her left eye is unusual

Chapter 149 You Should Repent!

Chapter 149 You Should Repent!

"May I ask why you didn't take their case just now?"

"Is it because the money given is not enough?"

"Master Su Xin, how does it feel to let an old man kneel and kowtow in front of you?"

"I just heard you say that you have your principles. May I ask what your principles are? Is it money? Or do you like the feeling of being begged?"

… Countless questions are like a raging flood, overwhelming all of Su Xin's senses.

But compared to the humiliation, despair and helplessness when facing the microphone in front of her in the nightmare, she is now very calm.

He looked indifferently at these faces who were eager to dig out other people's scandals.

Not only Su Xin, Shi Feng and Mo Li were a little surprised by this sudden scene.

These people are simply crowd tactics, directly blocking Su Xin in the room, fortunately Shi Feng and Mo Li are in front of them as human shields, otherwise she will definitely be blocked by these reporters.

Su Xin immediately recognized a familiar face from the crowd - Qiao Yue.

I think she was the one who provoked it this time.

Last time on the concrete road outside Qingshui Villa, this Qiao Yue suddenly popped up for some reason, and the question was so sharp.

At that time, because she wanted to leave that place as soon as possible, she didn't know the details of the other party, and she didn't know what to say even if she wanted to hate the other party.

But after she came back from there, she deliberately checked her information, as well as the interviews she had done before.

Originally, I just wanted to know more information to be prepared, but I didn't expect that today she would send it to my door.

"Qiao Yue, a front-line reporter of S City New Daily, is 27 years old. She graduated from the XX Journalism Department four years ago. She used an article about her daughter not supporting her father and letting her sleep in the corridor overnight as a stepping stone. Since then, she has reported a lot about social issues. Messy news, such as child abuse cases, doctors beating patients, and teachers raping students. These news that easily arouse people's indignation make you a hot front-line reporter. I just want to ask reporter Qiao Yueda, what about the things you reported Have you actually investigated the authenticity of the case? Or did you write it casually for the sake of sensationalism? As the fairness and truth that you reporters talk about every day, have you ever thought that if these reports are inaccurate, what will happen to the public? How much harm and impact did the parties cause?"

Qiao Yue didn't expect the other party to grab her directly, so she shouted: "We are interviewing you now, why do you want this old man to kneel down for you? You are so indifferent, do you still have any respect for the elderly in your heart?" Young benevolence..."

"It seems that Ms. Qiao Yue can only report on the surface. You didn't seriously investigate the truth, and you don't even have the idea and courage to explore the truth. Then let me tell you, your reports that caused social turmoil The truth."

"Su Xin, don't talk about him left and right, you..."

Although the other reporters were invited by Qiao Yue, they were jealous of each other. Now that there was more breaking news, they naturally wanted to know more.What Suxin listed just now are all sensational news, if they are dug out again, the public will definitely like to read it.

So someone asked Su Xin to continue.

"The daughter didn't support her father. The truth is that the father abandoned his wife and son in the early years to have sex with others. The old man was cheated out of his money and came back to find his daughter. The daughter used her best ability to pay her living expenses every month... But after Qiao Yue's After the report, it seriously affected the daughter's work and life. There was also a teacher who raped the student. The fact is that everything was said by the girl casually but was written down by someone with a heart, and then exaggerated to the point of being out of control. Now, the police have investigated clearly , that is purely false, but now the teacher is not only fired and criticized by people, but the girl is living in the shadows. You just report, regardless of the authenticity of the case and the harm caused by the parties, you never think about it Have you ever confessed your ignorance?"

"You, you... spouting blood, everyone, don't listen to her nonsense"

Su Xin shouted: "Qiao Yue used the pretense of fairness and truth, but deviated from the truth. You owe the person an apology. You are not worthy of being a qualified reporter. So, what qualifications do you have to stand here and interview me now!"

Su Xin glanced at the others, "Also, all of you, this is a private place, so don't think that with a camera and a microphone with a logo on it, you can do whatever you want to explore other people's lives and privacy. It is best to learn to be a reporter first. Learn the most basic quality of being a person - respect. First ask others if they are willing to be interviewed. Now, I tell you clearly that you are not welcome here, and I will not accept any interviews from you, so it is best not to show my name In any of your reports, otherwise I will pursue your legal responsibility."

Su Xin's attitude was too tough, and what he said just now stunned everyone.

I didn't expect the other party to say everything so clearly, it was simply too scary.

Whoever didn't order shi, if the other party said it out like this, then this bowl of rice might be really unstable.

In addition, they also heard some rumors that this new detective agency still had contacts with the police and a certain big boss. At this moment, Mo Li and Shi Feng were standing next to her. Not easy to deal with.

So he pointed the finger at You Hua'an and Jiang Xiaodong who were on one side.

The two originally thought that if a reporter put pressure on this woman, the other party would definitely give in, but unexpectedly they dismissed it with a few words.

They are absolutely unwilling to allow these reporters to report, whether it is the nail household issue or "ghost possession", both are "scandalous".

They only subconsciously covered their faces with their arms, and shrank back, "No, no, don't interview us, we..."

The more they retreated, the more these reporters poked the microphone forward as if they had finally squeezed a soft persimmon.

"Just now I saw you kneeling on the ground begging them, what is the matter, you tell me, we can help you..."

"Yes, tell me quickly, we will help you to uphold justice..."

Mo Li's light voice came: "It seems that you still haven't learned to respect the word. They have made it very clear that they will not accept interviews. You have so much spare energy to help people, why don't you help those who really Make some reports on the incidents that need to be exposed.”

"Ours is interviewing them, not you, and please don't..."

"Get out of here—"

Shi Feng roared loudly.

The noise in the room suddenly quieted down, and then swished away.

When they got outside, You Anhua and the others were pestered again. They would not let these reporters expose their family ugliness, so they had to get in a taxi and escape.

(End of this chapter)

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