her left eye is unusual

Chapter 144 "Heart of Stone"

Chapter 144 "Heart of Stone"

The indistinct ghost figure fluttered and stood close to the door, stretching out its long tongue and licking around the mouth, it even smelled the very pure virgin yin, which is simply a great tonic.

It looked at the front with scorching eyes, and even raised the magic subduing pestle in its hand, just waiting for the opponent to open the door and it would fall down——

I just didn't expect that this woman didn't open the door?
What a disappointment.

The ghost darted towards the bed and stirred the magic pestle in his hand.

Just when Su Xin turned around, a woman's voice suddenly sounded from the door behind her. It seemed to be moaning in pain and screaming in extreme depression.

The two elders were a little ashamed and angry when they heard this, and quickly explained to Su Xin, "I'm sorry, master, my daughter was not like this before, and I think she was harmed by those things..."

Since Su Xin has decided to check the situation temporarily before making a decision, the sudden sound did not attract her to turn around and open the door to enter. On the contrary, she did not understand that the two old people reacted so strangely after hearing this sound, as if It's like trying to cover up something.Xindao, there is nothing to cover up, isn't their original intention to ask me to solve the problem.

Su Xin replied solemnly: "Well, I think so."

Shi Feng couldn't stand it anymore, he covered his mouth with his hands and coughed lightly.This kind of voice is so familiar to a hot-blooded young man like him who used to rely on those "life education films" to relieve his excess energy. He can even restore the picture in his mind from every note. one frame.

Su Xin thought that Shi Feng was reminding himself not to be too reckless, and nodded to him seriously to show that he was saving money, then sat on a pile of waste cardboard next to him, and asked the two elders: "Well, since the accident, Xing'er Does it happen often?"

Poor two old people looked at each other, feeling ashamed and anxious in their hearts, but seeing Su Xin's serious appearance, they never thought of that at all.

So he didn't dare to hide from the "Master", and replied truthfully: "...Since Xing'er came back, she often locked herself in the room. At first, she would come out to eat, and then went in again after eating. Then, That's all."

"You mean Xing'er calls it that every day? Is it divided into time? How long will it last?" Su Xin asked again.

In this way, you can know when the ghost appears and disappears, and when it will make trouble, which is very important.

The two of them blushed when they heard Suxin's words, and wanted to refute Suxin's few words, but the other party was a "master" and looked very "serious" at the other party, so they could only convince themselves that they were looking for a doctor , not everything has to be shown to the other party...

You Anhua stammered: "... At first, it was mostly at night, and less during the day, but now it's more frequent."

Su Xin was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect this ghost to be so powerful that it could come out to harm people with such strong yang energy and various energy magnetic fields during the daytime?

It seems that mana is not easy, but luckily I didn't open the door rashly to face it just now, otherwise the result is still unknown.

Thinking of this, Su Xin said: "To be honest, your daughter is indeed stained with something, but this place is also the cause of that thing's stubbornness. If you don't leave here, even if you drive it away now, it will come back in the end of."

The two moved forward nervously, "Master, what you mean is... is this place unlucky?"

I don't know why, but when the last three words were uttered, as if to suit the occasion, there was a gust of wind in the room, everyone paused, and their hairs stood on end.

Su Xin nodded: "That's right."

Seeing that the two of them were already wavering, they added another fire: "If you are really doing it for your daughter's good, you'd better move out as soon as possible, otherwise I can't help it."

After speaking, stand up and leave.

The two elders became anxious immediately, and said, "Grand Master, you haven't seen Xing'er yet, why don't you go and see her before you go." It’s easy to say.” “Is there any other way, Master, please help me…” “We really have no other way, please think of a way to save my daughter, Master, for the sake of our pity.” “Master , we kneel down for you..."

Crying and crying, the two actually knelt down, kowtowed and crawled forward with their knees. There was a great momentum that I wouldn't get up if you didn't agree to me.

Su Xin had already made a decision just now, and no matter what the two of them said at this time, they would not shake their inner decision.

Su Xin didn't talk to the two old people. She understood their feelings, but she also had a steelyard in her heart.There has never been a reason or a matter of course in this world. They are not willing to give anything, they just say they are poor, so should others help them?Kneel down?Kneeling down, you can do whatever you want others to do?

Su Xin lifted his feet and left. Seeing that the "master" was so hard-hearted, the two old men became anxious and rushed to pester him.

Shi Feng followed Su Xin, blocking the movements of the two old men.

Su Xin had already walked to the door and paused, "You can come to me after you move out of this place." He added, "You can let us know when you move out."

The subtext in her heart at the moment is that this place is so dirty that there is not even a place to step down.

Thinking about it, the elderly themselves also bought insurance, so the demolition compensation they fought for was for their sons and daughters, but what is the use of fighting for so many benefits for children who can bear to let their parents live in this kind of place?

Besides, the entire building has been moved away, and only this family is left, which shows that everyone agrees with the issue of compensation.

So this is not the problem of the government and developers, but their own.

It's just that she, an outsider, can't say these things, and others said to her, "You are not the person involved, what right do you have to comment on others. It's not your compensation for demolition, of course you don't feel back pain when you stand and talk."

Although I am not qualified to comment on other people's choices, I have the right to choose whether I will accept the case or not.

Sending off Su Xin and the other two, You Anhua and the old couple sat in this room full of waste.

I have been a son and a daughter all my life, and I am still doing it now. I want to add more compensation to my son's family's household registration.The son also said that people in the current government are bullying and fearing the hard, and they are afraid of everything. If they don't pay the compensation as required, they will rely on it.

Then I gave an example of a nail household in a certain place. They just stayed there and refused to leave. After a few years, the compensation was increased by ten times, and the compensation was tens of millions...

They also feel that they are old, and they are afraid that they will be rejected by their children because they are useless. Since they can spend more money if they stay here for a few more days, they naturally listen to their sons and daughters-in-law.

But the problem now is that my daughter has become like this, so I can't do without moving.

So the two old people discussed it and called their son. After all, the daughter's current state is really unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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