her left eye is unusual

Chapter 139 Keeping the Clouds and Seeing the Moonlight

Chapter 139 Keeping the Clouds and Seeing the Moonlight

There was no ghost attached to him, and the spirit hair that sucked his blood was pulled out. At this time, Su Donghai's body was almost left with an empty shell, and he had already passed out.

Su Xin breathed out, very faintly.

Take a small piece of ginseng from the universe in your sleeve and let it be contained in your mouth, which can strengthen your vitality in a short time.

There was so much movement in the room just now, even though there was an energy barrier, the sound of objects colliding and falling to the ground could still be heard outside.

Extremely anxious, but He Suxin pushed the door firmly.

As soon as Su Xin opened the door, everyone rushed in immediately.

Seeing the mess in the room, they were stunned for a while, and when they saw Su Donghai lying peacefully on the ground, they rushed over.

Finding that there was still breath, he looked at Su Xin inquisitively, "How is Donghai now?"

Su Xin said: "Brother Donghai is fine, but because he has been tossed by those things all these years, his vitality has been seriously injured, and he needs to recuperate for a while to recover. He is fine now, just fell asleep..."

Everyone worked together to lift Su Donghai to the bed and settle down.

Min Ru threw herself on the side of the bed, crying in a low voice, shrugging her shoulders.

It's really not easy these years, and finally the clouds will open and the moon will shine.

Seeing that after tossing and tossing for so long, Su Xin didn't plan to go back to sleep, and it was only an hour or two before dawn.

So he called Min Ru aside, and said, "... I guess you know what is on Brother Donghai, right?"

With tears still on Min Ru's face, she paused, and nodded with a very sad expression.

The story started eight years ago. Min Ru grew up in an orphanage and went to work after finishing her technical secondary school with the help of the government. I became the secretary of the boss of a private company.

The boss used various excuses to keep her working overtime, and wanted to take the opportunity to secretly rule her.It is precisely because he grew up in an orphanage that he is so docile and easy to deceive. He escaped several times by tricks, and only wanted to get a salary and basic living security before looking for a job again.

Unexpectedly, the boss suddenly used force and hired a few gangsters to punish her.When Su Donghai, who picked her up from get off work, came across him, he didn't lose one against three, and severely punished the gangsters.

Min Ru said: "The three hooligans were fine at the time. We were still yelling and cursing when we left, telling us to wait and find someone to punish us. However, within two hours, the police came looking for us. Come on, say that Brother Donghai killed someone, and it was related to some serial murder case, so he was taken away."

Su Xin couldn't help interrupting Min Ru's speech: "So you've been waiting for Brother Dong Hai because of guilt?"

Min Ru's cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head and stirred the corners of her clothes, "Actually, we've known each other before, and we originally thought that when we earned enough money to go home and repair the house, we would..." get married.

Oh I got it.

"I wanted to find a lawyer, but the other party refused to take the case at all, saying that all the facts were solid, and his bloody fingerprints were found at the scene, and those gangsters were indeed dead, and the case could not be overturned. Defending people and overdefense.”

"I thought it was all because of the boss of the private company. He also found the three gangsters. He must know something, so I went to ask him to understand. Unexpectedly, I was still sitting on the bus when I heard The news was about a guy who was driving drunk and off the freeway, and that guy was him."

"In the end, Brother Hai was sentenced to ten years in prison for being too defensive. At the beginning, everything was fine. I went to see him every month. He said that he performed well in it, and his sentence has been commuted several times. Seven or eight years at most. It can be released. So I waited for him while I was working, but just two years ago, I found that something was wrong with Brother Hai, he was always easily distracted, and his expression was sluggish. At first I thought it was caused by the oppressive environment inside, but Then things got worse."

"Suddenly one day, I received a call from the police station, asking me to pick him up. Only after I went there did I know that there was a sudden riot in the prison, and he belonged to the type of maintaining order, so he was cut off for half a year and released early."

After listening to Min Ru's story, Su Xin felt her deep friendship for him.A woman in her prime is willing to wait so long for a reform-through-labor prisoner. If there is only gratitude between them, it will definitely not be possible.

Su Xin asked: "So, Brother Donghai became like this after he entered the prison."

Min Ru: "I also asked several times, and even asked someone about the situation inside, but I didn't get anything."

Su Xin snorted, and subconsciously looked at Su Donghai, who was sleeping next to him, who was already snoring slightly. It seemed that only when he woke up could he know what happened inside.

Chatting and chatting, it was broad daylight, uncle and uncle cooked sweet potato porridge, steamed steamed buns, and asked Min Ru and Su Xin to eat.

Min Ru didn't want to leave at first, and wanted to spend more time with Dong Hai, but she was dragged away by her auntie—before eating, she couldn't wear herself down.

At the dinner table, several people asked Su Xin again for confirmation, "Is Dong Hai really okay? Won't he go crazy again?"

Su Xin almost patted the promise on the chest, and everyone was finally relieved.

After dinner, Su Xin and her parents went back to their home.

It has been unoccupied for a long time. Although the uncle and the others come to clean up occasionally, there is still a lot of dust.

After working hard for a long time, the three of them were finally able to live.

Su Xin took out the newly obtained 20 yuan, and before the two elders asked, he consciously explained the source of the money in detail.Well, of course I was picking and choosing.

The two elders inevitably felt a lot of emotion, and then made arrangements for the money.

They still owe about thirty to forty thousand yuan in debt, so they simply went door to door today to pay back the money, and brought some gifts from the city as companions by the way.

As for the rest of the money, they plan to save it... as a dowry for Su Xin.

When Su Xin heard that the two elders said that they were going to prepare a dowry for herself, she shrank back instinctively and waved her hands repeatedly, "No, no, I..."

Seeing the refusal and disgust on her daughter's face, Xin's mother took a look at her: "Nothing, you are in your twenties and almost thirty, look at Murakami who is as old as you, and the children can go to make soy sauce I know that your vision is high now, and our knowledge is limited, so I won’t introduce those things to you, but you must pay more attention to yourself, and look everywhere if you find something suitable..."

They didn't know that the first boyfriend Su Xin talked about was a scumbag, and Su Xin didn't intend to tell them.At the beginning, I was afraid that things would become a big problem, that there would be no one to turn to for help, and I didn't dare to call the police, so that my parents would know that it would be worrying, so I wanted to escape from that place quietly.Unexpectedly, he fell into the death "nightmare" of reincarnation
Thoughts turned in Su Xin's mind, the past was really unbearable, thinking about it now, I was really stupid at that time.

Since the other party didn't tell me the truth, why didn't I think about checking the other party's background?
So it's because I'm too stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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