her left eye is unusual

Chapter 170 That's right, it was on purpose

Chapter 170 That's right, it was on purpose
Su Xin did not say this.

The dead are gone, and now that those ghosts have been destroyed, why worry about them.

Just patted the other person on the shoulder and comforted softly: "...everything will be fine."

Su Xin thought, maybe the little ghost on the woman's lap was raised by the old woman, and because of her words, she hated her, so it played tricks behind her back.

She cursed in her heart: old godmother.

It's just a well-intentioned reminder, but let the kid do harm to others? !It's hard to be a good person.

This is probably why all kinds of chaos in public places are intensifying, but those people are still reasonable. If you want to be serious, it is because you are "ignorant" and "don't respect or understand the elderly"

But now that I have put back the two imps who were almost wiped out, they must prefer their masters.

Because human imps are in extreme life and death situations, they will not hesitate to devour life from their masters—commonly known as backlash.

The subtext in Su Xin's heart at this moment is: Let's see how you die!
That's right, Su Xin didn't get rid of those two brats on purpose.

Su Xin thought extremely evil in her heart, but her face was still calm and quiet, like an excellent listener, listening to the woman's narration slowly.

It was both sad and moving to hear.

With the ghost power and resentment of those two little devils, her legs will be completely useless within a year at most.

It was because her husband helped her massage every day, rain or shine, and used his own yang energy to alleviate the invasion of yin qi, and it was only possible to survive until now.

The love between husband and wife who shared weal and woe made Su Xin think of her parents.

Su Xin said to the woman: "Your legs are probably eroded by the cold air. I have helped you get rid of the stasis. Go to the sun more in the future, and you should be able to recover soon."

If Su Xin said this at the beginning, the woman would only think it was the comfort of the other party, but now she believed it a little bit and nodded in agreement.

The woman was suddenly very emotional, and tears rolled down her eyes, "It's really so good that I can meet such a noble person as the girl."

Su Xin wanted to say that the way of heaven is always there, but she just smiled when it came to her lips.


Just as Su Xin was erasing those two evil little ghosts, at the entrance of the subway a few streets away, an old woman who was sitting on a skateboard pretending to be a disabled woman suddenly wailed: "Oh, my foot is about to break, I feet..."

Pedestrians looked sideways, including those who gave money just now, couldn't help but look.

Doesn't she have no legs?Why did you suddenly say that your leg was about to break?Could this be a liar?
A few young men and women walked out beside them, and while blocking other people's sight, they said, "You don't even have any legs, so how can your legs hurt?"

These people are all babysitters, and they just came forward to remind her not to show up.

However, the old woman ignored the reminders of these people, and automatically untied the cloth belt wrapped around her waist, took off the dirty trousers outside, exposed the legs folded on the skateboard, and began to hug the calves, grasping them with both hands. Picking again, still cursing viciously in his mouth.

The crowd was in an uproar. At first they felt that the old woman was so pitiful, but when the other party opened her mouth, she turned out to be so fierce and vicious, and she was pretending to be disabled to cheat money. Someone threatened to call the police.

A woman in the crowd suddenly rushed up and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm on the man, while yelling and cursing like a shrew, telling him to mind his own business, otherwise he would be overwhelmed and walk around.

When the woman made a fuss, those people pointed their spears at the passers-by again.

Only then did people realize that these people were all in the same group.

I know that these people are the most domineering now, even the police have nothing to do with them, they can't afford to provoke them, so they can only hide.The person who had been spat on all over the face called out his bad luck, seeing that the other party had a large number of people, he had no choice but to leave in desperation.Cursing in my heart: Retribution, sooner or later I will suffer retribution, others can't deal with it, even God will accept these bastards!

These nurses are none other than the old woman's son-in-law or acquaintances who have some relationship.

Seeing that the old woman could not continue to pretend, they had to take it away and go to the nearby public toilet for a while, changing her appearance, and they were all dressed in extraordinary clothes.Then drove her to the hospital in a luxury car for examination.

After a pass inspection: nothing wrong.

A few people were a little unhappy. They didn't mean to find fault. It was the peak of the flow of people just now. When those people saw the elderly begging, they would usually give them five or ten yuan, and they could earn thousands of dollars in two hours.

They took the old woman back to her home in a high-end community, and seeing that there was still half a day left, they might as well touch Cier.

This is a "family-style" professional Porcelain household, and it communicates with other groups of people. Generally, old women and a few women are allowed to touch Porcelain.Then they pretended to be passers-by, A, B, and C, and played side drums, ranging from one to two thousand to tens of thousands.If they see someone touching Porcelain on the road, they will "help" each other, for example, the two sides will grab each other to be a passer-by and beat the side drum to help out.

Of course, there will be stubble or ignorance, and they will pretend to be "good-hearted people" who fight against injustice, and repair these "perpetrators", and even scratch other people's cars and smash the windows.

If the other party called the police, they dispersed.

Don't forget to point and poke and tell the other party to "be careful" and "wait" and so on.

The police don't just look for a needle in a haystack to arrest someone just because a glass window is smashed, and so what?At most, it is nothing more than a few hundred compensation or an education meal.

Once they blackmailed another person, but unexpectedly a taxi came by and said that he had a driving recorder and recorded everything.

The man got out of trouble, but they hated the taxi driver.

This driver is none other than Master Chen.

However, in their industry, because the current entry cost and threshold are too low, many people are pouring in.As long as you are shameless enough.

So much so that people have become savvy, either driving the driving recorder, or calling the police directly, and it is difficult to encounter another person who is taken advantage of.It is also possible to pretend to be all kinds of disabled people to beg in subway stations with a lot of traffic...

Besides, when he was sent home, he already understood whether he was entangled by the little ghost, or the little ghost he once raised.

People who raise little ghosts are mostly extreme and narrow-minded. One day a few years ago, the old woman was taking medicine for her grandson in the hospital. Didn’t she just let her grandson shit on the ground? Others, including the cleaners, didn’t say anything. She, an outsider, came Talkative, so he took advantage of the other party's going down the stairs to make a fool of himself.

Unexpectedly, the woman got up and glared at her viciously, so the old woman asked the little ghost to stalk the woman to death!
The old woman never expected that a few years later, the kid she controlled would suddenly come back and entangle her.

She struggled hard, wanting the little ghost to harm others.

But the little devil hugged her leg mischievously, and grinned at her, showing his sharp black teeth, and if he didn't let go, he just wouldn't let go.

(End of this chapter)

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