Chapter 140
How could Suxin not know the painstaking efforts of her parents, so she could only sit obediently on the stool and listen to the "profound" life education lessons given to her by the two elders.

"Boss is not young anymore, we can't drag it on any longer."

"Sooner or later, you have to get married. After all, a woman has to marry and have children to have a family and a belonging."

"Get married early and take care of your children early, which is good for your health and good for your children in the future."

"Once a woman is over thirty, even if we don't talk about it, other people will gossip about it."

"While you are still young, I think the young man who often picks you up to work is pretty good looking. I don't know if he is married or flirting with friends. If not, you can..."

...Su Xin suddenly missed the days when she was lying in the hospital bed, at least she didn't have to listen to these things that she didn't even want to think about.

As soon as this thought came up, she quickly suppressed it, and even said "Bah" three times in her heart.

If she does it again, she will simply torture her parents to death.

At this time, Su Xin can finally understand the feeling of being urged to marry every day.

She knew that she could not change her parents' thoughts with just a few words, so she simply responded first, but as for how to do it?how to liveDon't you have the final say? !

However, Su Xin has his own ideas about the arrangement of the remaining money.

She saw that the newly built house of the uncle's house had only laid the foundation, because Brother Donghai often fell ill, so that the workers did not dare to come, so the construction period was delayed again and again.

Su Xin thought that she would probably be outside most of the time in the future, and would have less time to go home, and the house at home should also be renovated. This time, it would be better to repair it closer to the uncle's house, so that they can take care of each other.

Su Donghai slept for two full days before waking up. Although he looked very weak, his eyes were clear and he did not go crazy again. The hearts of everyone really fell to the ground.

Su Xin took the remaining half of ginseng to her aunt and asked her to make chicken soup for Brother Donghai.

Half a branch of ginseng was not much at first, but the auntie didn't postpone it when she thought of her son's appearance, but quietly gave Min Ru a bowl after cooking it, and asked her to hide it aside to eat.

It's very embarrassing to make Min Ru, but the auntie's attitude is very tough-it must be eaten!In the words of my uncle, if it is just ordinary meat and eggs, she can eat it as you like, but this is ginseng, the son should nourish his body, and the daughter-in-law should also nourish it.

Min Ru's heart was full of emotion.

Because Su Donghai woke up, several rooms gathered at the same table to celebrate again.

Su Xin took the opportunity to bring up the matter of repairing the house.

The uncle and the uncle agreed without even thinking about it, and said, "Actually, we originally planned to build a new house for our two children. In the future, we will just live on the side of the old one. As for the money for the house repair, the children will also pay for it." Having said that, I will try my best to help some, borrow some, and earn money while repairing, it should work.”

Min Ru interrupted: "Now Brother Hai is healed, we plan to go out and work for another two years..."

Before she finished speaking, everyone at the table objected unanimously.

"How can this be possible?" The aunt immediately objected, "You two are both grown up, now it's hard..."

There was a trace of sadness on everyone's face when they mentioned this incident, and they immediately changed the conversation, "Aru, listen to the mother, so, you go to get the certificate today, and get things done this year. Especially women, it is very important to have children. It can't be too late, or the body will be overwhelmed."

Aru lowered his head and stretched out his voice: "Mom—"

Su Donghai quickly took over the words: "Mom, we just follow your arrangement."

Su Xin feels that the love marathon of these two people has finally seen the dawn of hope, so naturally it is best to strike while the iron is hot.

Father Xin opened his mouth and said, "Now Susu is working for the police. With some bonuses, she should be able to build a few bungalows. The reason why Susu can recover so quickly is all thanks to your help, so the money to build a house is just Let's put it on..."

Everyone discussed and finally decided.

First of all, the house must be in dire need of repairs.

Secondly, the Suxin family will take care of the money first, but all expenses must be recorded, and they will be settled later.

Let a few old people go to discuss first, Su Donghai stood up with support, and went to the side hillside with Su Xin.

Su Xin looked at the familiar place in front of her eyes, that is, Brother Donghai ran all over the mountains with a group of children, big and small, in the yard, hiding and hiding, fighting in secret, digging out bird nests in trees, and touching crabs in the river...

Su Donghai stared at Su Xin for a long time, and then said: "I never thought that there are so many children in our yard, and you are the one who can accomplish the most."

Su Xin understood what the other party meant, and immediately replied without hesitation: "Everyone has their own life, and the definition of life, happiness, and future pursuit is different, and there is no comparison at all."

Su Donghai thought for a while and nodded, "That's right."

"I know that you drove away the things on me. You saved this life, or the fate of our family. Don't worry, I will treat my third uncle and third aunt as my own parents in the future. You Don’t worry about fighting outside.”

Su Xin nodded emphatically, and said "hmm".

The concern that has been lingering in my heart finally has a trace of success.

In fact, Uncle Su’s generation had four households, but only the eldest and the third family had the closest relationship, probably because everyone’s values ​​were relatively similar, and they were not the kind of mean-spirited people who took advantage of others.

Su Xin paused and said, "Call me if you need anything." "Yeah."

Su Xin remembered the matter of "Ling Hao", so she asked Su Donghai: "Brother Donghai, do you know what is on your body... When did it start?"

At first, she thought that the "white hair" on Su Donghai's head was intentionally done by someone, but for a cultivator, such a spirit is rare, so how could he casually use such a precious thing to harm others?

Su Donghai frowned slightly, and recalled: " case, they judged it as a serial murder case, and Aru ran around looking for a lawyer for me to appeal, and found enough evidence to prove that the time for the other cases was completely right. No, so I was sentenced to manslaughter, because there were three people, the circumstances were serious, and the heaviest punishment was seven years.”

Su Donghai knows that the facts are a foregone conclusion, and instead of spending decades appealing for "fairness", it is better to perform well and strive for an early release. Min Ru is his greatest motivation and hope.

So he was very active, and he took the initiative to sign up wherever there was a need for work.

Once, more than [-] of them took a car to a far away place, saying that it was an ancient relic, because it was occupied by tomb robbers and wild animals and turned into a garbage cave, which needed to be cleaned out.

Su Donghai seemed to remember something terrible, even after so many years, there was still a trace of panic flashing deep in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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