Chapter 147 God

Su Xin went to investigate and found out that Jiang Xing'er was the only one who had something wrong with them, and everyone else was fine.

However, there was one more thing they knew during the interrogation, that is, Huang Jun and Jiang Xing'er had done "something" outside.

Su Xin knows that nowadays young people often let themselves go, and even many news reports have taken those "uncontrollable" photos in the park, so it is normal for some "events" to happen when traveling outside.

But the man said again: "I heard that that place is a mass grave, there are jars filled with dead people everywhere, and there are many pottery statues. I saw Huang Jun dragging his girlfriend into the woods, and it took a long time before he came out. After he came out, his girlfriend's skirt was still stained with blood. At that time, some of us laughed at her being so big that she was still a virgin, and also laughed at Huang Jun who really picked up a treasure..."

Su Xin and Shi Feng personally drove to the place they mentioned.

A piece of jagged woods, as soon as you enter it, the temperature drops a few degrees immediately.

There are mounds of earth that have been scraped away by wild dogs everywhere, revealing bone stubble, messy or broken clay pots scattered among the soil bags, besides these, Su Xin also saw traces of wax paper money in some places.

Su Xin saw that although there was a lot of yin here, there was no complete fooling around. Presumably it was just because of the gathering of dead qi that kept the yin lingering.

Suddenly, Su Xin saw a few dark pottery gadgets messily poking in the weeds and dirt.

There are still traces of burning incense candles and paper money in front of these pottery products...

Pottery statues, incense candles... Thoughts in Su Xin's mind turned, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed.

Shi Feng felt in a trance that there was a ray of light flashing on the pottery statue, and he subconsciously reached out to grab it.

"do not move."

Su Xin quickly grabbed his hand and explained: "I think I already know about it, let's go back and talk about it first."

Shi Feng also came back to his senses suddenly, and felt that his reaction just now was very strange.

It stands to reason that his cautious character is by no means the kind of frivolity that he would touch everything he saw, but just now, he wanted to reach out and touch it completely subconsciously.

After walking out of the woods, the two of them felt the warmth of the sun shining on their bodies.

Sitting back in the car, Shi Feng told what happened to him just now.

Su Xin said: "That small pottery product is indeed a bit weird. I also sensed a strange energy fluctuation on it just now, which is somewhat similar to what I sensed in Jiang's house before."

"The other people didn't get the trick because they didn't believe it and didn't touch it, and Jiang Xing'er might have done something that other people didn't do there. In addition, she was broken by Huang Jun and became bloody. That's why I provoked those things."

Su Xin can now fully conclude that the Yin Qi sensed in Jiang's house is the same as what he saw in the mass grave just now.

But this time because it was in broad daylight, she saw it more clearly.

Outside the yin and evil, there is a layer of lustrous white light, full of holiness and sacredness.

Su Xin dissected the meaning in the flash of inspiration—God.

As soon as this word popped up in my mind, everything I didn't understand before suddenly became clear.

Xiao Tao's voice finally came lazily: "Hey, I'm really stupid to think of this level now. But it's not bad, I didn't rush forward because of a momentary brain fever."

Su Xin replied: "Well, it does require a lot of study and practice."

Xiao Tao originally thought that it could arouse the other party's aggressiveness, but he actually took this sentence as a motto, so he also restrained the previous banter, and said solemnly: "Actually, the difference between gods and ghosts and goblins lies in the power of belief and will." , and the difference between true gods and evil gods lies in the nature of their energy. The so-called power of belief is people's belief and worship of them. Even ordinary ghosts, if they absorb the breath of burning incense paper money, will be understood as a kind of offering. They form a kind of thought power blessing outside the ghost energy."

"So this kind of pottery statues are the most evil, especially in the mass graves. The yin energy is attached to them and will not disperse. If someone goes to worship them, then evil gods will be born. Your current energy is not enough to break them up. This level of thought power."

Su Xin hurriedly asked: "Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple, destroy its real body."

"Real body? Are you talking about the small pottery?"

After returning, Su Xin began to make more talismans, and even drew quite a few on himself.

Because, if you can't hurt the ghost with the power of thought, then you have to bear the opponent's blow in order to find the opponent's real body and destroy it.

A week passed, and there was still no news from the Jiang family. Shi Feng sat on the chair and sighed: "It's been a waste of time these days..."

After finishing the trivial work in the office, Su Xin sat quietly in her seat and read a book, reading softly, as if she was reciting codes.

Shi Feng really wanted to talk about these things, and it was rare to use them once in his life.

At this time, Mo Li walked in with his trouser pockets in his pocket, swept Su Xin, landed on the bored Shi Feng, and said, "I have a big case here, are you interested?"

Shi Feng's eyes lit up, but thinking that this guy would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, he must be here for Susu, suppressed his inner urgency, and replied casually: "Big case? How big is it? Is it because you can't figure it out yourself?" Please, please? I can speak first..."

Mo Li smiled and said: "Yes, I know, my brother will settle the score. This time I'm just helping you guys get along. If you want to give me some agency fees, it's also okay."

"Tell me, what's the case?"

Mo Li took out a folder like a magic trick and threw it on Shi Feng's desk.

Shi Feng opened it and looked a little astonished. He looked up at Mo Li, who was still smiling flatly, as if the other party's reaction was exactly as he expected.

Mo Li explained: "Actually, I didn't want to take this case at first, but I seem to have heard that you have encountered a case recently, which seems to be related to this, so I temporarily accepted it."

Hearing what the other party said, Shi Feng became even more certain.

No wonder the name Huang Yu seemed familiar. Isn't he the father of Jiang Xing'er's boyfriend, the owner of a certain private mine?

The thing is like this, not long ago someone gave Huang Yu a god statue, saying that it would allow him to regain his glory in "that aspect".

For a man in his early years but with a lot of money, the greatest joy left in life is to enjoy the bed.It's a pity that time is not forgiving, even with all kinds of "strong" medicines, it can't last long. The most depressing thing is that even if some can last a little, they are completely tasteless to me.And afterwards, all kinds of exhaustion and overdraft.

So someone sent a statue of a god, saying that as long as three sticks of incense are worshipped every day, he will be able to make him mighty for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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