Chapter 150

The last time Qiao Yue thought she had dug up a big piece of news from Yi Xiaorou, but she was tricked.

The most depressing thing is that I got a boring nail from an unknown woman, so I planned to "dig deep" after I came back, and I didn't believe that woman didn't order any unclean places.

The antennae reported to her, and she immediately brought people over, and invited a group of colleagues along the way, intending to write bad words about that woman!
As good as God is, when they came, they saw an old woman kneel down to her, and she looked indifferent... Tsk tsk, this is simply a vicious woman who doesn't respect the old and love the young.Nowadays people like to see these plots the most, and there will be tens of thousands of reposts for just one post, and then there will be a lot of cursing posts below.

It's just that this good material was misled by that woman in the end, and it all fell on me.

Qiao Yue apologized to everyone, and at the same time said that the treat was a shock to everyone.In fact, I just want to keep my mouth shut so that they won't go through those old accounts.Thinking of myself as a dignified front-line journalist, why should I apologize?Once the apology is made, won't everyone doubt the authenticity of the news they wrote?

In that case, my entire career will be ruined!
Everyone politely said that it was all right, but they didn't want to stop slipping away for a moment. They planned to investigate those cases again, and then dug them up and wrote about them...

Seeing the appearance of these people, Qiao Yue didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds. She was just angry, but there was nothing she could do.

When she returned to the newspaper office, the editor-in-chief informed her to go to the financial office to settle the bill, and she didn't have to go to work tomorrow.

Qiao Yue suddenly froze.After struggling for so long, I managed to gain a firm foothold in the newspaper, and even wanted to replace Yi Xiaorou as the most popular reporter here, but unexpectedly...

She felt that the sky was about to fall, but it was useless to beg anyone at this time.

Who is it, who is behind her back?Is it that Su Xin, or Yi Xiaorou who has always been against her? !

…Jiang Xiaodong returned home from the detective agency, depressed and extremely wronged, feeling that his life was a failure and a useless one.

Anyone can step on it, and no one cares about his feelings.

At this time, when I heard my wife's ecstatic moans coming from the room again, I felt extremely irritable, and felt a fire burning in my heart.

He slammed the door open, really wanting to beat this woman up, but seeing that his wife's plump body now only had a handful of bones left, his heart felt like needle-pricking pain again and again.

He knew that it was just an evil thing, so he slackened his strength just now, slumped on the ground, buried his head between his legs, held his head in his hands, and began to cry bitterly.

Crying and crying, in a daze, he remembered what the man in the white shirt had said during the day, and suddenly had a feeling of "enlightenment".

——"We only see a man who allows his mother to kneel down, while he is lucky enough to hope for the kindness of others."

Indeed, at that time, he was actually lucky, thinking that others would help an elderly mother because of her eagerness to save her daughter.

They don't care about other people's feelings at all, and they completely ignore other people's requirements.

As for the house, although I really want to get more money, but compared to my sister and wife's life... If you don't even want to give up on this, just blindly beg for the kindness of others...

It's because I want too much.

People are most afraid of digging into a dead end, once they figure it out, the whole person will be in the right place.

When Jiang Xiaodong woke up, he hurriedly took a taxi to Lingling Detective Agency, only to find that it was already night and the detective agency had already closed.

After thinking about it, he immediately went to his parents' house, called the moving company, paid more money, and moved his parents and younger sister to his house overnight.

More than 90 square meters is indeed a bit crowded for this big family, but it can still be accommodated.

You Anhua didn't know why his son should change his mind all of a sudden, but considering the master's stubborn temper, if he didn't move, he might really not care about them.

It's just that I feel sorry for the waste they collected so much earlier, and the next day old man Jiang hurried back to ask the person who collected the waste to move it.Although it will be much cheaper in this way, it is all collected by them hard, and they can change as much as they can.

As soon as they went to work the next day, Su Xin and Shi Feng saw Jiang Xiaodong guarding the door, and when they saw them, they knelt down, "We were wrong before, we shouldn't threaten you with moral ethics. I have already asked my parents to move. Please help us again."

Jiang Xiaodong found that when he knelt down with an open and peaceful heart, it was not as humiliating as he imagined.

When begging for help, if you don't show a little sincerity, even if you are yourself, if the other party casually says "Please help me", I am afraid that you will not be willing to make a move.

Both Su Xin and Shi Feng were a little surprised, but seeing each other's appearance, they were inexplicably relieved.

Su Xin was about to promise. After all, he had done so much preparatory work before, so he was just waiting to start work.

But the words stopped and looked at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng said: "Okay, we've accepted this case, now, let's talk about the price first."

Sitting down in the office, Su Xin brought tea to the two of them.

Jiang Xiaodong was flattered and thanked him again and again, looking at Su Xin who was calmly mopping the table and watering the floor skillfully, the expression on his face changed a little, a little unbelievable, there are rumors outside that the miraculous master actually does some tea and water to wipe the table matter?

Shi Feng asked: "Now you are two cases, what is the reserve price you can bear?"

Jiang Xiaodong withdrew from his hazy thoughts and paused for a moment. If it was before, he would habitually talk about how difficult his life was, how difficult it was for him to have no money, and so on. He said, "You make a price, as long as I have it, I'm willing to bear it, as long as they are all... well."

A gleam of light flashed in Shi Feng's indifferent eyes, and he showed two fingers.

Jiang Xiaodong said: "20, okay, I have [-] here, I can get it all tomorrow!"

Shi Feng shook his head.

Jiang Xiaodong's voice was a little trembling, "Two... million?" He gritted his teeth, "That's fine, as long as the parents move out, the compensation will come down soon, and we still have a house... As long as we can save them, I... ..."

Su Xin was watering the plants, and also heard the conversation inside, inexplicably, she always liked to hear these.

I think his sister and wife would feel very happy if they heard him say such a thing.

Shi Feng said: "[-] yuan, half of the deposit will be paid first, and the rest will be paid after the completion of the project."

Jiang Xiaodong felt that he was struggling in the mud for a while and then flew up to the clouds.

Just now it was still tragic to risk everything, but the next moment suddenly felt the satisfaction and joy of gaining the whole world.

For this case, [-] yuan is only enough to spend on gas and tolls when investigating the case.

Shi Feng didn't bother to pay attention to Jiang Xiaodong's excited incoherent thank you, he stood up straight, carrying his bag, and shouted to Su Xin who was on the balcony: "It's time for work."

Su Xin quickly responded: "Okay boss."

When Su Xin saw Jiang Xing'er and Xu Ziqun with his own eyes, he realized the true meaning of Shi Feng's coughing in the demolition building.

Because of the full preparations made before, Su Xin did not have the anxiety of the first time.

Because the rooms are limited, and Jiang Xing'er and Xu Ziqun both have the same symptoms, they are temporarily in the same room.

That's fine, Su Xin didn't bother to put on a show and play another trick, so it happened to be solved together.

Su Xin said to everyone: "No one is allowed in until I open the door."

Everyone promised again and again, but also worried, saying things like "please help me, master".

Shi Feng nodded to her, Su Xin was very at ease, with him guarding outside, she felt much more at ease.

After all, according to the same experience, when those evil things go crazy and blow a gust of evil wind, disturbing the peace of the whole house, they will definitely make a lot of noise, even screaming or something.

If they rushed in at this time, it would be bad.

As soon as Su Xin opened the door, she suddenly felt a gust of yin rushing towards her face, and her whole body was as cold as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

It was as if an iceberg was pressing on her head, and the talisman drawn by Su Xin on her body was passively activated, forming layers of energy shields that firmly protected her.

Su Xin looked up, and there was a figure with six arms standing in front of him, more than two meters high, with a pair of horns on the top of his head.

One of them was holding a hammer that looked like a gourd, but there were round bumps on the handle, and it was hitting Su Xin's head hard.

It is obviously full of evil spirits, but there is a layer of lustrous white light wrapped on the surface of those evil spirits.

This is the power of faith in Xiao Taoshuo.

No wonder this thing can do whatever it wants during the day, it turns out that it has this amulet!
Su Xin's energy can't hurt the protective shield of this layer of thought power at all, and every time the opponent hits him, he feels like being hit by an ice cube, and his soul trembles for it.

Su Xin knew that this guy was going to break his mind power.

Su Xin completely instinctively flipped his hands and condensed two energy balls to hit the opponent, only to find that the energy ball passed through the opponent's body, and then disappeared without a sound.

Secretly, this mind shield is so powerful.

Su Xin quickly withdrew her hands and did not tangle with the other party.

Fortunately, although the opponent can hurt himself with Yin power, he can't stop his actions.

So Xie Xing seemed to be tall and terrifying, waving his big hands to scratch and slap her, but in fact, the other party was just a ghost, passing across his body, blowing gusts of sinister wind, the skin that was blown had a biting coldness.

Su Xin circulated the energy for a week to get rid of this feeling.

At the moment, she only thinks about how to find the real body of this evil host as soon as possible. Only by destroying its real body and breaking the outer layer of belief power can it be dealt with!

For these yin objects that must be attached to objects, they must not be too far away from their real bodies, otherwise they will lose that layer of thought power protection, which is no different from ordinary yin objects.It will be impacted by other energy magnetic fields.

So its real body must be in this room.

It's just that Jiang Xing'er and the others just moved here, so they didn't have time to tidy up everything, so it looked very messy.

Su Xin could only pour energy into his left eye, and look far away...Suddenly, a bright light flashed across.

The bright light came from the direction of the head of the bed, and Su Xin was overjoyed, she had a bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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