her left eye is unusual

Chapter 137 1 White Hairs

Chapter 137 A White Hair
Just as Aru was about to say something, Su Xin took over the words: "My sister-in-law didn't untie it. My sister-in-law just came to feed my brother. My brother suddenly went crazy and broke free from the rope by himself. Just now, my sister-in-law was almost hurt."

When the uncle heard that Min Ru was almost injured, he hurried to see if there was any injury.

Then they asked Su Xin and the others to quickly tie up Su Donghai.

At this time, the ghosts on Su Donghai's body were scattered by Su Xin's energy, and they hadn't gathered together, so Su Donghai still had some consciousness of his own.

He originally had the intention of dying, but just now he suddenly felt a sense of relief.It's something that hasn't happened in so many years.

He thinks it may be because of Su Xin.

So at this time, seeing that everyone wanted to tie him up again, he didn't struggle.

The uncle began to cry and tell.

Su Xin felt that the situation was serious and there was no room for delay, so she said, "Parents, uncle and sister-in-law, please go out for a while. I have seen this kind of hysterical person before, and it may be useful."

While talking, he pushed several people out of the room.

Xin's father and Xin's mother knew that Su Xin had seen the landlord's daughter before, and also knew that her daughter was working for the police, and she had a sense of righteousness.

He also helped to pull Su Dashan and Min Ru out of the door, and said, "Don't worry, let Susu take a look first..."

Su Xin locked the door, turned around, and saw Su Donghai standing in the middle of the room, looking at her fixedly, "Susu, you are back. They don't believe that I have those dirty things on me, they are really serious Man, you tell them to let me go, really..."

Su Xin saw that Su Donghai had completely returned to normal at this time, and he couldn't even see a trace of ghost aura on his body, and felt a little strange in his heart.

"I believe it, and I also know that this thing is extraordinary..." Su Xin replied, while letting Su Donghai sit down on the chair.

And I went to tear down the curtains of the room, cut them into strips with a knife, and twisted them into ropes.

Seeing Su Xin's appearance, Su Donghai knew that it would be scary for him to go crazy, but isn't he tied with cloth strips now?
"Susu, what are you doing here?"

While straightening the rope, Su Xin responded, "Tie you up."

"I am, but..."

Su Xin quickly fixed the rope, then tied Su Donghai tightly to the chair like a rice dumpling, and finally gagged the other party's mouth.

After ensuring that the other party would not mess up her steps due to sudden madness, Su Xin began to check carefully.

Su Xin checked for a long time, but found nothing, even the other party's Lingtai was completely normal.

It is really scary not to find the problem.

After staying in the room for a long time, Su Xin had no choice but to let the uncle and the others in.

Seeing that Su Donghai was tied up like a rice dumpling, even though he knew he was a traitor, he couldn't stop feeling sad.

The uncle said in a pleading tone: "Niece and daughter, you see that Dong Hai has not committed a crime now, can you give him some food first?"

Min Ru cried and said, "You are his sister, how could you treat him like this..."

Now Su Donghai is completely a normal person, not only his uncle and sister-in-law are very distressed by being tied up like this, even Su Xin himself is very sorry.

Xin's father and Xin's mother also came to persuade Su Xin not to be too nervous, this is not a solution to Donghai... In a word, it can't be tied like a zongzi like this.

Su Xin didn't give an inch, she understood their feelings, but now is definitely not the time for women to be benevolent.

The ghost just now had a monstrous bloody aura, and the ghostly aura was as real as it was.

But it disappeared completely in the blink of an eye just now, which is too abnormal.

One thing that is certain is that the ghost did not leave Su Donghai's body.Because no matter how fast the ghost flees, it is impossible for her not to see a shadow.

So now the ghost is still on Su Donghai, but she didn't find it.

After a stalemate like this for a long time, at last they were so stubborn that they couldn't let them untie Su Donghai's rope.

Su Xin didn't dare to take a step away, so Mama Xin brought her the food.

Su Xin was also unambiguous, finished eating in two or three bites, and then continued to guard.

In the middle of the night, Su Donghai, who had been very calm, suddenly moved.

Su Xin, who pretended to be exhausted and dozed off, suddenly jumped up, grabbed Su Donghai, and with a thought, pulled a black shadow out of the opponent's body.

The black shadow suddenly dispersed like a puff of smoke, and then condensed into a human form in front of Su Xin.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that there is another tricky person in this place, who is still a practitioner. It just so happens that I can advance to the next stage by absorbing your energy, so please bear it to death—"

The ghost image sent out an idea that shook the soul, and then rushed towards Su Xin like a cloud of black mist.

Su Xin knew that it was not a tough opponent when he fought against the opponent just now, so after the ghost image melted away from his hand, he took out the Lingyan from the universe in his sleeve with his backhand.

Su Xin drew a handprint on the top of the Lingyan, and a white light suddenly radiated from the Lingyan, absorbing the pounced ghost in it.

The ghost immediately let out a sharp cry, and a strong wind blew up out of nowhere in the whole room, causing everything to spin and fly.

"Let me go, do you know who I am? Believe it or not I killed him? If I die he won't live—"

The ghost shadow howled and struggled, but Su Xin turned a deaf ear to the ghost screams, and only concentrated on controlling Lingyan.

Not only was the ghost shadow unable to break free from the capture of the spirit inkstone, but the more it struggled, the more ghost energy was sucked in.

So he quickly cut off the connection, leaving only a wisp of black mist returning to Su Donghai's body with a whoosh.

Su Donghai's body, which was tied up like a rice dumpling, suddenly twisted.

Su Xin couldn't help being afraid for a while, being able to move after being tied up like this shows how powerful this ghost is.

But she had already seen clearly where the ghost was lodged—the head.

It is as difficult for a possessed ghost to kill the body without any external trauma as to strangle itself with its own hands.

So Su Xin didn't care how Su Donghai was struggling, she just lowered her head to see what was wrong with the other person's head.

As for the remaining ghost, because it no longer has enough strength to deal with Su Xin, it just wants to control this body to fight back against Su Xin.

Su Xin has no other distractions now, and is concentrating on finding the real lodging place of the ghost.

Suddenly, a white hair on the back of Su Donghai's head came into view.

In the sight of Su Xin's left eye, this white hair exudes white light, as if a layer of moonlight has passed through it.

It was too late and then too soon, Su Xin grabbed the hair and pulled it out without hesitation.


The ghost image let out a shrill whimper, scattered from Su Donghai's body, and wandered aimlessly in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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