her left eye is unusual

Chapter 146 God's Will

Chapter 146 God's Will

When Xu Ziqun heard that it was those "masters and immortals" who pretended to be gods and ghosts again, thinking about the infiltrating scene just now, he grabbed his bag angrily and walked towards the door, "What are you doing, your son is in the company now I’m still just a draftsman, four or five thousand a month, no contacts and no background, maybe I’ll be fired one day, your grandson’s kindergarten tuition fee is more than 1 a semester, and there’s no money for water and electricity. Seeing your grandson next year I just went to elementary school, and the tuition fee is tens of thousands a year, if you want to kill your son, you can just move."

After leaving these few words, Xu Ziqun walked away without looking back, carrying his bag.

Jiang Xiaodong called "Mom and Dad..." while calling "Ziqun, don't say a word", and then chased after him.

Sending away their son and daughter-in-law, the two elders looked at the empty home and could only sigh. Raising children to prevent the elderly did not expect this to be the case.

But so what, seeing them getting old day by day, becoming more and more useless...

As for the matter of inviting the "Master", they can only ask for it again, if it's really not possible, just like last time, if they stay there, they won't die.

Besides, since Xu Ziqun returned from his in-laws' house that day, he felt that something was wrong all over his body, it was indescribably hot, and his lower part was itchy.

I thought it was because of my period these days.

During the nap, she felt that someone was messing with her, and she was much more comfortable than a husband who was rude and rushed to solve the problem, and woke up to find that the bed was stained with menstrual blood.

Xu Ziqun thought it was just a very realistic dream, but the ecstasy made her finally realize the joy of being a woman, and she couldn't help but like sleeping, and even looked forward to sleeping very much.

At first, she wanted to sleep, because she only had such dreams when she fell asleep.

But later, she found that she often fell asleep involuntarily, even when cooking and eating, she would fall asleep for no reason.

Although she was a little annoyed, once she fell asleep, she would enter the state of wanting to be immortal. She didn't resist much, and then fell into it and couldn't extricate herself.

For several days in a row, Jiang Xiaodong noticed that something was wrong with his wife, and he always gave him that "wants" look in his eyes.

Although he is very tired drawing pictures every day in the company, he is still very happy to be a little more tired.

But when he saw his wife "hi" there, there was even the sound of murmuring water from below, and the water mixed with essence and blood flowed out of it, but at this time Ziqun's expression was extremely excited .

Although he felt very angry, he also felt that something was wrong, so he held back his anger and told Xu Ziqun.

Xu Ziqun suddenly felt ashamed of being "caught raped in bed", and immediately recovered, he thought it was just a dream, and it turned out that all that happened to him in real life!
Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Xu Ziqun felt inexplicably afraid, but now her body was a little out of her control.

Jiang Xiaodong took her for a checkup, and everything was normal.I went to see a psychiatrist again, and said that maybe I had such a dream because I wanted too much in my heart but couldn't get relief. I also said that my husband should work harder.

It's all bullshit, Xu Ziqun's situation has become worse. In just a few days, his body is out of shape, and if he keeps going, he may directly become a living skeleton.

There was no other way, Jiang Xiaodong called his parents.

Said: "She doesn't even go to work now, and she shuts herself in the room alone in broad daylight..." She actually did something shameful to her ancestors.

Of course he didn't say the latter sentence, but the two elders have already heard some smell, which is the same as the symptoms of his daughter Xing'er at the beginning.

Crying all the way, God is so unfair, what evil did the Jiang family do, why did all these bad things fall on them...

After calming down a little, he said to his son, "I'm afraid Ziqun has also provoked something unclean."

Jiang Xiaodong was a little anxious, so he didn't say that his sister's illness was "fake", and hurried to Lingling Detective Agency with his mother.

Let's say that that night, Suxin put on a show at You Anhua's house, and after returning home, he began to actively search for information, prepare his own methods, supplement ordinary defensive charms, and so on.

The reason why she asked them to move out of that place was that apart from the fact that it was too dirty, it was also because it was not sunny, and even in the daytime it felt dark.

If they are moving, then I can observe Jiang Xing'er's situation from the side, so that I can be sure.

Shi Feng said: "Aren't you planning to take that case?"

Su Xin replied: "That's a way to slow down the troops, but I really don't want to go to that kind of place again. It's best if they can move out."

After a few days, there was no news from the Jiang family. Seeing that Su Xin was still actively looking for information, Shi Feng analyzed the situation with her and said, "...Jiang Xiaodong is just a small draftsman with a salary of four to five thousand a month, but His son went to a private kindergarten of a famous aristocrat. His wife is very strong, which determines that they cannot just give up the more than 100 million demolition fee. Therefore, I don’t think they can just move out of that place.”

Su Xin nodded seriously, "You are right."

Holding a pile of documents in his hand: "I've already found out the documents about Jiang Xing'er and her boyfriend going on a trip, let's go and have a look together?"

Because from You Anhua's description, Jiang Xing'er became like this after returning from a trip.

So there are two factors, one is that there is something in the place they go, and the other is that there are tricks among the people who go with her.

Su Xin understood that Shi Feng's analysis was very reasonable, so why didn't she think of this level, but after all, she left the words there before, no matter whether they come to find her or not, she must make preparations.

And there is a voice deep in her heart, that is to find out what is the energy that is different from ordinary femininity.

She wanted to ask Xiao Tao, but she felt that she couldn't just ask others when she encountered difficulties or didn't understand anything. She was not her nanny, and even a nanny couldn't protect her for the rest of her life, so she still had to rely on herself to solve.

Seeing that she was still insisting, Shi Feng had no choice but said, "Okay, but if you don't accept the case in the end, all the expenses will be deducted from your salary."

Su Xin nodded and said, "Okay, thank you boss."

——Jiang Xing'er just graduated from junior high school and stopped studying because of family conditions, and then went to work, and then her brother-in-law introduced a boyfriend to her, and her family urged her to come back and get married as soon as possible.

So I came back for a blind date half a year ago.

The man was Huang Jun, the son of a coal mine owner. After a few dates, Huang Jun took Jiang Xing'er and a few friends to camp outside.

After returning, Huang Jun knew that Jiang Xing'er was wrong, so he broke off the relationship with his boyfriend immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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