her left eye is unusual

Chapter 166 The Bottom Line

Chapter 166 The Bottom Line
Duan Ju didn't mean to blame Qu Fang, after all, all his reputation and achievements were based on his own strength, and he was absolutely upright and just.

It's just that a person with too much reputation and aura of achievement seems too conceited.This is not a good thing.

Duan Ju signaled Su Xin to sit down, and said, "Tell me about the past two days."

Su Xin replied "Yes", without being pretentious.

He began to tell the truth about his departure from the police station and what happened in the base. Of course, all the things about her not changing her face and killing her soul inside were omitted.

Su Xin is very clear about the meaning of sitting here now, not to compete with such a person who is so arrogant that he can't listen to other people's words at all.

Thinking about it, what they want is not a person who always has to argue with others about what is right and what is wrong.

While talking, Su Xin took the pen and paper and began to draw the layout sketch inside.

While marking it, he explained to several people: "There is a formation here, so you can't find it from aerial photography or even satellite detection. There is also a formation here, even if you stand in front of it, you can't feel it... This is Among the places I checked, there are still some places I haven’t been to, such as the center and the side of the lake. But when I came back, I found that there was one more formation covering the entire base..."

They noticed that they had gone to Hongjiadutou countless times in various names before, and the layout map they got was exactly what Su Xin drew, except for the labels.

It was precisely because one of the undercover agents said that there was a bungalow at the foot of the mountain, and there was a lot of space underground, that he realized that the inside might not be as simple as imagined...

Finally, Su Xin pointed to the area of ​​the one-story house that she drew, and said: "I saw a very important piece of information brought out by the undercover agent in the data, that is, there is something strange in this row of one-story houses, so I deliberately went inside to check it out. .”

"You really went in?" Qu Fang looked at Su Xin with a look of "I see you make up".

Su Xin didn't pay attention to Qu Fang's questioning, but drew a sketch carefully while talking.

"Outside the bungalow is a Hundred Ghosts Formation, and there is a ghost locust tree guarding the gate. Inside the bungalow is the Nine Palaces Formation. Passing through the bungalow, there is a path leading to the mountainside..."

"I'm asking you, did you hear it?" Qu Fang, who was ignored by everyone, felt as if the halo on his body suddenly disappeared, and he became like air.It is like the feeling of weightlessness when a person falls from a high altitude.

"There is a very large research base inside, not only for drug research, but also for living experiments, almost emptying out the entire mountainside."

"Through the mountainside, on the other side is an area surrounded by several hills, at least a few hundred acres, where poppies are planted. And this planting area has also set up a very powerful formation, even the night is like day. Calculated, the growth cycle of the plants inside is two to three times faster than that outside. There are many people who have passed the laboratory and are tirelessly harvesting there..."

Su Xin said everything in a concise and concise manner, and everyone was shocked.

Qu Fang was completely ignored. He put his hands on the table, looked down at Su Xin, and looked at Su Xin with an unbelievable look like looking at a monster: "How do you know this? So many undercover agents were sent in before." , did not bring any news, why did you know so much when you went there?"

Su Xin ignored his words, she was on the verge of collapse in terms of energy and physical strength, and urgently needed a rest.

She really doesn't have that much energy and patience to convince such a person...

"So many people died inside, why did you come out intact?..."



Qu Fang questioned aggressively, his head was already in front of Su Xin.

Su Xin jumped up almost instinctively, grabbed the opponent's hair and slammed it on the table, and at the same time took the signature pen with his right hand and poked it hard on the opponent's neck.

It's a pity that it's a signature pen and not a sharp knife, and Su Xin's current physical strength is only enough to pick up a pen, which is really useless.

Just now, the action seemed a little fierce and fierce, and the skin on Qu Fang's neck was not even broken.

And that's what she wanted.

However, Qu Fang was still startled by the other party's sudden movement and couldn't help crying out, feeling ashamed immediately when he came back to his senses.

Su Xin let go of his hand, Qu Fang touched his neck subconsciously, and looked at Su Xin with a look full of horror and anger, or a little fear.I dare not imagine, if I replaced that pen with a sharp knife just now...

Su Xin saw that her ears had finally calmed down, and looked at Duan Ju with a calm expression.

Duan Ju looked into Su Xin's clear eyes, as if what happened just now was just an illusion, as if her fierce killing method was their illusion.

No, she was telling them her bottom line.

Duan Ju turned his head and said to Qu Fang: "Immediately modify the next action plan according to this picture..."

When Su Xin heard this, her heart skipped a beat. Are you still working on a plan of action?So why did that Qu Fang arrange tasks for himself two days ago?This guy who dares to love is just teasing himself.That's not right, it seems that other people didn't stop it, thinking about it... as expected.

Although Qu Fang still had some resistance in his heart, but when he thought of the woman's ruthlessness just now, that resistance was a little shaken, and he struggled: "But..."

Duan Ju said: "No, but, execute the order immediately!"


Then he told Wei Yan: "Send Su Xin back to rest, and talk about other things later."

Wei Yan took the lead.

Su Xin urgently needs to replenish energy now, a lot of energy.

Just ask Wei Yan to send himself to a cafeteria.

If it is Chinese food, how many dishes and bowls of rice you eat will be counted, or a buffet is better.

After eating and drinking enough, Suxin went to several pharmacies to buy a lot of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum and red sage, etc. She just received someone else's baby in the portable space. chicken.

I went back to the rental house and cleaned myself up and down, put the chicken and ginseng and salvia into the pressure cooker, and pressed the shortcut key.

Su Xin sat cross-legged on the bed in dry clothes and began to sort out the harvest of the past few days.

Other talismans and belongings are clear at a glance, and Su Xin is now holding a piece of silk in his hand.

It is only one foot long and wide, with a picture drawn on it.

She looked over and over for a long time but couldn't figure out the upside down. Little Tao couldn't stand it anymore, and explained: "This is the burning spirit formation set up by those people you met today, and it can instantly invalidate all the talismans acting on your body."

Burning Spirit Formation?It turns out that the bronze mirror on the chest of the trench coat man today is for this purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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