Chapter 145

Jiang Xiaodong slept soundly, and complained about why his mother was calling in the middle of the night when he got connected.

You Anhua said hesitantly: "I asked the master to come and see it today, and said that the things on your sister are the problem of the house here, let us move..."

Jiang Xiaodong heard the implication of his parents' words, and immediately became anxious. He snatched the words and said, "Did they tell you to move? Mom, why are you so confused? Maybe it's all caused by those people? Are you talking about it?" It’s not that I don’t know, those people will do anything to drive you away.”

The daughter-in-law next to her was also woken up, and when she heard that the two old things were acting strange again, she frowned and said in a low voice: "They have a lot of things to do, isn't it just to let them stay there for a few more days? No. I think they just want to enjoy life, and they don’t see how hard it is for us to go to work and take care of our children. I don’t think your sister is a worry..."

As soon as Xu Ziqun blew the pillow, Jiang Xiaodong continued to talk to the phone: "Dad, Mom, those people just want you to move away, and they won't lose money once you leave. Mom, there are three of us here, that's more than 100 points." In case, Mom, you should think about it clearly."

You Anhua was very distressed, and wiped away his dirty tears with a crying voice, "But what about your sister's illness?" They once sent Jiang Xing'er to the hospital for a night, but Jiang Xing'er seemed to be ill. Like a demon, "that" regardless of the occasion, location and time, and there is nothing wrong with various instruments.They couldn't afford to lose this man, so they got it home and looked for folk remedies, Taoist priests and witches.

Xu Ziqun also heard the voice in the microphone, and said to Jiang Xiaodong: "Your parents only have your precious sister in their hearts now. I think the compensation for the house will also be distributed to your sister in the future. You must know that you are their son. In the future, I will rely on you to support them until the end of their lives..."

Hearing what his wife said, Jiang Xiaodong felt very upset, so he said impatiently on the phone, "Mom, I think Xing'er is fine, she's just pretending..."

Lao Jiangtou couldn't stand it anymore, grabbed the phone, and shouted into it: "You rebellious thing, you forgot that it was your sister who dropped out of school to work and married you? Now that you have children, why don't you marry me?" Your sister forgot. Well, you don't have to worry about our affairs in the future, and the house affairs have nothing to do with you. "

Jiang Xiaodong became anxious immediately, and quickly shouted: "Dad, don't be so excited, I didn't mean that..."

On the other side, Xu Ziqun whispered in Jiang Xiaodong's ear: "That sister of yours is not a worry-free one. You said that Huang Jun is not worthy of her just because of her appearance and family background? She even told others No progress... Now there is something wrong, it's all right now, she really does what she wants, don't want her... The house thing must be left to your parents, besides, just let your parents live there , didn’t let them sleep on the street, is that more than 100 million in vain? Girls are extroverted, your younger sister will marry sooner or later, if they divide the inheritance now, you, a son, can’t get anything ..."

Jiang Xiaodong was very annoyed by the voices on both sides. He felt that what his wife said was right, just letting his parents live there for a longer period of time would give him more than 100 million yuan, but his parents didn't even fight for them, which made him very upset. is disappointed.

But regarding his younger sister's marriage, he also felt that the one surnamed Huang was a slutty young man who often fooled around outside, so he was not a good man.If it wasn't for Ziqun's introduction, he would never have let his younger sister associate with that kind of person. Now it's all right, as soon as his younger sister had an accident, there was news of a breakup.

There was a quarrel on the phone, Xu Ziqun discussed with Jiang Xiaodong, they seemed to be determined to see the two old things this time, and they had to go and see them tomorrow, if they moved away quietly, all the money would be wasted .

So the two agreed to send the child to the kindergarten the next day and then go to the parents' house, no matter what they can't move now.

The young couple pinched their noses and put their toes on their toes all the way to the two elders' homes, "understanding and empathizing with reason" to the two elders.

In a word, "You are old now, and your daughter will definitely be unreliable if you marry off. You can only rely on your son in the future. So you have to think about your son."

Then, in order to show the virtuousness and harmony of his daughter-in-law, Xu Ziqun went to see his sister-in-law with a few apples.

Just as the old couple wanted to say something, Xu Ziqun gently pushed the door of Jiang Xing'er's room open.

Wei Wei was a little bit taken aback, because Jiang Xing'er used to lock the door behind her unless she wanted to eat.

The two elders looked at each other, thinking that it would be good to let them see Jiang Xing'er's situation, lest the son and daughter-in-law always say that they are pretending here.

Besides, as soon as Xu Ziqun pushed open the door, she felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face. She couldn't help shivering. She wanted to leave immediately, but when she walked to the door and left, it seemed like she was a sister-in-law. It was too hypocritical, so he walked to Jiang Xing'er's bedside with the fruit.

I saw Jiang Xing'er lying in the filth, and there was a foul smell coming from the wet and slippery bedding.

Xu Ziqun covered his nose and said polite words, "...Oh, my little sister wants to sleep a little longer. Well, my sister-in-law won't bother you..." He stepped back while talking.

Suddenly, a pale and pale hand protruded from the quilt and grabbed her wrist holding the apple.

Xu Ziqun yelled in shock, and when he recovered, he saw that it was Jiang Xing'er, "What are you doing? You scared me to death..."

Jiang Xiaodong asked outside: "Ziqun, what's wrong?"

Xu Ziqun answered at the top of his voice, "Uh, no, nothing."

Jiang Xing'er's hands were cold and skinny, and she looked up at Xu Ziqun closely, "Let, let me go out—"

When Xu Ziqun saw Jiang Xing'er's appearance, his eye sockets were sunken, and his cheeks were sunken, as if a layer of human skin had been wrapped around a skeleton.

A strange feeling suddenly rose in her heart, and along with this feeling, there was a little bit of schadenfreude.

She violently broke away from Jiang Xing'er's hand, and left as if fleeing.

As soon as she came out, Jiang Xiaodong immediately asked, "How is my sister?"

Xu Ziqun avoided Jiang Xiaodong's question with eyes dodged, he hesitated and went to pick up his bag, "No, it's nothing, it's pretty good..."

"You, Ziqun, how can you talk like that..." You Huaan looked at his wife incredulously, "Ziqun, you can't speak out of your conscience, Xing'er now..."

"Xing'er Xing'er, you all know your daughter, have you thought about your son?" Xu Ziqun roared angrily.

"We really can't do anything now. We have invited doctors and taken medicine, but nothing works. The masters we invited this time all said that they are very effective. When they came, they knew that the place where we lived had bad feng shui, so we had to move. Only by leaving can you save your sister..."

(End of this chapter)

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