hai"

Donghai regained a little bit of clarity, "...I'm sorry, you go away. You call your parents, tell them all to go...they, they want to kill everyone here, you go, you just live well The greatest happiness in my life..."

Min Ru cried, "Even if we die, we will die together..."

At this moment, Dong Hai let out a sharp cry like a wild cat, his body muscles swelled up, and the cloth belt on his body snapped.

Then he threw Min Ru down, opened his mouth and bit down on the opponent's neck...


From a distance, Su Xin saw the ghostly aura in the courtyard, with a strong bloody aura, and at first sight it was a ghost with a blood debt on his body.

Although she didn't know exactly where they locked Brother Donghai, she was sure to follow the place with the most ghostly aura. Sure enough, as soon as she walked to the bamboo forest outside the courtyard dam, she saw Brother Donghai fluttering wildly. bite.

In the left eye, Dong Hai's body was covered with a thick black mist, and his whole body was almost completely covered by the black mist.

And in the middle of the black mist, a figure was struggling hard, probably because of this slight struggle, the reaction of the "body" was slightly slower.

In desperation, Su Xin condensed an energy ball from the palm of his hand and swung it out.

Scatter the black and indissoluble ghost fog.

And the figure inside finally struggled out, regained control of the body, and hugged the woman in his arms.

Su Xin thought, this woman should be her future sister-in-law Aru, she looks about 27 or [-] years old, about the same age as herself, but looks very tired and haggard.

Brother Donghai went crazy just now, she barely struggled, as if she was waiting for relief.

I think they must have experienced too many things over the years, so that they are now in such despair.

It is only because of the love for each other in their hearts that they have endured until now.

No wonder my parents said earlier that Brother Donghai had such a girlfriend, it was really a blessing for the Su family.

At this time, Donghai only wanted Aru to leave this place, and while the monsters in his body could not completely escape and control his body, his only way was to die.

The highest state of true love is not to live and die together, but to hope that the other party can live and experience more wonderful life...

So he couldn't let her accompany him to suffer in that gloomy and rotten place.

At the moment, Donghai was focused on saving Min Ru, so he didn't notice Su Xin's arrival at all.

Su Xin saw that the black mist that had just dissipated gathered again, and Dong Hai's expression became ferocious again.

I was slightly surprised in my heart, I didn't expect this yin thing to be so stubborn.

At this time, Su Xin was still about ten steps away from the two of Dong Hai, and it would take a breath or two sooner, but the situation of the two of them was not optimistic.

Su Xin gathered energy in both hands at the same time, and swished several shots.

There were several blank holes in Dong Hai's body covered by the pitch-black ghost, which had not been healed due to the burning of energy.

Donghai suddenly felt his whole body relax. After controlling his body, he saw that he couldn't persuade Min Ru to leave, so he rushed out by himself. This time, the Tathagata wanted to kill himself no matter what, so as not to hurt others.

Unexpectedly, he rushed out of the room suddenly, and suddenly felt a figure passing by, and it was too late to avoid it, so he could only instinctively push his hands forward, shouting "Get out of the way—— "

Just at the right time, something blocked the foot, and the body flew forward with inertia. At the same time, a pulling force came from the right hand, which weakened the momentum of the flying, so the body limply lay on the ground.

Fortunately, Su Xin reacted quickly, avoided the collision, and took advantage of the situation to bring Su Donghai to the ground.

If he really let him run out and was possessed by a ghost, it might be difficult for ten people to chase him back.

There are mountains and forests everywhere here, and people who are possessed by ghosts are not afraid of any danger at all. They travel over mountains and rivers and don't take their bodies seriously at all.

So Su Xin must restrain him.

Su Xin turned over and knelt on one knee on his back, cut his hands behind his back, fingers like claws, and ruthlessly grabbed the opponent's head...


A hoarse female voice came from behind, and at the same time, a thrust knocked Su Xin to the ground.

Min Ru yelled at Su Xin: "Who are you and why did you beat him?"

Su Xin said: "You are the sister-in-law, right? I am Su Xin. Brother Donghai is possessed by a ghost now. If he is not restrained, he will do stupid things."

The hatred on Min Ru's face faded, and she slowed down her voice: "But you can't be so strong, it will hurt him."

Su Xin understood the feelings between them, and said: "I was a little impatient just now, don't worry, he is my elder brother, I will never hurt him."

At this time, Su Xin's parents and uncle rushed over panting, and saw this scene.

The uncle hurried over and shouted, "Oh, Aru, I know you love him, but how can you untie the rope on him..."

(End of this chapter)

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