her left eye is unusual

Chapter 165 The Return

Chapter 165 The Return
This is the teleportation formation that Ye Tian spent a lot of money to build, the so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit.

The cold woman and the muscular man were in this secret room. As soon as they saw Ye Tian, ​​they immediately reported what they saw.

In a word, the feminine man is likely to be killed by a master who has been eyeing them for a long time, and the other party has not left any clues.

Ye Tian swore a poisonous oath on the spot that he would avenge his brother.

Han Yue and Du Gang were very moved to see the boss so angry.

Alas, Boss is such a person who values ​​love and righteousness, following him is like going through fire and water, it's worth it!

Unconsciously, the sky is already bright.

Ye Tian completely sealed off this area, and personally went to deal with the aftermath of his brother and search for clues.

Since the opponent had a battle here, there must be many clues left behind.

But after searching for a long time, there is nothing in the Jiugong Formation except traces of our own people and some residual chili powder.

Hanyue found two leaves that shouldn't be here, and immediately handed them over to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked over and over for a long time, there were faint traces of runes on it, a layer of energy attached to his hand passed over the leaf, the leaf dried up in an instant and then turned into fly ash and dissipated in the air.

Not even a trace of breath was left behind!
Who exactly?Why use this method against yourself?

While thinking about the problem, Ye Tian went through all the supernatural beings he knew in his mind.

While going to activate the big formation, although I felt that with that kind of skill, I might have slipped out long ago.But maybe in case it is greedy, you still want to covet your own warehouse or something.

At the beginning, this defensive array was only set up just in case, but I didn't expect that it would really be activated today.

Thinking of its huge energy consumption, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a pain in his flesh.

Su Xin disposed of the corpse, and didn't want to go to other places to check it, so she hurried back the same way.

In addition, there is not much time left when sensing the invisibility talisman, and there are some impressions of the path he has traveled, so the stealth speed is very fast.

Although she received another invisibility talisman later, it can save a little bit, and if they find out what's going on in the Nine Palaces Formation and seal off the whole base, it will be even more troublesome to get out by themselves.

Let’s say that when Su Xin got out of the hole in the protective fence when he came here, he suddenly felt a powerful energy wave sliding along the entire protective fence like lightning.

As if to prove how terrifying this large formation is, a little bird tried its best to fly into the sky, and a halo of light suddenly lit up in the originally empty sky.

But the little bird turned into a cloud of fly ash without even making a sound.

Su Xin secretly said that it was dangerous, if he was a little slower just now, he would be trapped by a new big formation.Still such a horrible setting!

Su Xin walked along the cement road to the winding mountain road, and walked a long way until the invisibility symbol disappeared automatically, and went around to the woods for a rest.

Ye Tian launched a large formation, mobilized all of them, and carried out a blanket search.

The name is: drill.

Nature is nothing.

After tossing for a long time, Ye Tian watched a top-quality spirit stone gradually turn into a cloud of dust, so he had no choice but to close the big formation.

But for this toss, he didn't dare to tell everyone the fact that one of his capable subordinates was inexplicably killed, otherwise the absolute prestige and invincibility he had established would be destroyed by himself.

This matter can only be investigated secretly.

For Su Xin, what she saw this night completely overturned her perception of the world.

After passing through the gate of hell, it was only at this time that she belatedly realized that she could kill people and steal souls without any pressure in her heart.

She didn't know when she became like this, or if she was always like this.

He took off the puppet's windbreaker and carried it in a bag.

After walking for nearly a day, it was completely out of the scope of the Panshan Highway.

Then Su Xin turned into the forest, burned the windbreaker and his blood-stained clothes on the spot, took out a set from the bag, put out the ashes, and continued on his way.

Su Xin found that there were suddenly more vehicles passing by on the originally empty road.

Although Su Xin was very tired from walking at this time, she didn't dare to stop the car at all. Who knows if she came out of the base.

After walking for a long time, Su Xin finally arrived at a market town in the suburbs at noon on the third day, and got on the bus back to the city.

Su Xin turned on her mobile phone and dialed Qu Fang's number.

When Qu Fang heard that it was the woman who almost made the whole police station go crazy, his tone was very bad, and he told her to go to the station immediately.

Su Xin raised her brows slightly, answered "Yes" calmly, and hung up the phone.

Even though she is now at the middle level of Yuan Neng, she has exhausted her physical energy these two days, so she appeared very embarrassed and haggard when she appeared in front of them.

Qu Fang wanted to reprimand him severely on the phone just now, but when he saw Su Xin this time, his heart tightened slightly.

Then he thought that because of her incident, he was questioned by the boss above, so he got angry and immediately asked Su Xin where he had been these two days?Why don't you say hello and leave?Why not report your whereabouts.

Su Xin took out the last piece of chocolate left in her bag and melted it in her mouth, took two cups of gurgling from the water dispenser with a paper cup, and poured it down. With the energy supplement, her thinking would not become dull.

After being relieved, Su Xin replied unhurriedly and unhurriedly: "At noon two days ago, I was also in this office. It was you, sir, who personally arranged the task for me: at ten o'clock in the evening, the Hong family ferry .”

"I arrived at the mission location on time, but I didn't wait or see our people. The mobile phone has no signal, can't make calls, can't report my situation, and can't consult the next action plan. So I will act on my own according to your instructions. 'It's cheap. You didn't give me any support or any help. Now that I brought back important information, you didn't ask why, but you just reprimanded and blamed me. This made me a little suspicious. The task you arranged for me earlier was entirely yours. To put it bluntly, not only treat my life as a child's play, but also treat this mission as a game for you."

His angry temples bulged, and he pointed at Su Xin and didn't say how much.

There was a knock at the door.

It was Duan Ju and Wei Yan who came in one by one. Wei Yan walked behind, closed the door and locked it.

Although Qu Fang is well-known in the provincial department, but here it is still the final decision.He hastily saluted, "Duanju—"

Su Xin also stood up quickly.

Duan Ju looked at Su Xin, from head to toe, she was extremely tired, but she still chose to come here at the first time, presumably there must be very important news.

And her attitude, that's what matters.

(End of this chapter)

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